
We Who Remain (2017)

장르 : 다큐멘터리, 역사, 전쟁

상영시간 : 50분

연출 : Trevor Snapp, Sam Wolson


Sudan, Southern Kordofan, the Nuba Mountains in Africa. Scenes from the forgotten war that the fighters of the Nuba people have held since 2011 against the government of President Omar al-Bashir and the Sudanese army, which crudely show the hard daily life of Hannan, a brave woman fighting for the survival of her family; Jordania, a promising student; Mosquito, a reckless journalist; and Al-Bagir, a rebel leader.


Hannan Osman Kajo
Hannan Osman Kajo
Herself - Nuba Refugee Woman
Al-Bagir Ibrahim Hamdan
Al-Bagir Ibrahim Hamdan
Himself - SPLA-N Mobile Unit Commander
Musa 'Mosquito' John
Musa 'Mosquito' John
Himself - Radio Presenter and War Reporter
Jordania Jamal Abdel-Raheem
Jordania Jamal Abdel-Raheem
Herself - Nuba Student at Kurumba School


Trevor Snapp
Trevor Snapp
Trevor Snapp
Trevor Snapp
Trevor Snapp
Trevor Snapp
Maja Tennstedt
Maja Tennstedt
Hajooj Kuka
Hajooj Kuka
Luis Dechtiar
Luis Dechtiar
Lisabeth Gelber
Lisabeth Gelber
Haim Mazar
Haim Mazar
Original Music Composer
Ryan Boyette
Ryan Boyette
Director of Photography
Hajooj Kuka
Hajooj Kuka
Director of Photography
Joe van Eeckhout
Joe van Eeckhout
Director of Photography
Trevor Snapp
Trevor Snapp
Director of Photography
Roopa Gogineni
Roopa Gogineni
Director of Photography
Hajooj Kuka
Hajooj Kuka
Ryan Boyette
Ryan Boyette
Colby Gottert
Colby Gottert
Lance Dagenhardt
Lance Dagenhardt
Associate Producer
Sam Wolson
Sam Wolson
Nyasha Kadandara
Nyasha Kadandara
Sam Wolson
Sam Wolson
Nonny de la Peña
Nonny de la Peña
Executive Producer
Jenna Pirog
Jenna Pirog
Executive Producer
Cassandra Herrman
Cassandra Herrman
Sam Wolson
Sam Wolson
Sam Wolson
Sam Wolson
Greg Byers
Greg Byers
Kevin Tsukii
Kevin Tsukii
John General
John General
Assistant Editor
Tim Gedemer
Tim Gedemer
Sound Designer
Zach Mondesire
Zach Mondesire
Sam Wolson
Sam Wolson
Director of Photography
Eben McCue
Eben McCue
Graphic Designer
John General
John General
Graphic Designer
Kaitlyn Battistelli
Kaitlyn Battistelli
Color Grading

비슷한 영화

레드 씨 다이빙 리조트
한적한 해변에 리조트가 문을 연다. 그곳의 진짜 손님은 지옥에서 벗어나려는 에티오피아 난민들. 목숨을 건 비밀 요원들의 구출 작전이 시작된다. 실화에 기반한 이야기.
더 그레이
알래스카에서 석유 추출공과 작업자들을 외부의 위협과 야생 동물들로부터 보호하는 임무를 지닌 프로페셔널 가드 '오트웨이'.(리암 니슨) 그는 일행들과 함께 고향으로 가기 위해 비행기에 탑승한다. 하지만 비행기는 알래스카의 알 수 없는 설원 속으로 곤두박질 치고 살아남은 생존자들은 영하 30도에 육박하는 추위와 두려움 그리고 눈보라 속에 남겨지게 되는데...
하르툼 공방전
1821년 이집트는 수단을 침략. 영국의 힘을 빌어 통치하게 된다. 그러나 60년 후 영국인 장교 등이 지휘하는 1만이라고 하는 이집트 병사에 대해 사막의 사람을 모아 대항하는 남자가 있었다. 그들은 모하메드의 자손 마디라고 칭하고 광신적인 회교도 리더로 군림한 그는 수단의 도시 카슘을 포위하였다. 영국의 명예를 더럽혔다고 분노한 한편 수에즈운하마저 확보할 수 없으면 아프리카의 내란에는 관여할 수 없다고생각한 수상 그리도톤의 대응은 대영제국 지배하의 청나라나 아프리카제국에서 빛나는 전공을 지닌 영웅 고든장군을 비공식적으로 파견하고카슘에서 영국군과 이집트사람을 구출시키려고 한다. 고든은 카슘으로파견되고 마디 일당의 손에서 구해낼려고 애쓰나 운명은 고든에 대해 미소를 짓지 않는다.
죽음의 추적자
록키산의 사냥꾼 존슨(Albert Johnson: 찰스 브론슨 분)은 다 죽어가는 투견을 헐값에 사들인 것이 악연이 되어 투견패들과 총격전을 벌이다가 그 중 한 명을 살해한다. 제보를 받은 카나다 산악 경찰대 소속의 밀른 상사(Sgt. Edgar Millen: 리 마빈 분)는 존슨을 출두시켜 사건의 진위를 밝히려 한다. 그러나 약자에게는 더욱 냉혹한 사회의 생리를 이미 체험한 존슨은 자신이 살인 누명을 벗을 수 없음을 간파하고 탈출을 결심한다. 이로부터 영하 40도씨를 밑도는 험준한 록키 산맥을 가로지르는 장장 48일간의 대추격전이 시작된다. 존슨의 탈출 행각이 집요해질 수록 그의 목에는 거액의 현상금이 붙고, 부하까지 잃게 된 밀른은 추격의 고삐를 죄어 온다. 굶주림과 수면 부족의 기사 상태에서 알라스카 국경에 다다른 존슨. 그는 끈질긴 추적자 밀른을 경외스러움으로 돌아보고, 밀른은 사정거리 안에 들어온 존슨을 향해 총구를 겨눈다.
Arctic Blue
Eric Desmond, a committed environmentalist, is accidentally involved in the transfer of Ben Corbett, a ruthless killer, from an isolated Alaskan village, along a long route, to civilization; but the prisoner is determined to escape at any cost.
Storm Over the Nile
In 1885, while his regiment is sent to the Sudan to battle the rebellious Dervish tribes, British Lieutenant Harry Faversham resigns his officer's commission in order to remain with his fiancée Mary Burroughs in England. His friends and fellow officers John Durrance, Peter Burroughs and Tom Willoughby brand him a coward and present him with the white feathers of cowardice. His fiancée, Mary, adds a fourth feather and breaks off their engagement. However, former Lieutenant Faversham decides to regain his honor by fighting in the Sudan incognito. Re-used a great deal of stock footage from The Four Feathers (1939), including the entire final battle sequence.
East of Sudan
A British soldier escapes from 1880s Khartoum and goes down the Nile river with a fellow soldier, a governess and the daughter of an emir.
Africa Rising
How African artists have spread African culture all over the world, especially music, since the harsh years of decolonization, trying to offer a nicer portrait of this amazing continent, historically known for tragic subjects, such as slavery, famine, war and political chaos.
Khartoum Offside
A group of exceptional young ladies in Khartoum are determined to play football professionally. They are prepared to defy the ban imposed by Sudan's Islamic Military government and they will not take no for an answer. Their battle to get officially recognized as Sudan's National Woman's team is fearless, courageous and often laughable. But their struggle is unwavering. Through the intimate portrait of these women over a number of years we follow their moments of hope and deception. Despite the National Football Federation getting FIFA funds earmarked for the women's teams, this team continues to be marginalized. However, there is a new spark of hope when the elections within the federation could mean real change of the entire system.
Song of Khartoum
Gubara was proud of the first color film in African cinema, which attempts to give an African response to the city symphony genre by capturing disparate images of daily life in Khartoum and setting it to music, particularly romantic Arabic songs.
Khartoum 1960
Although perhaps without foresight, Gubara seemingly set out to capture a historic picture of a city that today has completely vanished. He reveals to us the livelier place that Khartoum was before fateful circumstances turned it into a tough, surviving shell of its former self.
The elder filmmaker makes a strong statement against the practices of circumcision as they performed around Africa and particularly Sudan. The film is typical of the later Gubara films which are determined to take a stand against the tyrannies that are still keeping people down. Gubara has stated that circumcision is "Nothing more than a bad habit".
Les misérables
For his first feature film in many years, the legendary filmmaker from Sudan has chosen to adapt Victor Hugo's classic novel Les Miserables for an African audience in the Arab language. The esteemed actor Gamal Hassan assumes the character of Jean Valjean from who is a man driven to crime and nefarious activities after circumstances have driven him in this direction. However, with the help of others he manages an incredible transformation. Gubara clearly saw this narrative as a significant parable concerning the will to change perceived as crucial for the future of Sudan.