Charles Stevens

Charles Stevens

Nacimiento : 1893-05-26, Solomonsville, Arizona, USA

Muerte : 1964-08-22


Charles Stevens


Oklahoma Territory
Tom Badger
Temple Houston (Sam Houston's son) who is the DA with a sense of Justice. He is located in Fort Smith, Ark and works with Judge Parker in 1872. His area includes the Oklahoma Territory which was the Indian territory at that time. Chief Buffalo Horn who is falsely accused of murder.
Fuego verde
Rian Mitchell (Stewart Granger) es un aventurero que ha decidido buscar esmeraldas en un país de Sudamérica, Colombia. En un monte cercano a un río encuentra una veta muy prometedora, por lo que organiza la extracción de las piedras preciosas. Al fondo del valle se encuentra la hacienda de Catherine (Grace Kelly), en la que se cultiva café. Mitchell y Catherine hacen buenas migas, pero cuando comienza a llover sin cesar y el río crece, la plantación de Catherine está en serio peligro. La única solución sería dinamitar el monte, para cambiar el curso de las aguas. Pero Mitchell no quiere perder sus minas de esmeraldas, ahora que está cerca de conseguir las piedras preciosas. (FILMAFFINITY)
Extraña aventura
Un comerciante y su esposa neoyorkina se dirigen en caravana a California. El hombre es asesinado durante el camino, y su mujer se descubre embarazada. Continúa adelante con la esperanza de encontrar un hombre y un hogar.
Una vida por otra
En el estado de Texas impera la ley del más fuerte, personificada por dos hombres violentos a los que une un fuerte vínculo: José Esqueda, el cabecilla de una banda de forajidos, y su lugarteniente Río (Robert Taylor). A esta tierra llega King Cameron con su mujer Cordelia (Ava Gardner) para dedicarse a la cría de ganado. (FILMAFFINITY)
Astucia de mujer
Mexican Father
Helen y Doug están de vacaciones en México con su hijo. Doug sufre un aparatoso accidente cuando una pierna se le queda atrapada bajo un pilón. Entonces ella tiene que recurrir a un prófugo para que le ayude a salvar a su marido de la subida de la marea.
The Lion and the Horse
Deputy Britt
After selling it to a cruel rodeo owner, a cowboy attempts to buy back the wild stallion he snared.
La senda de la muerte
John Vickers, un hombre pacífico, consigue dar con uno de los tres hombres que mataron a su amada durante un atraco a un banco. Antes de morir, el asesino le confiesa que sus cómplices se unieron al ejército, concretamente al 7º de caballería. Convertido en recluta, empieza a sospechar de uno de sus sargentos. Se debatirá, entonces, entre la obediencia al ejército y su venganza personal. (FILMAFFINITY)
California Passage
A series of reversals bring two desperate people together. When a saloon owner is framed by his partner for a stagecoach robbery, he fights to secure an acquittal.
The Showdown
Indian Joe
Shadrach Jones, ex-Texas State Policeman, has the ruthless determination to find and kill the man who shot his brother in the back and stole the money with which he was to buy a ranch for the two of them. At the saloon-hotel run by Adelaide, Shadrach is convinced that one of the cowhands on the Captain McKellar cattle drive to Montana is his man. He takes the job of trail-herd boss to find the killer. McKellar preaches to Jones that he should forget revenge and let the law of retribution take care of the killer. Shadrach's hard driving of the men and his hunt for the killer makes him bitterly hated, and his retribution quest ends in a manner he did not anticipated.
The Savage Horde
A charismatic gunfighter who is on the run takes refuge in a frontier cattle town and attempts to help a group of ranchers against a wealthy cattle baron.
Una atractiva y joven aventurera convence a un explorador para que la ayude a encontrar a su hermana, que ha desaparecido en territorio apache. A la expedición se une también el Capitán Lorrison que está enamorado de ella.
Roll, Thunder, Roll!
Felipe, El Conejo rider
Jim Bannon is back as enduring cowboy hero Red Ryder in Eagle-Lion's Roll, Thunder, Roll. As ever, Ryder's cohorts are Little Beaver and the Duchess, here played by "Little Brown Jug" (aka Don Kay Reynolds) and Marin Sais. This time, Ryder tries to prove that a series of cattle raids and ranch fires were not the handiwork of masked Mexican do-gooder El Conejo (I. Stanford Jolley).
The Feathered Serpent
Manuel (uncredited)
In order to learn the location of a fabled Aztec treasure, a professor kidnaps his colleague, the only man able to read the ancient Aztec script that is supposed to reveal the location of the treasure. Charlie Chan and his #1 and #2 sons journey to the jungles of Mexico to find the victim and bring the kidnapper and his gang to justice.
The Exile
In 17th-century England, Charles II, the rightful heir to the kingdom, is driven from his country by militants working for rogue leader Oliver Cromwell. Charles ends up in the Netherlands, where he falls for local beauty Katie and spends his days happily in the quiet countryside. Unfortunately, Cromwell's associate Col. Ingram and his men track Charles down, and the would-be monarch must resort to swashbuckling his way to freedom.
Strangler (uncredited)
Cine negro de bajo presupuesto y limitado metraje. Narra la historia de tres amigos pilotos que, sin miedo a la muerte, recorren Asia en sus aeroplanos. Cuando uno de ellos muere en Calcuta, sus amigos empiezan a investigar y se las tienen que ver con una peligrosa banda de ladrones de joyas.
Pasión de los fuertes
Indian Charlie (uncredited)
A Wyatt Earp (Henry Fonda), antiguo sheriff de Dodge City, le ofrecen el puesto de comisario de la ciudad de Tombstone, pero lo rechaza porque le interesa más el negocio ganadero al que se dedica con sus hermanos. Sin embargo, cuando uno de ellos muere asesinado, acepta el puesto vacante y nombra ayudantes a sus hermanos. Contará también con la amistad y la colaboración de un jugador y pistolero llamado Doc Holliday (Victor Mature).
Border Bandits
Johnny Mack Brown dons a marshal's badge in the Monogram western Border Bandits. Brown's sworn duty is to bring in a gang of crooks whose hideout is on the other side of the Mexican border. Aiding Brown in his task are faithful sidekicks Raymond Hatton and Riley Hill. For reasons unknown, Brown is allowed to sing on occasion, despite the indifference of millions. Border Bandits benefits from the assured direction of veteran horse-opera helmsman Lambert Hillyer. Read more at
San Antonio
Clay Hardin decide dejar su refugio en México y volver a San Antonio para investigar los frecuentes robos de ganado que se producen en Texas. El recién llegado sospecha que el jefe de la banda de ladrones es el dueño de un saloon, en el que trabaja una joven cantante de la que se enamora.
Man in Cantina (uncredited)
Un marino mercante que lleva una vida bastante despreocupada se enamora de una dulce y sumisa bibliotecaria, pero muy pronto se da cuenta de que no puede seguir con ella porque su vida es el mar.
South of the Rio Grande
The Kid (Duncan Renaldo) masquerades as a government inspector in this pleasant, and pleasantly tuneful, Cisco Kid series entry. Learning that his old friends have been killed and Manuel Gonzales (Tito Renaldo) wrongly accused of cattle rustling by corrupt district officer Miguel Sanchez (George J. Lewis), the Kid assumes the identity of the murdered government official.
La maldición de la momia
Un proyecto de riego en los pantanos de Louisiana desentierra a Kharis, la momia que fue enterrada en las arenas movedizas hace 25 años.
Marked Trails
Henchman Denver
This one finds Jack Slade and Mary Conway,alias Blanche, being recognized as known and wanted crooks by deputy marshal Harry Stevens and, when he orders them out of town, Slade kills him. His son, Bob Stevens and friend Parkford become U.S. Marshals and proceed to rid the town of the cut-throat gang that has been terrorizing the citizens. Bob goes undercover as an outlaw and works his way into the gang, while Hoot poses as a Dude who goes about making fiery speeches on behalf of law and order.
Overland Mail
Puma - Henchman
Two investigators for a stagecoach company are assigned to find out why the company's stages keep being ambushed. They discover that the culprits are white men disguised as Indians, and they set out to discover who is behind the plot.
Half Way to Shanghai
A murder occurs on a train bound for Shanghai during World War II.
Horizontes salvajes
Una mujer que ha permanecido en una isla desierta desde que sus padres fueran asesinados por una manada de furiosos elefantes, es rescatada y llevada de nuevo a San Francisco, donde tiene que reclamar su herencia.
Justicia corsa
Shepherd (Uncredited)
El conde Franchi tiene dos hijos gemelos. Cuando el barón Colonna decide exterminar a la familia Franchi, el doctor Paoli escapa con los dos bebés.
Roaring Frontiers
U.S. Marshal Wild Bill Hickok arrives in Goldfield to arrest Tex Martin, who has been accused of murdering the sheriff. "Hawk" Hammond, the man behind the sheriff's killing, sends his legions of henchmen to lynch Tex before the trail. Wild Bill and Tex escape to a stagecoach rest station run by Reba Bailey. There is a showdown battle at Hammond's saloon but not before Tex gets to sing two songs followed by a third one after the battle.
The Bad Man
Lopez is a bandit who has stolen the herd at Gil's ranch, so Hardy is about to foreclose. But Lucia has come back from New York and Gil is happy until he meets her husband, Morgan.
Behind the News
Carlos Marquez
As suggested by its title, Behind the News was a "stop the presses!" yarn set in a big-city newsroom. Lloyd Nolan is top-billed as a cynical reporter with a penchant for sticking his neck out too far. Frank Albertson costars as a cub reporter fresh out of journalism school, whose presence is resented by Nolan and his fellow workers. But it is Albertson who, after running afoul of the law, is instrumental in breaking up a ring of racketeers. Behind the News was remade by Republic as Headline Hunters (55).
El signo del Zorro
José (uncredited)
Cuando Don Diego Vega regresa a su hogar, descubre que su padre, el alcalde del pueblo de Los Angeles, ha sido destituido por el capitán Esteban Pasquale. Ocultando su identidad bajo una máscara, se convierte en el abanderado de la justicia social; e intentará que Don Luis Quintero abandone el puesto usurpado. Obra maestra que narra las aventuras de El Zorro, el famoso espadachín. Tyrone Power tenía el difícil reto de hacer olvidar a Fairbanks, pero la acertada decisión de acentuar el lado romántico del personaje -en contraposición a su faceta atlética- ayudó a conseguir una versión a la altura de sus predecesoras.
Indian Trapper
A courageous doctor braves a fierce blizzard in the Canadian wilderness to save a remote community from a deadly epidemic. He has come North to visit and ends up stealing a wife from her husband. When the epidemic hits, he and the wife begin their arduous journey.
Kit Carson
Lt. Ruiz
Kit Carson admite a regañadientes guiar a un grupo de colonos a través del territorio indio de California. Kit deberá enfrentarse por una parte al capitán Fremont, enamorado de la misma mujer que él, y a las emboscadas indias que harán peligrar las vidas del grupo.
Winners of the West
Beyond Hell's Gate Pass is territory controlled by a man who calls himself King Carter; he uses a variety of schemes to prevent the railroad from being built, for fear it will finish his control of (what he considers) his land.
Charlie Chan in Panama
Native Fisherman-Cameraman Spy
Charlie impersonates an employee of the U.S. government to foil an espionage plot which would destroy part of the Panama Canal, trapping a Navy fleet on its way to the Pacific after maneuvers in the Atlantic.
The Man Who Wouldn't Talk
A man involved in a crime (Nolan) kills his key witness by mistake and resigns himself to death. He changes his name so as not to harm his family. The law is not content with his explanation, however.
El esfuerzo del ejército para capturar al jefe de Apache, Gerónimo, que lidera una banda de guerreros en un alboroto de asaltos y asesinatos, se ve obstaculizado por una disputa entre dos oficiales, que son padre e hijo.
Desperate Trails
Henchman Ortega
A young boy helps a marshal in his battle against outlaws.
La jungla en armas
Captured Native Giving Guns' Location
Filipinas 1906. Trás la derrota de los españoles, el ejército norteamericano se ha asentado en Filipinas. El destacamento de la población de Mysang debe hacer frente a las huestes rebeldes del caudillo musulmán Alipang. Este envía "juramentados" para asesinar a los oficiales. El médico, teniente Canavan, se enfrentará a los "juramentados", a una epidemia de colera, a las insidias y traiciones de Datu, un jefecillo que finge ser aliado, y al ataque de los moros insurrectos.
Frontier Marshal
Indian Charlie
En la bulliciosa ciudad minera de Tombstone, Ben Carter, el dueño de un saloon, intenta deshacerse de un competidor que ha traído hermosas chicas de Chicago, contratando a un pistolero. En vista de que el sheriff se niega a enfrentarse con él, decide hacerlo Wyatt Earp, un antiguo explorador del Ejército, que acaba aceptando el puesto de sheriff y empieza a limpiar la ciudad de maleantes. Mientras tanto, mantiene una peculiar relación de amistad/rivalidad con Doc Holliday, un jugador tísico.
El camino de Oregón
Jeff Scott es enviado a investigar los problemas con los vagones que intentan hacer el viaje a Oregón. Sam Morgan ha enviado a sus secuaces, bajo el mando del secuaz principal Bull Bragg, a detener las caravanas para mantener el control del comercio de pieles en la zona.
Unión Pacífico
Indian Shooting Mollie (uncredited)
En 1862, durante la Guerra de Secesión, dos empresas rivales comienzan a construir la primera línea de ferrocarril transcontinental que enlace el Atlántico con el Pacífico. Al tiempo narra los amores entre la hija de uno de los ingenieros, Mollie Monahan (Barbara Stanwyck), el agente del gobierno encargado de la seguridad Jeff Butler (Joel McCrea) y el principal saboteador Dick Allen (Robert Preston).
Flirting with Fate
Garcia's Chauffeur
A troupe of traveling entertainers become stranded in Paraguay.
Red Barry
Capt. Moy
A police detective is caught up in a plot to steal two million dollars in bonds.
El renegado
El capitán Jack Steele es un ranger de Texas destinado a investigar el caso de la hermosa Judith Alvarez, acusada de asesinato. El asunto parece sencillo, pero no tarda mucho en descubrir que no todo es lo que parece. La corrupción y los intereses del gobierno por conseguir tierras y ganado llevan al ranger a creer en la inocencia de Judith, colocándolo a él también en el punto de mira de los verdaderos asesinos.
Flaming Frontiers
Henchman Breed
Tom Grant has found a rich gold vein and Bart Eaton is after it. Tom's sister Mary heads for the gold fields and Eaton and his men follow. Eaton teams up with Ace Daggett who plans to doublecross him and get the gold for himself. They frame Tom for murder and then try to get him to sign over his claim. The famous scout Tex Houston is on hand, escaping the attempts on his life, saving Mary from various perils, and trying to bring in the real killer and clear Tom.
Fiesta en el trópico
Peón (uncredited)
Un guionista de Hollywood busca inspiración para su próxima película en México, donde se topa con una bella muchacha local que le echa los tejos.
Joaquin Murrieta
Murrieta Man on Trial (uncredited)
This MGM Historical Mystery short follows the life and exploits of killer outlaw Joaquin Murrieta, in California in the 1850s.
The Crime of Doctor Hallet
Doctor in jungle works on cure for fever.
Forbidden Valley
In this youth-oriented western, a young man's father is wrongfully accused of murder. Unfortunately, his pa can't prove it and so flees into the rugged mountains. He brings his boy with him. In those lonely hills lives a sad, but wealthy young woman. Love blossoms between the son and the girl as the son struggles to clear his father's name and bring the real villains to justice.
Ebb Tide
Uncle Ned
In 1890, two British expatriates, Robert Herrick and Huish, and German Captain Jakob Thorbecke, are commissioned to sail a Yankee schooner called The Golden State , whose captain and crew have died of smallpox. From Tehua in the South Seas to Australia, they are to deliver a cargo of champagne. Thorbecke decides to head for Peru, however, so he can sell the merchandise and pocket the money. While sailing, Faith Wishart, daughter of the deceased captain, comes out of her hiding place on board and, by briefly holding Thorbecke at gunpoint, demands he make the delivery.
Wild West Days
Buckskin Frank, Henchman
Retired lawman Kentucky Wade and his three buddies, Mike Morales, "Dude" Hanford and "Trigger" Benton come to Brimstone and help their friends Larry Munro and his sister, Lucy , in their fight to retain control of Larry's rich ore mine. "Doc" Hardy , as an old friend of Wade's, joins them in their efforts to keep Matt Keeler , the scheming owner of "The Brimstone News", from his efforts to wrest control of Munro's property and mine. Keller employs a legion of henchmen, and sidelines at running runs guns to Red Hatchet and his tribe so they can also get in on the fray against the Munro's and Kentucky and friends.
Fair Warning
In California's Death Valley a chemistry whiz-kid helps a sheriff track the man who murdered a wealthy mine owner who had been staying at a fancy winter resort.
The Bold Caballero
Captain Vargas
The Commandant is making life rough for the colonials in Spanish California. While trying to help, Zorro is charged with the murder of the new Governor, but in the end he triumphs over the evil Commandant.
Aces and Eights
Captain Felipe de Lopez
A card sharp steps in when a Mexican family's ranch is threatened by swindlers and cheats.
Robin Hood of El Dorado
Wedding Guest / Bandit
In the 1840's Mexico has ceded California to the United States, making life nearly impossible for the Mexican population due to the influx of land and gold-crazy Americans. Farmer Joaquin Murrieta revenges the death of his wife against the four Americans who killed her and is branded an outlaw. The reward for his capture is increased as he subsequently kills the men who brutally murder his brother. Joining with bandit Three Fingered Jack, Murrieta raises an army of disaffected Mexicans and goes on a rampage against the Americans, finally forcing his erstwhile friend, Bill Warren, to lead a posse against him.
Give Us This Night
After being introduced to the world of opera, a fisherman (Jan Kiepura) falls for a woman (Swarthout) whose guardian is a noted composer (Philip Merivale). They met when the fisherman evaded the police by seeking refuge in the village church. While there, they are each captivated by hearing the other singing Mass. The beautiful woman falls in love with the fisherman with the wonderful voice.
Here Comes Trouble
Malay Mike
Donovan unknowingly becomes tangled up with jewel thieves when Evelyn Howard gives him a cigarette lighter containing some hot rocks.
La llamada de la selva
Jack Thornton, un buscador de oro, compra un magnífico San Bernardo al que llama Buck. Los problemas surgen cuando Buck muerde a Smith, otro buscador de oro, que quiere matarlo para vengarse. Jack y Smith llegan a un acuerdo que consiste en hacer una carrera de trineos, cuyo vencedor se quedará con Buck.
Tres lanceros bengalíes
McGregor's Servant (uncredited)
Ambientada en la frontera del noroeste de la India en tiempos de la dominación británica, narra las luchas del 41º regimiento de Bengala contra las tribus de Mohammed Khan.
La Cucaracha
Pancho's Valet (uncredited)
Señor Martinez, a famous theater owner, visits a local café in Mexico because of its reputation for good food and to audition the famous dancer who performs there. Martinez tells the café owner that if the dancer is as good as he has heard, he will offer the dancer a contract to perform in his theater. The café's female singer hears about this and is determined that he won't leave the café without her.
Call of the Coyote: A Legend of the Golden West
A cowboy protects a girl from those who murdered her father for his gold mine.
Perils of Pauline
A famous scientist and his beautiful daughter travel to Indochina to find an ivory disc that has the formula for a deadly gas engraved on it. An evil doctor and his gang are also looking for it.
Fury of the Jungle
Joan Leesom is stranded in a remote South American jungle village. She is pursued by the rapacious Taggart Taggart, however, has been involved with the beautiful native girl Chita. Chita now feels nothing but hatred for Joan, creating a deadly triangle that leads to an explosive ending.
Police Call
Gang Leader
A professional fighter decides to quit the sport and go to college, but he finds out that his sister has gotten mixed up with gangsters.
The Woman I Stole
A man (Jack Holt) wins his best friend's wife (Fay Wray) and seems to be plotting to ruin the man's oil business.
The California Trail
Santa Fe Stuart, leading a relief train bringing food to the peasants, gets caught up in the Commandante and his brother the Mayor's effort to starve out the peasants. Thrown in jail and about to be hung, he escapes and joins the peasants in their fight against the brothers and their troops...
Drum Taps
Indian Joe
Skinner and his gang are grabbing land from the ranchers. When they go after Kerry's ranch Ken stops them. Skinner frames Ken for rustling but the Sheriff is on Ken's side, and with the help of his brother Earl's Boy Scout troup they go after the gang.
The Stoker
A man whose wife has deserted him winds up saving a beautiful girl from the clutches of a murderous bandit on a Nicaraguan coffee plantation.
Mystery Ranch
Megalomaniacal rancher is a law unto himself, until a Ranger is called-upon to bring him to justice.
The Broken Wing
Chicken Thief
In a little Mexican village by the American border. However powerful big shot Captain Innocencio (a misnomer indeed!)is, he proves unable to charm Lolita, the shapely daughter of his neighbor, a big-time rancher. Lolita expects better than this awkward unprepossessing showoff! Besides the fortune-teller she consults tells her her true love will get into her life after a terrible storm. This very night a violent storm does break out and an American pilot, whose plane is caught in it, is forced to make an emergency landing next to where she lives. The gringo - by the name of Phil Marvin - is both dashing and good-looking. Good news for Lolita but bad news for Innocencio who is not ready to bow that easily...
South of the Rio Grande
Sergeant Carlos Olivarez (Buck Jones) becomes entangled in the machinations of an oil baron, havoc-wreaking bandits, and the femme fatale who ruined his brother.
The Cisco Kid
The Cisco Kid rides again! This time, he robs a bank to save pretty widow Sally Benton and her ranch. After developing a good relationship with Sally’s children, he risks life and limb in order to save her little one.
The Conquering Horde
Not long after the Civil War, Texas cattle ranchers realize they have a problem--the Union Pacific railroad is bypassing their state and make it near impossible to get their cattle to market. Many ranchers are being forced to sell their land, and crooked state treasure Marvin Fletcher buys up the land at pennies on the dollar. However, Laguna del Sol Ranch owner Taisie Lockhart and her ranch hands are holding out. Cowboy Dan McMasters returns to the ranch and tries to rekindle his romance with Taisie, but she rejects him because he fought for the North during the war. But what she doesn't know is that Dan is on an undercover mission from the President to investigate Fletcher, and in order to do that he has to pretend to be sympathetic to Fletcher and goes to work for him, angering Taisie even more. Complications ensue.
Tom Sawyer
Injun Joe
The classic Mark Twain tale of a young boy and his friends on the Mississippi River. Tom and his pals Huckleberry Finn and Joe Harper have numerous adventures, including running away to be pirates and, being believed drowned, attending their own funeral. The boys also witness a murder and Tom and his friend Becky Thatcher are pursued by the vengeful murderer.
La gran jornada
El joven explorador Breck Coleman conduce una caravana a lo largo del peligroso camino a Oregón mientras trata de conseguir el afecto de la hermosa pionera Ruth Cameron y planea su venganza contra los despiadados criminales que asesinaron a un amigo suyo.
The Mysterious Dr. Fu Manchu
A Chinese doctor vows revenge against the allied troops who killed his wife and child during the Boxer Rebellion.
Gesto de hidalgo
Indian Servant
El descubrimiento de oro en California en el año 1848 provoca un éxodo masivo a la zona, convirtiéndose en caldo de cultivo para bandidos.
La máscara de hierro
Planchet - D'Artagnan's Servant
Francia, siglo XVII. La Reina Ana de Austria espera el nacimiento del heredero de la corona, pero da a luz a gemelos, y uno de ellos es ocultado en España. La joven Constance, la amada de D'Artagnan, se entera por casualidad del secreto, y su vida corre peligro. Pasados los años, D'Artagnan y sus inseparables compañeros se unen para salvar al Rey y a su país de las intrigas del Cardenal Richelieu y el malvado Duque de Rochefort
Diamond Handcuffs
German actress Lena Malena starred in this lavishly budgeted and potentially intriguing melodrama about the influence of a valuable gem on its owners.
Stand and Deliver
Our heroine, Miss Velez (despite the fact that she seems to be just along for the ride) is much her usual over-eloquent self (how fortunate she has no sound track!), while Warner Oland makes such an impressive and villainously seedy bandit, he needs no sound track at all. We can just imagine his oily, purring accents all too well.
Now We're in the Air
Knife Thrower (uncredited)
Wally and Ray are cousins intent upon getting the fortune of their Scots grandad, an aviation nut. They become mixed-up with the U. S. flying corps and are wafted over the enemy lines in a runaway balloon. Through misunderstanding they are honored as heroes of the enemy forces, and sent back to the U.S. lines to spy. Here they are captured and almost shot, but everything ends happily. Only 20 minutes of this 6 reel comedy are extant.
Across the Pacific
Emilio Aguinaldo
Following the Spanish-American War, a soldier is given the assignment of finding the leader of a band of rebels in the Philippines. In order to do this, he must romance Roma, a cabaret spy working for the rebels. This does not please the daughter of his commanding officer, whom he is romancing.
Flor de capricho
Lawrence Jackfish
Joe vive en un enclave perdido entre montañas y piensa que ya es hora de buscar pareja. Se va a la ciudad y conoce a Alverna, una desinhibida manicurista, con quien se casa. Al mismo tiempo, Ralph, un abogado especializado en divorcios, agobiado por la presión de las mujeres que acuden a él en busca de ayuda, decide pasar una temporada de descanso en Mantrap, donde se encuentra con Joe y Alverna...
El pirata negro
Powder Man
Douglas Fairbanks interpreta a un noble que quiere vengar la muerte de su padre y para ello se embarca en un navío pirata disfrazado como uno de los corsarios. Película reconocida por sentar las bases de las películas de piratas. (FILMAFFINIT)
A Son of His Father
'Big Boy' Morgan and his friend, invalid Charlie Grey, must overcome the efforts of the villainous Holdbrook to foreclose on the Los Rosas ranch and make off with the beautiful Nora Shea.
Don Q, hijo del Zorro
Don César (Douglas Fairbanks), hijo de don Diego De la Vega, el Zorro, se ve envuelto en un caso de asesinato durante su visita a España, y aprovecha su habilidad con el látigo para convertirse en Don Q, ocultando su verdadera identidad. (FILMAFFINIT)
A black-and-white melodrama where France, South Africa and England featured prominently in the narrative about Julie Gmelyn, a bright-eyed, single-minded Red Cross nurse and Peter Graham a clergyman who gives up his chaplaincy and goes to war.
Empty Hands
Indian Guide
Claire Endicott throws a wild party and her father walks in to find her flirting with the very married Milt Bisnet. In an attempt to straighten her out, Endicott sends Claire to the Canadian northwoods, where his field engineer, Grimshaw, is working. While fishing, Claire is swept over the rapids and Grimshaw tries to rescue her. Both of them wind up in a remote gorge, and Grimshaw goes about building a hut as a shelter.
El ladrón de Bagdad
Persian Prince's Awaker (uncredited)
Abú, un ladronzuelo que actúa por las calles de Bagdad, es detenido y encarcelado. Comparte la celda con el príncipe Ahmad, legítimo heredero del trono de Bagdad, a quien el Gran Visir Jaffar ha encarcelado para arrebatarle el poder.
Where the North Begins
The Fox
Action adventure set in the wilds of Alaska
Captain Fly-by-Night
First one stranger, then another, arrive at the presidio, each with a government pass and each claiming to have been robbed by the notorious Captain Fly-by-Night and his highwaymen. The soldiers and Señorita Anita believe the first to be Fly-by-Night and the second to be Señor Rocha, Anita's fiancée and emissary of the governor. But the first stranger, to whom Anita is drawn, proves to be on a government mission and exposes the second stranger as Captain Fly-by-Night.
Moran of the Lady Letty
Wealthy young man Ramon Laredo is abducted and put into service aboard a ship commanded by a none-too-scrupulous smuggler. When the ship encounters the foundering "Lady Letty," some of the Letty's crew is brought aboard, including Letty 'Moran' Sternerson, feisty daughter of the Letty's captain. Moran and Ramon have little use for each other, but when trouble erupts and the smuggler Captain Kitchell turns his evil eye on Moran, it is Ramon who comes to her rescue.
Los tres mosqueteros
Francia, siglo XVII. D'Artagnan, Porthos, Arthos y Aramis, los mosqueteros más famosos, tienen que hacer frente a un complot político urdido por el cardenal Richelieu contra Luis XIII, cuya finalidad sería arrebatarle el poder al rey. Por otra parte, para salvar el honor de la Reina, D'Artagnan y sus amigos tendrán que eludir las trampas que les tiende Milady De Winter, la maquiavélica espía del Cardenal y enemiga mortal de los mosqueteros.
The Nut
Henchman (Uncredited)
Eccentric inventor Charlie Jackson tries to interest wealthy investors in his girlfriend's plan to help children from poor neighbourhoods.
The Mollycoddle
Yellow Horse
An American who has lived much of his life outside the country returns to Arizona for the first time in years and encounters villainy.
His Majesty, the American
A European prince is raised in America without knowing his true identity; he spends his time thrill-seeking, but his country needs him when a revolt threatens the crown.
Mr. Fix-It
Gangster (uncredited)
A young man impersonates his best friend, and in doing so upsets the decorum at a stuffy family gathering and falls in love. The arrival of a gang of hoodlums further disrupts the formalities, but our hero thwarts them and saves the day.
Six-Shooter Andy
Mexican John
Susan Allenby's father is killed during a robbery staged by Bannack's corrupt sheriff, Tom Slade, and his men, leaving the girl to care for her eight brothers and sisters. Andy Crawford and his father William take the orphans in, but after Andy's father is killed, the young prospector vows to avenge his death and clean up the town.
The Man from Painted Post
Tony Lopez
In order to find out who's behind a cattle rustling operation that's hurting ranchers, a detective for the Cattleman's Protective Association pretends to be a tenderfoot from back east who's just arrived in the area and doesn't know how to ride, rope or shoot.
Wild and Woolly
A rich Easterner who has always wanted to live in "the Wild West" plans to move to a Western town. Unknown to him, the town's "wild" days are long gone and it is an orderly and civilized place now. The townsmen, not wanting to lose a rich potential resident, contrive to make over the town to suit the young man's fantasy.
The Americano
Col. Gargaras
Doug is an American mining engineer. Pres. Valdez of Paragonia wants him to reopen the country's mines. Doug is not interested ... until he sees the President's beautiful daughter, Juana. Valdez returns to Paragonia, but is deposed by Generals Sanchez and Garcia and locked in San Mateo Prison. The Americano arrives...
The Matrimaniac
Lineman (uncredited)
A young couple attempts to elope, with the bride's irate father in hot pursuit. The train stops briefly and the young man dashes off to find a minister, but before he can get himself and the minister onto the train, it leaves, carrying his bride-to- be away. Now the young man, minister in tow, pursues his bride while her father and a horde of lawmen pursue them both.
American Aristocracy
Mexican (uncredited)
A young man fights to overcome a piratical arms smuggler and to win the heart of a rich man's daughter.
The Mystery of the Leaping Fish
Coke Ennyday, the scientific detective, divides his time into periods of "Sleep", "Eat", "Dope" and "Drinks". In fact, he overcomes every situation with drugs: consuming cocaine to increase his energy or injecting it in his opponents to incapacitate them. To help the police, he tracks down a contraband of opium (which he eagerly tastes) transported within "leaping fishes", saving a "fish-blower" girl from blackmail along the way.
El ladrón generoso
Un fuera de la ley hace un alto en su camino delictivo para ayudar a unos niños en dificultad.
Double Trouble
Double Trouble is a 1915 American silent romantic comedy film written and directed by Christy Cabanne and stars Douglas Fairbanks in his third motion picture. The film is based on the novel of the same name by Herbert Quick. A print of the film is held by the Cohen Media Group.
Martyrs of the Alamo
Mexican Soldier
The story of the defense of the mission-turned-fortress by 185 Texans against an overwhelming Mexican army in 1836.
Looey Jim
Arizona range rider Lon Gilchrist helps stagecoach passengers fight off attacking Apaches. After rescuing a baby and binding her bleeding forehead with his handkerchief, Lon receives a reward that allows him to buy a ranch. Many years later, the rescued child, Lizzie Mayberry, is a waitress in a cheap restaurant, where she meets Lon, who, now wealthy, courts and marries her. Because he is so busy, Lon has his friend Del Beasley look after her. After a misunderstanding, Lizzie has Del take her to the railway station. Thinking that they left together, Lon pursues them.
El nacimiento de una nación
Clásico del cine mudo que narra los acontecimientos más importantes de la creación de los Estados Unidos de América: la guerra civil, el asesinato de Lincoln, etc. Ha sido tachada de racista por su glorificación del Ku Klux Klan, pero tiene el mérito de ser la primera película que cuenta una historia de modo coherente: hasta ese momento una película era un conjunto de escenas con muy poca relación entre sí. Obtuvo un enorme éxito en su tiempo.