
Native Son (2010)

isolated and disconnected . . .

Género : Drama, Terror

Tiempo de ejecución : 20M

Director : Scott Graham
Escritor : Scott Graham


John, lives in a remote area of Scotland. The primary industry is potato farming and John is a picker who lives for the harvests; it is all he has in his life. He yearns for a life that he does not know how to make for himself - a home and family. John exhibits all the signs of someone who has suffered unknown tragedies in his life, but those reasons are hidden from the viewer. While driving back to town on a dark and isolated road, John comes upon a car stopped up ahead. He immediately can see a hose attached to the exhaust pipe. He has come upon a suicide. Suddenly, headlights appear in the opposite direction and John's immediate reaction is to hide, though he has done nothing wrong. That choice leads John to take the body of the dead young woman to a shed in the woods.


Sean Harris
Sean Harris
Agnieszka Bresler
Agnieszka Bresler
Kate Dickie
Kate Dickie
Kirsty Strain
Kirsty Strain
Dead Girl
Barrie Hunter
Barrie Hunter
Older Policeman
Tony Bradford
Tony Bradford
Daniel Jackson
Daniel Jackson
Natalie Clarke
Natalie Clarke
John's Ex Girlfriend
Leo Horsefield
Leo Horsefield
Young Field Worker
Joe Toni
Joe Toni
The Fryer


Scott Graham
Scott Graham
Scott Graham
Scott Graham
Matthieu de Braconier
Matthieu de Braconier
Executive Producer
Mark Geddes
Mark Geddes
Rebecca Mark-Lawson
Rebecca Mark-Lawson
Executive Producer
Jo McClellan
Jo McClellan
Executive Producer
David Smith
David Smith
Yoliswa von Dallwitz
Yoliswa von Dallwitz
Director of Photography
Rachel Tunnard
Rachel Tunnard
Jamie Lapsley
Jamie Lapsley
Production Design
Lindsay Lees
Lindsay Lees
Art Direction
Rebecca Gore
Rebecca Gore
Costume Design

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