A lonely woman pays a homeless stranger to take over the role of her ex as she struggles to let go.
The film shows the passing of a day in the life of a young woman. In the beginning, she is alone in her apartment. It seems that she is going through a separation from her beloved person (a female). She is trying to cope with this loss by reading (a book by Renée Vivien and a poem by Goethe), moving around things in the apartment, thinking about the lost person. As the day ends and night falls, a nightmare-like vision haunts her - and a new path of hope opens up. This is the primary story of the film, told in a particular way, by means of storyboard and off-narration, inspired by the works of Marina Abramovic, Chantal Akerman, Guy Gilles and Chris Marker.
세상에 눈 감은 천재 작가 그리고 현실에 눈을 뜬 여자 사고로 아내와 시력을 잃은 베스트셀러 작가 ‘빌’ 그 이후 집필을 중단하고 더 까칠해진 그에게 만만치 않은 새 봉사자 ‘수잔’이 배정된다. 펜트하우스, 다이아몬드 반지, 상류층 파티
화려한 삶을 사는 ‘수잔’은 범죄에 연루되어
사회봉사를 선고받고 그곳에서 ‘빌’을 마주하게 된다.
고집 센 그에게 지지 않고 당차게 맞서는 그녀 서로에게 점차 다가가는 두 사람은 삶의 빛을 되찾기 시작하는데…
Theres and Kenneth are both young when they first meet whilst on holiday. They fall in love but are unable to prevent themselves from losing each other. Thirty years later, in another country, another couple: Ariane leaves her husband David because she no longer loves him. The paths they both take lead them to Kenneth and Theres.
Sudan, Southern Kordofan, the Nuba Mountains in Africa. Scenes from the forgotten war that the fighters of the Nuba people have held since 2011 against the government of President Omar al-Bashir and the Sudanese army, which crudely show the hard daily life of Hannan, a brave woman fighting for the survival of her family; Jordania, a promising student; Mosquito, a reckless journalist; and Al-Bagir, a rebel leader.
A man has disappeared. His pregnant girlfriend waits in vain for a sign. She clears out his abandoned apartment, assembles fragments of their shared existence, and prepares for her new role as a single mother. DANIEL is an essayistic examination of an intangible loss.