
Carmen (1995)

Género : Drama, Romance

Tiempo de ejecución : 1H 38M

Director : Metod Pevec


Goran is a literary student who writes erotic stories to support himself is introduced to Carmen, who was born in extramarital relationship of an opera singer. Goran tries to get rid her of drugs and prostitution. Deeply depressed Carmen blames his mother for her own misery, which gets even worse after her death. A sense of guilt because of her mother's death leads Carmen to insanity.


Nataša Barbara Gračner
Nataša Barbara Gračner
Sebastian Cavazza
Sebastian Cavazza
Alenka Vipotnik
Alenka Vipotnik
Ludvik Bagari
Ludvik Bagari
Pavle Ravnohrib
Pavle Ravnohrib
Lojze Rozman
Lojze Rozman
Dare's Father
Polona Juh
Polona Juh
Olga Kacijan
Olga Kacijan
Ljerka Belak
Ljerka Belak
Gregor Bakovič
Gregor Bakovič
Gojmir Lešnjak - Gojc
Gojmir Lešnjak - Gojc
Andrej Rozman
Andrej Rozman
Dušica Žegarac
Dušica Žegarac
Miloš Battelino
Miloš Battelino
Lenca Ferenčak
Lenca Ferenčak


Metod Pevec
Metod Pevec
Metod Pevec
Metod Pevec

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¿Qué es ópera, viejo?
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Labour Equals Freedom
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Visiones de Europa
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Dar Fur: War for Water
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Desperado Tonic
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I am Frank
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Half-sisters from a small coastal town who were never that close are forced by circumstance to share a flat in Ljubljana.
Good Day's Work
Armin has been unemployed for a long time, and in desperately need of a job. His wife Jasmina is pregnant, and his son Edin has behavioral problems at school.
An Ode to the Poet
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Tango Abrazos
Two couples in present day Ljubljana enroll in a dance school for tango, and in the process learn a great deal more – about life, about love, about themselves.
My Name Is Janez Janša
In 2007 three artists joined the conservative Slovenian Democratic Party (SDS) and officially changed their names to that of the leader of that party, the Prime Minister of Slovenia, Janez Janša. While they renamed themselves for personal reasons, the boundaries between their lives and their art began to merge in numerous and unforeseen ways.
Good Night, Missy
Hannah and Sam are young, have a house, a lovely daughter, Anja, and well paid work. However, their comfortable family routine is thrown into emotional turmoil. When Hannah realizes Sam has an affair with a young female colleague, she packs her suitcase and returns to her mother. She reunites with her ex-flame Leo, from her student years hoping it will help her to move on, but discovers that Leo is a philanderer. Hannah makes a hard choice.
Solemn Promise
At the beginning of the World War I, Filip, a Serbian school director in the Serbian province, has been asked to immediately go to Belgrade to get war schedule. His wife Lea, Slovene, with no one to leave because the two of them recently arrived in the small town and no one really knows them. Azem, an Albanian, school attendance, gives Filip a promise (Besa) to watch the Lea and that nothing will happen. Lea and Azem, are forced to live together in an abandoned school. Their relationship changes during the time.
16 year old girl go-kart driver Nika exceeds conflict with her mother to win the most important race of her life.