
Arms of the Avenger (1963)

Género : Aventura

Tiempo de ejecución : 1H 35M

Director : Leopoldo Savona
Escritor : Mario Amendola


Using Leonardo Da Vinci's innovative designs for weapons of war, flying engines and other machinery, three brothers join forces to fight a wicked and powerful Duke in early-Renaissance Italy.


John Drew Barrymore
John Drew Barrymore
Lotario Duchesca
Scilla Gabel
Scilla Gabel
Isabella - duchessina di Collinalto
Giacomo Rossi Stuart
Giacomo Rossi Stuart
Vannozzo Duchesca
Mario Pisu
Mario Pisu
Eusebio Pimperval
Jany Clair
Jany Clair
Visconte di Lagouer
Romano Ghini
Romano Ghini
Demetrio Duchesca
Franco Balducci
Franco Balducci
Maraldo - capitano del duca
Giampiero Calasso
Giampiero Calasso
Servo muto di Eusebio
Antonella Murgia
Antonella Murgia
Silvia - la taverniera
Ignazio Leone
Ignazio Leone
Ugo Silvestri
Ugo Silvestri
Duca di Collinalto
Michel Lemoine
Michel Lemoine
Visconte di Lagouer


Leopoldo Savona
Leopoldo Savona
Mario Amendola
Mario Amendola
Mario Amendola
Mario Amendola
Roberto Gianviti
Roberto Gianviti
Gino Mangini
Gino Mangini
Leopoldo Savona
Leopoldo Savona

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