Nikola is a middle-aged man struggling to make sense of his life in his native Bulgaria and to say goodbye to his loved ones before leaving for Germany in search of a better life. This is a story about the last days of the past and the hope of a new beginning.
A girl must be saved from comitting suicide through the power of love. And all that cannot happen without a series of comic situations.
En una reunión con su banquero, el dueño de un pequeño negocio, que se gana la vida conduciendo un taxi, descubre que tiene que pagar un soborno para obtener un préstamo. El comité que revisó su queja de extorsión ahora quiere cobrárselo. Fuera de sus casillas, dispara al banquero y se dispara a sí mismo. El incidente causa revuelo a nivel nacional, cuestionando el desencanto de la sociedad. Mientras tanto, seis taxistas y sus pasajeros se desplazan en la noche, cada uno de ellos con la esperanza de encontrar un futuro mejor.
The group of tourists go to the black see in Bulgaria. Really funny stuff happens all the time which is the ordinary state of the people's behavior in this local place. they get stranded in an Island near the see and start to get paranoid, also in the same time the mayor is drinking and is not sending a rescue party . they think that they will end up dead in the island, but what happens next? - Really funny things all the time.
Two trains uncontrollably move towards each other within temporal boundaries of a human life. One of them is taking a genial young man to his unforeseen future; he would marry his beloved; have a son; become a brilliant doctor; do his duty and save the live of enemies of the communist regime; get a 20-years sentence for that. Prison would turn out to be an unbearable nightmare; his wife would eventually give in to the tortures of the authorities and seek divorce; this would mean no one to visit him in prison. 15 years without any news about his child, only a snapshot of his family on which the tree of them are smiling and happy.
Stariyat Dzhako
High in the mountains of Macedonia a team of young film makers are making a documentary about Katerina Vandeva - a descendant of an ancient and very famous family. Several former state and party functionaries interfere in the filmmaking in the hopes of manipulating Katerina's confessions for their own purposes. Nikola, the director, and his friends have to make the choice - whether to compromise with their consciences and their art, (as normally happens here in the Balkans), or whether to preserve Katerina's message.
General Zakev
Jack es un agente secreto que acaba de iniciar unas vacaciones con su familia. Recibe un nuevo encargo: escoltar a una ladrona de un mortífero virus que venderá al gobierno americano. En el tren que los llevará fuera de Eslovaquia, unos mafiosos intentarán adueñarse del virus. La familia de Jack, ajena a su verdadera profesión, va también en el tren que acabará siendo un tren sin control infectado de un virus mortal. Los mandos militares deberán tomar una decisión antes de que el tren descarrile o llegue a una ciudad, infectando a toda la población. Jack deberá ocuparse de su familia, de intentar que el tren no descarrile, de evitar que los militares lo bombardeen y de recuperar el virus.
In the spring of 1945 the war is still going on, but in Bulgaria the communists have already seized the power. The new rulers do justice according to their personal interests. This is the beginning of the era of Communism in Bulgaria - spiritual poverty, expropriation, destroying of the intelligentsia. In this chaos the main character, an actress fallen on hard times, wants to preserve her social status with every available means. She claims to be a Communist activist and, in order to gain access to the theater even shows a photo with the Bulgarian communist revolutionary Georgi Dimitrov's dog However, in order to survive, she has to resort to betrayal.
A Bulgarian movie
In 19th century, a new judge and four of his friends come in Bulgarian town with the knowledge that a golden treasure, once belonging to a Turkish ruler, is buried in the vicinity. But other people are also in search of treasure.