“Guilty Until Proven Guilty” explores Louisiana’s criminal justice system through the story of Tim Conerly, a young African-American man who was arrested and imprisoned for a crime he says he did not commit.
After semi-truck driver Teri Horton bought a large splatter painting for her friend for $5, she was forced to sell it in her own garage sale when her friend said she had no place for it. Eventually someone commented on the painting stating it might be an original Jackson Pollock. This documentary follows Teri, her son, and a forensics specialist as they attempt to prove to the world, or more specifically the art community, her painting is a true Jackson Pollock
Narra la historia del primer cadete afroamericano de la prestigiosa academia militar de West Point, que fue víctima de la cruel violencia racista de sus compañeros.
Louis Cunningham
A young woman works to overcome her dyslexia with the help of a good-hearted cab driver.