Jany Clair

Jany Clair

Nacimiento : 1938-09-02,


Jany Clair


Misión especial en Caracas
Un grupo de exiliados franceses en Venezuela experimenta una bomba de enorme poder destructivo y paralizador ante representantes de una organización anticastrista. Estos compran la bomba por un importante valor en diamantes; junto con ellos se meten en una cartera los planos de la bomba. Para su construcción deben ser enviados a Francia.
The Exterminators
Héléna Jordan
A French agent, who is sent to save an atomic scientist, uncovers a plot by terrorists and a secret atomic site in Turkey.
The Road to Fort Alamo
A lone rider comes across a dying soldier, the victim of an Indian attack, who gives him a paper authorizing the payment of $150,000 to the U.S. Army. The rider gathers some colleagues who disguise themselves as soldiers and who take the paper to a bank. They get the money but a shoot-out occurs, an old woman is killed, and the gang acrimoniously splits up. Later some members of the gang meet up with some real U.S. Cavalry soldiers and together they must fight off new Indian attacks.
Maciste contra los fantasmas
Queen Samara
Maciste debe luchar contra los siniestros hombres Luna, que sacrifican seres humanos a su divinidad esperando que esto provoque la resurrección de su reina fallecida.
Orden: FX 18 debe morir
El agente Coplan (Ken Clark) de los servicios franceses de seguridad FX 18, es enviado a Mallorca para investigar a una banda de espías establecida en esta isla, que manda información a los países del Este.
Arms of the Avenger
Visconte di Lagouer
Using Leonardo Da Vinci's innovative designs for weapons of war, flying engines and other machinery, three brothers join forces to fight a wicked and powerful Duke in early-Renaissance Italy.
The Conquest of Mycenae
Gordon Scott plays Glaucus, the prince of Tiryns, a powerful warrior who goes undercover in Mycenae to infiltrate the evil cult of Moloch, which is exacting tribute from neighboring kingdoms in the form of attractive young hostages, both male and female. Calling himself "Hercules," Glaucus defeats Mycenae's champions and gains the favor of the voluptuous Queen Demetra (Rosalba Neri) whose son, covered in a dog's head mask, has been raised as the living embodiment of the dark god Moloch and receives sacrifices in his sprawling underground grotto.
Año 79: La destrucción de Herculano
El tribuno Marco Tiberio, después de haber ganado en una campaña bélica, es recibido en la corte del Emperador, y allí tiene la suerte de conocer a Livia, una esclava cristiana y doncella. La joven lo convence de la inocencia de los cristianos frente a los delitos inculpados. De repente, también el tribuno es acusado injustamente y se le promete el perdón, sólo a cambio de marchar con sus tropas contra los cristianos. Marco Tiberio rechaza la oferta y es condenado a muerte. Pero es el año 79 y el Vesubio en cualquier momento puede entrar en erupción...
Kerim, Son of the Sheik
Imprisoned woman
In the Middle East, circa 1860s, the evil Omar seeks to become Khadive by killing off his adversaries and by marrying the reluctant Fawzia, favorite niece of the current Khadive. Omar's brutal policies result in the death of a young woman named Laila. Laila's brother, Kerim, then becomes Omar's sworn enemy.
Planets Around Us
Audrey Bradbury
An alien race sends cyborgs — made to look like the son of a famous scientist, whom they killed when he landed on their planet — to Earth to help pave the way for an invasion.
Prisoner of the Iron Mask
The action takes place in 1703 and Colbert wants to buy the duchy of Pignero ,unbeknowst to the old Duke. A sadistic villain (a count) is slowly poisoning the lord, besides he covets her daughter. The iron mask is here the duke's son, but the hangman's daughter takes pity on the unfortunate prisoner. The nasty traitor oppresses the poor, but André and his men (complete with priest) do their Robin Hood act.
Los corsarios del Caribe
Doña Isabella Valdez
Alan Braves, capitán de una nave pirata, se halla, por la traición de un compañero, acusado de un delito del cual es inocente. Decide partir hacia América, pero durante su viaje, encuentra un galeón español al que salva del ataque de los piratas, y escolta al galeón a Maracaibo. Braves, acogido primeramente con todos los honores por haber a una nave española, es denunciado luego al Gobernador, por Braseeur, el pirata traidor. Se ve, por tanto, detenido y condenado a muerte despés de ser torturado...
Lay Off Blondes
Inspector Al Whecler, cool and relaxed, is given the task by the sheriff of a town in California of investigating the murders of two girls tattooed on their right arms. His investigations bring him to a funeral chamber run by the suspicious Rodinoft...
Pete the Tender
Hair salon customer
In this crime drama, Michel Simon is cast as Pierrot, an elderly gangster who does not fit the stereotype -- he is soft-hearted. After a petty criminal betrays his cohorts by taking off with the loot from a big robbery, he is caught and sent to jail. Now he has served his time, and Pierrot is given the task of retrieving the stolen cash. The tyro criminal tries to use a pretty young woman who has fallen in love with him as a red herring for Pierrot's investigation. Everything backfires though, and Pierrot is left considering what to do with the loot, and with the criminal who does not yet realize he loves his attractive accomplice and could have a good life with her if he opts for walking the straight and narrow.
The Night They Killed Rasputin
Irina Yousoupoff
Rasputin was a lusty steppes peasant, a god revealed, a cunning patriot, all that, or a mystifier? An intriguing biography.
Night Dance Hall
Martine is a young woman plagued both by poverty and by uncaring, problem parents who in no way can provide the kind of nurturing that Martine needs during her adolescent years. As a result of her family situation, Martine runs away from home and gets involved with a group of teens and young adults from the wrong side of the moral tracks.
Los amantes de Montparnasse
La Bonne
Montparnasse, el barrio bohemio de París, está lleno de artistas que aspiran a triunfar, aunque muy pocos lo consiguen. En 1919 vivía allí el pintor italiano Modigliani, que arrastraba una miserable y tormentosa existencia, ya que su arte no era comprendido y su único consuelo era el alcohol y las mujeres. Siempre enfermo y borracho, su vida se dividía entre una tabernera y una rica inglesa que le proporcionaba opio y pagaba sus facturas. Una mañana en la academia de dibujo, conoció a Jeanne, una joven burguesa, de la que enamoró inmediatamente. Decidido a emprender una nueva vida, le propuso que se fuera a vivir con él.
Sinners of Paris
Pauline Robert
Michel Piccoli plays a police inspector whose best friend is murdered on the orders of gang boss Charles Vanel. The inspector knows full well that Vanel is too crafty and well-connected to ever stand trial for his crime, so he carefully lays a subtle trap for his adversary. Unfortunately, both Piccoli and Vanel are thwarted by a pair of scheming females.