
Njan Marykutty (2018)

Género : Drama

Tiempo de ejecución : 2H 6M

Director : Ranjith Sankar


A transsexual man's attempt to realize his true orientation in a society that stigmatizes gender transformation. Will Marykutty come out victorious while shredding all the taboos associated with transsexuality?


Marykutty / RJ Angel /Mathukutty
Joju George
Joju George
Suraj Venjaramoodu
Suraj Venjaramoodu
Manoj Vaidyan
Aju Varghese
Aju Varghese
RJ Alwin Henry
Jewel Mary
Jewel Mary
Sidhartha Siva
Sidhartha Siva
Pradeep Kottayam
Pradeep Kottayam
"Brilliant" Mash
Jins Baskar
Jins Baskar
Shivaji Guruvayoor
Shivaji Guruvayoor
Merykutty's Father
Shobha Mohan
Shobha Mohan
Mary's Mother
Manikandan Pattambi
Manikandan Pattambi
Malavika Menon
Malavika Menon
Baiju V K
Baiju V K


Ranjith Sankar
Ranjith Sankar
Ranjith Sankar
Ranjith Sankar
Ranjith Sankar
Ranjith Sankar
Anand Madhusoodhanan
Anand Madhusoodhanan
Vishnu Narayan
Vishnu Narayan
Director of Photography

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