
Fury of the Jungle (1933)

THE TROPICS - where white men revert to savagery!

Género : Drama

Tiempo de ejecución : 1H 8M

Director : Roy William Neill


Joan Leesom is stranded in a remote South American jungle village. She is pursued by the rapacious Taggart Taggart, however, has been involved with the beautiful native girl Chita. Chita now feels nothing but hatred for Joan, creating a deadly triangle that leads to an explosive ending.


Donald Cook
Donald Cook
'Lucky' Allen
Peggy Shannon
Peggy Shannon
Joan Leesom
Alan Dinehart
Alan Dinehart
Harold Huber
Harold Huber
Gaston Labelle aka Frenchy
Dudley Digges
Dudley Digges
'Doc' Parrish
Toshia Mori
Toshia Mori
Clarence Muse
Clarence Muse
Frederick Vogeding
Frederick Vogeding
Captain Peterson
Charles Stevens
Charles Stevens
Eddy Chandler
Eddy Chandler
Molango Villager (uncredited)
Edward Peil Sr.
Edward Peil Sr.
Molango Villager (uncredited)
Hal Price
Hal Price
Molango Villager (uncredited)
Arthur Rankin
Arthur Rankin
Would-Be Assassin (uncredited)
Blackie Whiteford
Blackie Whiteford
Molango Villager (uncredited)


Roy William Neill
Roy William Neill
Ethel Hill
Ethel Hill
Horace McCoy
Horace McCoy
Dore Schary
Dore Schary
John Stumar
John Stumar
Director of Photography
Ray Curtiss
Ray Curtiss

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