
Long Live Freedom (1987)

Género : Drama, Comedia

Tiempo de ejecución : 1H 33M

Director : Rajko Ranfl


Old man Repovz recalls experiences of the WWII in an entertaining, comic way rather than tragic. A man breaks his arm to avoid being drafted; the other man shoots fire to scare enemy soldiers; love stories, as well as troubles with forced collectivization took place there. A partisan hero finds out that he lost her fiancee, but somewhat cheers up when his white horse comes back to him...


Boris Juh
Boris Juh
Zvone Hribar
Zvone Hribar
Maja Sever
Maja Sever
Pavle Ravnohrib
Pavle Ravnohrib
Brane Gruber
Brane Gruber
Parni Jan
Brane Ivanc
Brane Ivanc
Stari Parni
Dare Valič
Dare Valič
Anton Petje
Anton Petje
Zlatko Šugman
Zlatko Šugman
Danilo Benedičič
Danilo Benedičič
Judita Zidar
Judita Zidar
​Ljubiša Samardžić
​Ljubiša Samardžić
Andrej Kurent
Andrej Kurent
Boris Kralj
Boris Kralj
Demeter Bitenc
Demeter Bitenc


Miloš Mikeln
Miloš Mikeln
Rajko Ranfl
Rajko Ranfl
Rajko Ranfl
Rajko Ranfl

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