Sebastian Cavazza

Sebastian Cavazza

Nacimiento : 1973-03-19, Kranj, Slovenia, Yugoslavia


Sebastian Cavazza


Gaja's World 2
Peter Ravnikar
The 14-year-old girl Gaja, who lives in a separate family, confronts envious classmates, experiences identity theft on a social network, and learns what true friendship means. During holidays, her father takes Gaja and her teenage sister to a seaside camp, but the vacation has not yet begun.
28-year-old Aleksi is stuck living with her parents. Desperate to escape the safe but boring bourgeois life her family has intended for her, she shirks her duties and becomes entangled with various romantic interests.
What a Country!
A story about suicidal general, a minister in the Croatian government who voluntarily locks himself inside a prison cell, and 4 pensioners, who steal the coffin with the remains of the late Croatian president.
Basado en hechos reales en Eslovenia, en los principios de los años 90. Ana da a luz en el hospital local y todo va bien. Solo hay un pequeño problema con el papeleo: su archivo no está en la computadora. Una pérdida temporal de datos parece deberse a una falla del software, no hay nada de qué preocuparse. A los pocos días, Ana se enreda en una red de burocracia de proporciones kafkianas: no estar en la computadora significa no tener la seguridad social, un reclamo y lo más importante y trágico a la vez, "no tener un bebé". De repente Ana es extranjera, aunque ha vivido en Eslovenia toda su vida. Legalmente, ella no existe. Entonces, su hijo es huérfano. Y los huérfanos se ponen en adopción.
Gaja's World
Peter Ravnikar
The main character of the film is 11-year-old Gaja. She presents to us her unusual family and the world in which she lives. After Mother's departure to Africa on the mission of the Doctors without Borders, this world undergoes a significant change. Her father must learn how to take care of his daughters on his own. Gaja has a sister, Tea who because of her teenage naivety gets herself into a world of online threats and crime. But clever and crafty Gaja is capable to handle all the problems. Her best friend Matic, a computer genius is always under attack of his more powerful classmates, but Gaja is not afraid of anyone. She proves that the weaker can be the strongest if the brains and the heart are in the right place. Despite occasional violations of the rules Gaja's decisions match that cordial and sincere world that always touches us. Whatever happens, Gaja is not a passive observer - she always bravely takes matters into her own hands.
A.I. Rising
2148; el capitalismo, que ha exprimido todos los recursos terrestres, ha sido reemplazado por el socialismo “para equilibrar la situación en la que se encuentra la Humanidad”; grandes empresas colonizan otros planetas; y el astronauta yugoslavo Milutin es enviado a Alpha Centauri por la Ederlezi Corporation, de la “Reinstaurada URSS”, para “exportar su ideología”. Antes de la misión, un “ingeniero social” le informa de que no estará solo, le acompañará Nimani, una androide muy avanzada tecnológicamente que podrá actuar como compañera y asistente durante el viaje.
It is 2074. Utter pollution of the Earth. Lack of food. Collapse of governments and all systems. Control is assumed by the Bionet corporation, promising a brighter future based on their product, Biogreen. Countries become sectors under the administration of Bionet. Each inhabitant is implanted a chip revealing their personal information as well as financial situation. Control is executed by special sector offices operating under Bionet. The time has come for the final solution.
Awakenings is a story about growing up, despite the fact that the main characters are are entering their 40's. It is set in the bedrooms of the six protagonists, where they discuss their everyday dilemmas, secrets, fears and hopes. Their awakenings are not only physical but primarily emotional.
Men Don't Cry
The armed conflicts of the 1990s not only visibly destroyed the land of the former Yugoslavia, but also left the deepest wounds in the memory of each of its belligerent nations. There are as many different interpretations of that bleak past as there are countries affected. It is therefore hard to expect absolute harmony when, less than two decades since the war ended, a diverse group of veterans gathers at a remote mountain hotel for a therapy session over several days. On the contrary, such a dangerously volatile situation can suddenly ignite by just one thoughtless word, or a seemingly dirty look. That’s because the former soldiers, obstinately holding on to their fundamental masculinity and their prejudices, refusing to expose the inhumanity of the atrocities perpetrated. However, this quietness is just about to be broken and hidden emotions are to be faced.
Martin Krpan
Martin Krpan (voice)
A tale about a legendary warrior who saved his Empire.
Winnetou - The Last Fight
In Part Three, entitled "The Last Fight," gangster Santer Jr. attempts to seize an oil well on Indian territory. To prevent this, Winnetou and Old Shatterhand must reconcile the warring Indian tribes so that they can take up the fight against the henchmen of the criminal.
Winnetou - A New World
Esta película se sitúa en el lejano oeste, donde un grupo de hombres blancos, en compañía de algunos comanches ,entran en la granja de los Baxter con el plan de asesinar a toda la familia. A pesar de que los padres no consiguen sobrevivir, el hijo menor se esconde y consigue escapar de un final fatal. Ignorando la realidad de lo ocurrido, el plan es hacerle creer al ejército estadounidense que, los apaches, están violando la tregua pactada tras la que se espera firmar un acuerdo de paz. Años más tarde, Winnetou (Nik Xhelilaj) y Old Shatterhand (Wotan Wilke Möhring) están a punto de establecer la paz entre los colonos y los nativos, pero alguien está interesado en las tierras de los apaches y quiere mantener la guerra, por lo que los protagonistas tendrán que vérselas con ellos.
Robert Franko
16 year old girl go-kart driver Nika exceeds conflict with her mother to win the most important race of her life.
After a night of carousing, the amateur photo model Zina heads for a fashion shoot in the nature, accompanied by the ambitious Mia, apathetic Dragica and snobby photographer Blitcz. On the idyllic location, a supposedly ordinary fashion shoot soon turns into a fierce fight for survival.
Two One
The story follows the usual workday of taxi driver Aleš Križnik, who could be described as an educated, probably graduated economist, owner of a once successful company, which unfortunately failed. As a taxi driver, he meets all sorts of people, and one late evening he takes one last call ...
You Carry Me
Tres hijas, tres padres, tres generaciones, tres perspectivas sobre las relaciones que pueden variar enormemente. La película cuenta varias historias cuyo eje es la lucha por la supervivencia, el perdón y las nuevas oportunidades
Človek v odelu
Tragedy doesn’t come any more Dickensian in tone or Shakespearian in scope than this dark social drama of the disintegration of a little family of four. A series of small debts triggers the swift domino effect that unleashes chaos on a well-meaning working class dad who has the bad judgment to speak truth to power.
Feed Me with Your Words
In order to perfect his research, Robert travels to Italy, where he meets an unusual homeless man. Overwhelmed and confused by the unexpected encounter with that mysterious man, Robert begins to follow him and disappears without a trace...
Halima's Path
In order to recover the body of her son lost during the war in Bosnia, a grieving, but strong-willed Muslim woman, Halima, must track down her estranged niece, who we find carries a mysterious connection to him.
Lea and Darija
Stjepan Deutsch
It’s inspiring true story about two thirteen-year-old girls who were, on the eve of World War II, great dancing and acting stars in Zagreb. Selling out theatre venues, they were praised in the most superb headlines by the Croatian and European press. They were filmed by Parisian Pathe and Berlin’s UFA… During the Nazi persecution of Jews and the later German nationals’ flight from communists, a dramatic friendship was born through entertainment, dance, but also anxiety. This led towards an unexpected end.
En el camino
Luna y Amar son una joven pareja muy unida que intenta superar los obstáculos que surgen en su relación: el alcoholismo de él, la obsesión de ella por ser madre, las dificultades económicas y dos maneras distintas de entender la religión. Tras ser despedido del trabajo por su adicción a la bebida, Amar acepta un trabajo en una comunidad musulmana fundamentalista, bastante alejada de Sarajevo. Pasado cierto tiempo, Luna consigue ir a visitarlo y descubre, en medio de un paraje idílico, un mundo desconocido y lleno de rituales, donde hombres y mujeres viven completamente separados. Le ruega a Amar que vuelva a casa, pero él se opone porque en ese ambiente ha encontrado la paz y ha logrado superar su afición a la bebida.
Vampire from Gorjanci
An old legend of a vampire from Gorjanci forest, a dwelling place for creatures from folk legends and myths.
L... Like Love
About young people from ex-Yugoslavia, who live and work in Prague - "center of emigrant crosses". The story follows a young film director Gina, who is about to shoot her first feature film, but doesn't have the script or money. The only thing she is certain is that it has to be about love, true love. Before consciously finding the right story to tell, she begins to make a movie about her life and life of her closest friends. The involvement of a mafia spy, President Bush doll, Transvestite flat mate, an ex-boyfriend, a sclerotic grandmother and mafia boss, not only causes a lot of surprises, danger and broken hearts, but also emotional struggles and unexpected comical situations.
Short Circuits
At night a city bus driver finds an abandoned baby near a stop. A divorced man comes to pick up his excited son for the weekend. A pretty doctor befriends a quadriplegic. Out of this unfolds a delicate story of human relationships, in which tough feelings of sympathy and guilt the protagonists are confronted with different ways of looking at events.
I Want It All
Adam Rojc
The film tells the story of the emptiness of time and interpersonal relationships.
Short featured slovenian film, directed by Lea Menard in 2004.
Človek sa Mediterana
Adrian visits the seaside with his mother. Adrian becomes jealous when a man is interested in his mother.
Goran is a literary student who writes erotic stories to support himself is introduced to Carmen, who was born in extramarital relationship of an opera singer. Goran tries to get rid her of drugs and prostitution. Deeply depressed Carmen blames his mother for her own misery, which gets even worse after her death. A sense of guilt because of her mother's death leads Carmen to insanity.
The story is told through different points of view. A woman loves everything green, her husband loves his car, a magician knows the secrets of the stars, a professor knows everything about sound and a cyclist solves a difficult problem. A surreal travel through time and space.