We Who Remain (2017)
Género : Documental, Historia, Bélica
Tiempo de ejecución : 50M
Director : Trevor Snapp, Sam Wolson
Sudan, Southern Kordofan, the Nuba Mountains in Africa. Scenes from the forgotten war that the fighters of the Nuba people have held since 2011 against the government of President Omar al-Bashir and the Sudanese army, which crudely show the hard daily life of Hannan, a brave woman fighting for the survival of her family; Jordania, a promising student; Mosquito, a reckless journalist; and Al-Bagir, a rebel leader.
Sudán. Principios de los 80. Un equipo de agente especiales, liderado por Ari Levinson, estará al frente de una arriesgada misión en el país africano. Rescatar y trasladar a miles de refugiados judíos desde Sudán a Israel. Para no levantar sospechas, Kidron establecerá la base de la operación en un pequeño pueblo turístico de la costa. El enclave perfecto para la huida. Sin embargo, las autoridades de la zona no tardarán en sospechar del equipo formado por los cinco agentes americanos y la vuelta a casa será más ardua de lo que jamás llegaron a imaginar.
En “Infierno blanco”, el personaje interpretado por Liam Neeson es el líder de un indisciplinado grupo de trabajadores de una refinería cuyo avión se estrella en las remotas montañas de Alaska. Los supervivientes, expuestos a heridas mortales y un tiempo inclemente, disponen de pocos días para escapar de los gélidos elementos. Y por si el terrible frío fuera poco enemigo, una manada de lobos salvajes, amenazantes y sanguinarios, persiguen incansablemente a sus presas humanas. A medida que las indefensas víctimas caen una a una, las posibilidades de supervivencia del último de estos hombres son cada vez más remotas.
A finales del siglo XIX, en Sudán, región bajo dominio anglo-egipcio, se pone en marcha un movimiento independentista acaudillado por "El Esperado", un visionario que proclama la Guerra Santa contra los infieles. Inglaterra envía entonces al mítico general Gordon para intentar restablecer la paz y el orden.
En 1931, en el territorio del Yukón (Canadá), Albert Johnson, un trampero que vive en las montañas, es acusado injustamente de asesinato. A partir de ese momento, será el objetivo de una brutal y sanguinaria cacería por parte de un destacamento de la Policía Montada del Canadá, comandado por el sargento Edgar Millen.
Eric Desmond, un comprometido ecologista, se ve accidentalmente envuelto en el traslado de Ben Corbett, un despiadado asesino, desde un pueblo aislado de Alaska, a través de una larga ruta, hasta la civilización; pero el prisionero está decidido a escapar cueste lo que cueste.
En 1865, el Regimiento Royal North Harvey se dispone a partir para Egipto para sofocar la rebelión de los derviches. Al mismo tiempo, el oficial Harry Faversham ha decidido abandonar el ejército, decisión que no comparten ni sus familiares ni sus amigos. Nuevo remake de "Las cuatro plumas", dirigida también por Korda. En este caso incluso usó el mismo guión y parte del rodaje de la versión anterior.
A British soldier escapes from 1880s Khartoum and goes down the Nile river with a fellow soldier, a governess and the daughter of an emir.
How African artists have spread African culture all over the world, especially music, since the harsh years of decolonization, trying to offer a nicer portrait of this amazing continent, historically known for tragic subjects, such as slavery, famine, war and political chaos.
A group of exceptional young ladies in Khartoum are determined to play football professionally. They are prepared to defy the ban imposed by Sudan's Islamic Military government and they will not take no for an answer. Their battle to get officially recognized as Sudan's National Woman's team is fearless, courageous and often laughable. But their struggle is unwavering. Through the intimate portrait of these women over a number of years we follow their moments of hope and deception. Despite the National Football Federation getting FIFA funds earmarked for the women's teams, this team continues to be marginalized. However, there is a new spark of hope when the elections within the federation could mean real change of the entire system.
Gubara was proud of the first color film in African cinema, which attempts to give an African response to the city symphony genre by capturing disparate images of daily life in Khartoum and setting it to music, particularly romantic Arabic songs.
Although perhaps without foresight, Gubara seemingly set out to capture a historic picture of a city that today has completely vanished. He reveals to us the livelier place that Khartoum was before fateful circumstances turned it into a tough, surviving shell of its former self.
The elder filmmaker makes a strong statement against the practices of circumcision as they performed around Africa and particularly Sudan. The film is typical of the later Gubara films which are determined to take a stand against the tyrannies that are still keeping people down. Gubara has stated that circumcision is "Nothing more than a bad habit".
For his first feature film in many years, the legendary filmmaker from Sudan has chosen to adapt Victor Hugo's classic novel Les Miserables for an African audience in the Arab language. The esteemed actor Gamal Hassan assumes the character of Jean Valjean from who is a man driven to crime and nefarious activities after circumstances have driven him in this direction. However, with the help of others he manages an incredible transformation. Gubara clearly saw this narrative as a significant parable concerning the will to change perceived as crucial for the future of Sudan.