
La regina di Casetta (2018)

Género : Documental

Tiempo de ejecución : 0M

Director : Francesco Fei



Gregoria Giorgi
Gregoria Giorgi


Francesco Fei
Francesco Fei
Francesco Fei
Francesco Fei

Recomendar películas

Man and a Junior
Antti Pasanen juggles between taking care of Paavo, his work and personal life, until Enni has an accident and he has two kids to take care of.
El túnel
Cuando un camión se estrella dentro de un túnel, las personas que se dirigen a casa para Navidad quedan brutalmente atrapadas en un incendio mortal. Con una tormenta de nieve en el exterior, y los primeros en responder que luchan por llegar al accidente, es cada hombre por sí mismo.
Matthias & Maxime
Dos amigos de la infancia se besan como parte de la filmación de un cortometraje para la universidad. Tras el beso, ambos comienzan a preguntarse cuáles son sus auténticas preferencias sexuales, lo que pone en peligro la estabilidad de sus vínculos sociales.
Palo Alto
Narra las andanzas de un grupo de adolescentes con tendencia a buscarse problemas, como drogarse, provocar accidentes o liarse con adultos como sus profesores. Adaptación de una serie de historias cortas de James Franco.
Lotte and the Lost Dragons
In this third film of the series of Lotte films that children know and love, the spirited girl dog Lotte gets a little sister named Roosi. Karl the raccoon and Viktor the fish are scientists who come to Gadgetville. They are taking part in a big folk song collecting competition. Whoever succeeds in recording the folk song of the world’s oldest animal species, the mythical fire-breathing dragon, wins the competition’s grand prize. Lotte and Roosi decide to help the scientists. Exciting and unexpected adventures await the sisters.
Maddened by His Absence
After ten years, Jacques comes back to France to handle his father’s succession. He had left France to live in the USA to escape a painful past he shared with Mado, his former wife, who in the meantime built a new life with Stéphane and their 7 year old son, Paul. Upon his return, Jacques and Mado meet again; he asks to meet her son Paul; Mado hesitates, then accepts but hides it from her husband. Soon, Paul and Jacques get close and they start to see each other secretly.
Nunca he estado en Nueva York
Tras un accidente María, la madre de la presentadora de televisión Lisa Wartberg, sufre de pérdida de memoria. Todo lo que puede recordar es que nunca ha estado en Nueva York. Sin más preámbulos, la anciana se sube de polizón a bordo de un crucero.
Alter Senator
In Alter Senator it is we, the spectators, the protagonists. Confronted with everyday images of Bremen, a German town with high unemployment rates and, therefore, high rates of alcohol consumption, a narrator recomposes these seemingly boring scenes to turn them into a kind of porn fantasy from another planet. Alter Senator is a film about the effects of alcohol but not about alcoholism. The documentary makes us dress the costumes of various characters, but it is not a fiction film either, nor a documentary per se. The only thing we can take for granted in this film is the sensation of companionship, escapism and relief that gives us Alter Senator, the most popular alcoholic drink in Bremen, that accompanies us throughout the film as our best ally character.
Thomas Pesquet : L'Envoyé spatial
Thomas Pesquet : L'Étoffe d'un héros
At 38, Thomas Pesquet is the youngest French astronaut to be selected for a 180 days mission in the ISS. Oleg Novitskiy, the Russian pilot and the American Peggy Whitson, the most experienced astronaut in the world, train alongside him.
Through 56 independent scenes, Echo draws a portrait, both biting and tender, of modern day Iceland during the often turbulent but also exciting time of the Christmas holidays.
I'll Be Home for Christmas
The story of two brothers and their musical family, forced to confront their secrets over an intense Christmas break.
¿Qué sucede con el amor cuando a una mujer en la mitad de su vida le quedan tres meses de vida? Anja (43) vive con Tomas (59) en una gran familia de hijos biológicos e hijastros. Durante años, la pareja se ha independizado una de la otra. Cuando Anja recibe un diagnóstico de cáncer cerebral terminal el día antes de Navidad, su vida se rompe y expone el amor desatendido.
King Danylo
Esta es la historia sobre el hombre que tuvo una gran manera. Sus aventuras y pérdidas, su vida hacen que te sorprendas. Te invitamos a la edad media: tiempos de oscuridad, de héroes, de gran poder y de amor eterno.
Armado solamente con una palabra, Tenet, el protagonista deberá luchar por la supervivencia del mundo entero y evitar la Tercera Guerra Mundial, en una historia de espionaje internacional. La misión se desplegará más allá del tiempo real. No son viajes en el tiempo, es inversión.
Fantástico Sr. Murray
Bill Murray is considered by many of his fans to be "the coolest man in the world". But how is it that this actor, who for a long time did little more than a few weird performances with strangers and crazy improvisations on TV shows, is now better known than many of his fellow actors with far more impressive filmographies? Although the film "Groundhog Day" was published a quarter of a century ago, the cult surrounding the American improvisational talent has never died down and is now becoming almost irrational. The documentary, peppered with interviews from companions and confidants, follows in Murray's footsteps and tries to fathom where the unique fascination for this man comes from. Starting with the theater in his hometown of Chicago, to the TV shows of the satirical magazine "National Lampoon" and the legendary comedy show "Saturday Night Live" to his checkered film career.
I'm Going to Live by Myself
Giacomino, tired of living at home with his parents, goes to his own place, but his neighbour, mr. Giuseppe, convinces himself to teach Giacomino about sex...
Tre mogli
The Invisible Wall
June 27, 1980, an Italian DC 9 flying from Bologna to Palermo falls in the sea close to the Ustica island. 81 people die. The official version is "structure failure" of the airplane, but a number of clues lead the journalist Rocco Ferrante toward a different truth. Thanks to his perseverance against the invisible wall erected by air force officers, politicians, judges, secret agents, we come to know that, with all probability, the DC 9 has been mistakenly shot by a missile during a sort of air fight among U.S., French and Libyan top guns.
Soldati - 365 all'alba
Claudio Scanna is a private in the Italian army: during his first night in a new military base he gets in a fight with senior recruits. Lieutenant Fili, Claudio's commanding officer, is denied a promotion because his superiors discover he was absent without justification during the night of the fight. Fili blames Claudio and vows to make his remaining months in the service a living hell...