
Parched (2005)


Género : Drama

Tiempo de ejecución : 1H 30M

Director : Stanimir Trifonov


Two trains uncontrollably move towards each other within temporal boundaries of a human life. One of them is taking a genial young man to his unforeseen future; he would marry his beloved; have a son; become a brilliant doctor; do his duty and save the live of enemies of the communist regime; get a 20-years sentence for that. Prison would turn out to be an unbearable nightmare; his wife would eventually give in to the tortures of the authorities and seek divorce; this would mean no one to visit him in prison. 15 years without any news about his child, only a snapshot of his family on which the tree of them are smiling and happy.


Paraskeva Djukelova
Paraskeva Djukelova
Deyan Donkov
Deyan Donkov
Inspector Metodi Stoev
Stefan Valdobrev
Stefan Valdobrev
Iossif Surchadzhiev
Iossif Surchadzhiev
Nikolai Urumov
Nikolai Urumov
Nachalnikat na lagera
Tzvetana Maneva
Tzvetana Maneva
The Mother
Yordan Bikov
Yordan Bikov
Chovechniyat agent
Valeri Yordanov
Valeri Yordanov
Starshina v lagera
Mario Krastev
Mario Krastev
Vasil Banov
Vasil Banov
Svetozar Nedelchev
Svetozar Nedelchev
Katerina Goranova
Katerina Goranova


Stanimir Trifonov
Stanimir Trifonov
Yordan De Meo
Yordan De Meo
Dimitar Petkov
Dimitar Petkov
Bozhidar Petkov
Bozhidar Petkov
Stanimir Trifonov
Stanimir Trifonov
Georgi Todorov
Georgi Todorov
Production Designer
Boryana Semerdjieva
Boryana Semerdjieva
Costume Design
Emil Christov
Emil Christov
Director of Photography

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