Sarkar (2018)
Género : Acción, Drama
Tiempo de ejecución : 2H 44M
Director : A.R. Murugadoss
Escritor : A.R. Murugadoss
NRI corporate Sundar Ramasamy comes to India to vote, only to learn that his vote has already been cast. While he reclaims his right legally, it also sets in motion a chain of events that eventually lead to him entering the political fray, trying to change the system.
Allen Gamble y Terry Hoitz son un par de policías de Nueva York que viven a la sombra de los héroes del cuerpo, los superagentes Christopher Danson y P.K. Highsmith. Pero cuando las cosas se tuerzan en la gran manzana, esta peculiar pareja tendrá que levantar sus traseros del despacho de la comisaría y entrar en acción.
Cincuenta desconocidos se despiertan encarcelados juntos dentro de una cámara misteriosa formando un círculo. En tiempo real, deben identificar a sus captores y decidir cuál de ellos merece sobrevivir, en un juego macabro que nadie sabe cómo puede terminar.
Marla Grayson (Rosamund Pike) no tiene escrúpulos a la hora de beneficiarse de los demás. Después de haberse aprovechado de docenas de jubilados como tutora legal, ella y su compañera Fran (Eiza González) ven a Jennifer Peterson (Dianne Wiest) como la nueva víctima: una gallina de los huevos de oro a la que pueden desplumar fácilmente. Pero mientras intentan llevar a cabo su plan, Marla y Fran descubren que la señora Peterson no es lo que creían, y que sus actos han entorpecido la labor de un importante criminal (Peter Dinklage).
La productora de noticias de la CBS Mary Mapes y su socio, el presentador Dan Rather, descubren una historia que podría cambiar el curso de las elecciones. La emisión de un programa especial con la información desata una tormenta informativa que llevará a Mapes y Rather a pelear para demostrar la veracidad de su noticia y defender los valores de la verdad por encima de todo.
Sexto capítulo de la popular serie "Masters of Horror". Siempre a contracorriente, el creador de "Gremlins" (1984) aprovecha su participación en la serie para arremeter contra el infierno de la guerra y la política exterior norteamericana por medio de un relato protagonizado por un grupo de militares rebeldes que han muerto, pero que vuelven a la vida durante la celebración de las elecciones generales. (FILMAFFINITY)
Dramatización de todo lo acontecido en las oficinas de la famosa compañía de inversión durante el fin de semana previo a su quiebra, la cual sirvió como desencadenante de la crisis económica mundial de 2008.
Auro suffers from a progeria like syndrome. Mentally he is 13 but physically he looks 5 times older. In spite of his condition, Auro is a very happy boy. He lives with his mother Vidya, who is a gynaecologist. Amol is young, progressive politician. He is a man with a mission. Auro is Amol's son. Paa is a 'rare' story about a father-son, son-father relationship.
Documentary film investigating allegations of election fraud during the 2004 U.S. presidential election. Electronic voting machines count approximately 90% of America's votes in county, state and federal elections. The technology is also increasingly being used across the world, including in Canada, the United Kingdom, Europe and Latin America. The film uncovers incendiary evidence from the trash cans of Texas to the ballot boxes of Ohio, exposing secrecy, votes in the trash, hackable software and election officials rigging the presidential recount.Ultimately proving our votes can be stolen without a trace "Hacking Democracy" culminates in the famous 'Hursti Hack'; a duel between the Diebold voting machines and a computer hacker from Finland - with America's democracy at stake.
Estados Unidos, años 30. Durante la Gran Depresión, un vagabundo es reclutado por un partido político de su ciudad para colaborar en un fraude electoral.
NRI corporate Sundar Ramasamy comes to India to vote, only to learn that his vote has already been cast. While he reclaims his right legally, it also sets in motion a chain of events that eventually lead to him entering the political fray, trying to change the system.
Funny guy Christian Finnegan gabs in his disarmingly honest manner about everything from America's role in the world to his own sexual humiliations.
Before Ruth Vincent, daughter of a state governor, and state attorney general Robert Sheldon can announce their marriage, the governor is accused of bribe-taking. To avoid the appearance of a conflict of interest, they decide to keep their marriage secret. The political intrigue becomes more involved, and no one is quite what they seem. Soon Sheldon and Ruth must decide between saving the governor's career and an innocent person's life.
21 muertos en la explosión del accidente de la bahía de los reyes en Ny-Alesund en Spitsbergen en el 1962. El accidente condujo a la caída del gobierno del Partido Laborista noruego WW2. ¿Fue realmente un accidente? ¿estaba bajo control noruego?
It is a fiction movie about the background of one presidential election campaign. It is a real story, that never happened.
Thriller basado en el escándalo de las emisiones contaminantes de Volkswagen, conocido como "dieselgate", en 2015.
In 1923, Gregory Vance, a widower with two children, is a former scholar who has turned from book to bottle. He works, slightly, as a night-watchman, and his children, who know him for what he is and what he isn't, are his only admirers. Then, it is discovered that he is the only registered voter in a key precinct and the politicians, from both parties, arrive in droves bearing inducements. What he does about this situation, and the relatives who want to take his children away from him make up the story.
Tragicomic story about Communist activist who wants to bring the benefits of Communism to the inhabitants of a Serbian village after WW2.
Documental sobre el presunto fraude electoral y el fraude de papeletas durante las elecciones presidenciales de 2020 en EE.UU., que pudo haber cambiado el resultado legítimo.
In an extensive mini-documentary by Michelle Boley (@roguekite) and Taylor Gill (@taylorcgill) and produced by TYT and Rogue Kite Productions, the true story of what happened leading up to and after the 2016 California Democratic Primary is uncovered.
A retrospective on the great election battles of the past in the United States: the Kennedy-Nixon debate in 1960, the first ever to be televised; the Republican campaign of 1972, which proved to be the starting point for the Watergate scandal; and the electoral strategy of Barack Obama in 2008, the first election to fully exploit the potential of the Internet.
An army captain is on a mission to track down and destroy a terrorist gang and deactivate the sleeper cells under its command.
A few individuals in the medical profession are murdered or kidnapped, and the cop investigating the case suspects a doctor and arrests him. But is he the one who is behind these crimes? And why are they being committed?
Kathiresan aka Kaththi, a criminal, escapes from the Kolkata prison and comes to Chennai, where he comes across his doppelganger Jeevanandham, fighting for his life after being shot at by unknown men. Kathir decides to pass off as Jeeva and make away with a lump sum amount but once he realizes who Jeeva really is, Kathir turns a crusader.
Un guardián de un albergue se convierte en el objetivo de un temido político y su hijo gángster, pero no se dan cuenta de que son ellos los que deberían temerle.
A law student from a lower caste begins a friendship with his classmate, a girl who belongs to a higher caste, and the men in her family start giving him trouble over this.
A do-gooder don wants his footballer son to uplift the life of his people by becoming a champion, but fate draws the youngster into a life of violence. Will he be able to fulfill his father’s dream when an opportunity comes his way seven years later?
A group of counter-terrorism agents are brought in to track down a man who was once the head of their squad, and is believed to have gone rogue.
When an honest cop, Vijay Kumar's family is ruthlessly slaughtered by a politician and his aides, he decides to change his identity and commits his life to bring his daughter up in a serene atmosphere. But some freak events end up compromising his identity and what he does to save his daughter and avenge the death of his family unfurls as Theri.
Las circunstancias fuerzan a Arun (Radha Ravi), un aspirante a director de cine, a aceptar el trabajo como subinspector de policía que deja vacante su padre tras fallecer. Además de tener que adaptarse al tipo de vida de un agente de policía, Arun se enfrenta a un misterioso caso de jóvenes que están siendo asesinadas por doquier en su ciudad.
Chitti Babu begins to suspect his elder brother's life is in danger after they team up to lock horns with their village president and overthrow his unlawful 30 year old regime.
An alcoholic professor is sent to a juvenile school, where he clashes with a gangster, who uses the children of the school for criminal activities.
A village ruffian, who settles disputes in his native, takes on a big shot when he tries to sort out the rough patch in his marriage after several years.
Senapathy, a veteran freedom fighter, is angry. He is angry against the rampant corruption at every level of the bureaucracy. He will clean it up at any cost.
Cumpliendo con su amenaza, Grindelwald escapa de su custodia y ha comenzado a reunir seguidores, la mayoría de los cuales no sospechan sus verdaderas intenciones: alzar a los magos purasangre para reinar sobre todas las criaturas no mágicas. En un esfuerzo por frustrar los planes de Grindelwald, Albus Dumbledore (Jude Law) recluta a su antiguo estudiante Newt Scamander, quien accede a prestar su ayuda, sin conocer los peligros que aguardan. Las líneas quedan marcadas mientras el amor y la lealtad son puestos a prueba, incluso entre los amigos más cercanos y la familia, en un mundo mágico cada vez más dividido.
Helen tiene que liderar una campaña para que los superhéroes regresen, mientras Bob vive su vida 'normal' con Violet, Dash y el bebé Jack-Jack —cuyos superpoderes descubriremos—. Su misión se va a pique cuando aparece un nuevo villano con un brillante plan que lo amenaza todo. Pero los Parr no se amedrentarán y menos teniendo a Frozone de su parte.
Baby, un joven y talentoso conductor especializado en fugas, depende del ritmo de su banda sonora personal para ser el mejor en lo suyo. Cuando conoce a la chica de sus sueños, Baby ve una oportunidad de abandonar su vida criminal y realizar una huida limpia. Pero después de haber sido forzado a trabajar para un jefe del crimen, deberá dar la cara cuando un malogrado golpe amenaza su vida, su amor y su libertad.
Eddie Brock es un consolidado periodista y astuto reportero que está investigando una empresa llamada Fundación Vida. Esta fundación, dirigida por el eminente científico Carlton Drake, está ejecutando secretamente experimentos ilegales en seres humanos y realizando pruebas que involucran formas de vida extraterrestres y amorfas conocidas como simbiontes. Durante una visita furtiva a la central, el periodista quedará infectado por un simbionte. Comenzará entonces a experimentar cambios en su cuerpo que no entiende, y escuchará una voz interior, la del simbionte Venom, que le dirá lo que tiene que hacer. Cuando Brock adquiera los poderes del simbionte que le usa como huésped, Venom tomará posesión de su cuerpo, convirtiéndole en un despiadado y peligroso súpervillano.