
U.S.A.E.R. (2015)

Género : Documental

Tiempo de ejecución : 6M

Director : Blanca Osuna, Jane Arapawe


Documentary where we know the work done by specialized teachers with students face barriers of learning and participation, to present a condition of disability, abilities or difficulties in the development of academic education in 4 elementary schools in Tijuana Mexico.


Patricia Ramirez
Patricia Ramirez
Janette Ayala
Janette Ayala
Trabajadora Social
Mariana Leal
Mariana Leal


Blanca Osuna
Blanca Osuna
Jose Del Razo
Jose Del Razo
Alex Ramos
Alex Ramos
Jane Arapawe
Jane Arapawe
Blanca Osuna
Blanca Osuna
Jane Arapawe
Jane Arapawe
Jane Arapawe
Jane Arapawe
Blanca Osuna
Blanca Osuna
Jane Arapawe
Jane Arapawe

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