
Asalto en West Point: el consejo de guerra a Johnson Whittaker (1994)

Género : Película de TV, Suspense, Drama

Tiempo de ejecución : 1H 30M

Director : Harry Moses


Narra la historia del primer cadete afroamericano de la prestigiosa academia militar de West Point, que fue víctima de la cruel violencia racista de sus compañeros.


Samuel L. Jackson
Samuel L. Jackson
Richard Greener
Sam Waterston
Sam Waterston
Daniel Chamberlain
Mason Adams
Mason Adams
Henry D. Hyde
Val Avery
Val Avery
Gen. Sherman
Eddie Bracken
Eddie Bracken
Maj. Charles T. Alexander
Gene Canfield
Gene Canfield
Robert Clohessy
Robert Clohessy
Dan Broyles
Al Freeman, Jr.
Al Freeman, Jr.
Old Johnson Whittaker
Ken Garito
Ken Garito
Cadet Lewis Ostheim
Greg Germann
Greg Germann
Vernon Bailey
John Glover
John Glover
Maj. Asa Bird Gardiner
Brad Greenquist
Brad Greenquist
Dr. Beard
Peter Maloney
Peter Maloney
Capt. William Smith Michie
Scott Paetty
Scott Paetty
Cadet George Burnett
Josef Sommer
Josef Sommer
Col. Morrow
Seth Gilliam
Seth Gilliam
Cadet Johnson C. Whittaker
Anthony Rapp
Anthony Rapp
Cadet Frederick G. Hodgson
Jim Grimshaw
Jim Grimshaw
James Bigwood
James Bigwood
Albert S. Southworth


Harry Moses
Harry Moses
Harry Moses
Harry Moses
Harry Moses
Harry Moses
Terence Blanchard
Terence Blanchard
Original Music Composer
Ken Kelsch
Ken Kelsch
Director of Photography
Jay Freund
Jay Freund
Leonard Finger
Leonard Finger
Stephanie Klapper
Stephanie Klapper
Howard Cummings
Howard Cummings
Production Design
Jea DeVoe
Jea DeVoe
Art Direction
Lisa Caperton
Lisa Caperton
Set Decoration
Paul A. Simmons Jr.
Paul A. Simmons Jr.
Costume Design
Joseph P. Hurt
Joseph P. Hurt
Makeup Department Head
Rosalee Riggle
Rosalee Riggle
Timothy J. Lonsdale
Timothy J. Lonsdale
First Assistant Director
Eric Gruber
Eric Gruber
Construction Coordinator
Mark Cookson
Mark Cookson
Sound Effects Editor
Craig Sadler
Craig Sadler
Sound Effects Editor
Paul Urmson
Paul Urmson
Sound Effects Editor
Bob Shelley
Bob Shelley
Special Effects Coordinator
Jim Bridges
Jim Bridges
Still Photographer
Kitty Olisky
Kitty Olisky
Production Coordinator
Wendy Lee Roberts
Wendy Lee Roberts
Script Supervisor
David Grant
David Grant
Dialogue Editor
Patrick Giraudi
Patrick Giraudi
Dialogue Editor
Dan Jamele
Dan Jamele
Dialogue Editor
Steve Scoville
Steve Scoville
Dialogue Editor
Louis Creveling
Louis Creveling
Dialogue Editor
James Thornton
James Thornton
Production Sound Mixer
Debbie Melford
Debbie Melford
ADR Editor
Tim Boggs
Tim Boggs
Supervising ADR Editor
Stanley Kastner
Stanley Kastner
Sound Re-Recording Mixer
John Ross
John Ross
Sound Re-Recording Mixer
Marty Garrigan
Marty Garrigan
Property Master
James Bigwood
James Bigwood
Unit Production Manager

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