Antti Pasanen juggles between taking care of Paavo, his work and personal life, until Enni has an accident and he has two kids to take care of.
크리스마스 이브, 가장 행복한 순간을 고대하던 사람들은 터널에서 유조 트럭이 폭발하면서 칠흑 같은 어둠에 갇히고, 설상가상 거대 눈보라가 휘몰아치며 구조에도 난항을 겪는다. 시간이 흐를수록 터널이 붕괴되어가는 최악의 재난이 닥쳐오는데...
단지 친구 사이의 ‘마티아스’와 ‘막심’이 뜻밖의 키스 이후 마주한 세상, 그 시작을 담은 이 순간 뜨겁게 빛나는 우리들의 드라마. 너와 나의 드라마는 지금부터
팔로 알토에 살고있는 10대들의 삶과 분투를 그린 작품
In this third film of the series of Lotte films that children know and love, the spirited girl dog Lotte gets a little sister named Roosi. Karl the raccoon and Viktor the fish are scientists who come to Gadgetville. They are taking part in a big folk song collecting competition. Whoever succeeds in recording the folk song of the world’s oldest animal species, the mythical fire-breathing dragon, wins the competition’s grand prize. Lotte and Roosi decide to help the scientists. Exciting and unexpected adventures await the sisters.
After ten years, Jacques comes back to France to handle his father’s succession. He had left France to live in the USA to escape a painful past he shared with Mado, his former wife, who in the meantime built a new life with Stéphane and their 7 year old son, Paul. Upon his return, Jacques and Mado meet again; he asks to meet her son Paul; Mado hesitates, then accepts but hides it from her husband. Soon, Paul and Jacques get close and they start to see each other secretly.
In the life of TV presenter Lisa, everything revolves around her talk show, celebrities and the ratings. There is just as little room for love as there is for her mother Maria. When the 66-year-old loses her memory after a fall in her apartment and wakes up in the hospital, she can only remember that she has never been to New York and sets off immediately. Lisa goes in search of Maria with her makeup artist Fred. She struck gold on a cruise ship that was just leaving for New York. As stowaways, the three have no choice but to earn the passage. While Fred is hired as an assistant by the Greek on-board magician Costa, Lisa and Maria have to work in room service. The crossing soon takes surprising turns for mother and daughter: Maria falls in love with the charming dancer Otto, who supposedly knows her from before, and Lisa takes a liking to the widowed statistician Axel Staudach, who is traveling with his son Florian.
In Alter Senator it is we, the spectators, the protagonists. Confronted with everyday images of Bremen, a German town with high unemployment rates and, therefore, high rates of alcohol consumption, a narrator recomposes these seemingly boring scenes to turn them into a kind of porn fantasy from another planet. Alter Senator is a film about the effects of alcohol but not about alcoholism. The documentary makes us dress the costumes of various characters, but it is not a fiction film either, nor a documentary per se. The only thing we can take for granted in this film is the sensation of companionship, escapism and relief that gives us Alter Senator, the most popular alcoholic drink in Bremen, that accompanies us throughout the film as our best ally character.
At 38, Thomas Pesquet is the youngest French astronaut to be selected for a 180 days mission in the ISS. Oleg Novitskiy, the Russian pilot and the American Peggy Whitson, the most experienced astronaut in the world, train alongside him.
Through 56 independent scenes, Echo draws a portrait, both biting and tender, of modern day Iceland during the often turbulent but also exciting time of the Christmas holidays.
The story of two brothers and their musical family, forced to confront their secrets over an intense Christmas break.
성공한 감독이자 여섯 아이의 엄마, 그리고 사실혼 관계인 '토마스'의 아내 '안야'는 크리스마스 이틀 전, 시한부 선고를 받는다. 식어버린 토마스와의 사이, 끊이지 않는 집안일까지, 아무렇지 않은 듯 오늘을 살아내는 '안야'. 그러나 조금씩 지쳐가던 그녀는 행복한 크리스마스 날, 모두에게 시한부임을 밝히는데...
위대한 통치자 로만 공작이 죽은 뒤, 귀족들이 권력을 나누어 가져 나라가 흉흉할 때, 공작의 두 아들인 다닐로와 바실코는 아버지의 유산을 되찾기 위해 수도를 홀름으로 새로이 정하고 왕국을 넓힌다. 이때 중앙 유럽에서 세를 넓히고 있던 몽골은 다닐로에게 큰 위협이 되고 다닐로를 눈엣가시로 여기던 귀족들은 몽골과 협약을 맺어 다닐로를 없애버리려는 계획을 세운다. 대대적인 군사를 이끌고 몽골과 전쟁을 치른 다닐로는 계속되는 몽골과 귀족의 위협에 새로운 전쟁을 치르려 하는데...
주도자는 미국의 한 요원으로 우크라이나 국립 오페라 극장의 한 사건에 투입되었다가 우크라이나 요원들에게 붙잡히게 되고 고문을 받지만 CIA가 준 자살 약을 먹고 자살을 택하게 된다. 그러나 이내 다시 눈을 뜬 주인공은 의문의 한 남자로부터 임무를 부여받는다. 그가 주도자에게 줄 수 있는 건 하나의 제스처와 하나의 단어 뿐. 시간의 흐름을 뒤집는 인버전을 통해 현재와 미래를 오가며 세상을 파괴하려는 사토르를 막기 위해 투입된 작전의 주도자는 인버전에 대한 정보를 가진 닐과 미술품 감정사이자 사토르에 대한 복수심이 가득한 그의 아내 캣과 협력해 미래의 공격에 맞서 제3차 세계대전을 막아야 한다.
Bill Murray is considered by many of his fans to be "the coolest man in the world". But how is it that this actor, who for a long time did little more than a few weird performances with strangers and crazy improvisations on TV shows, is now better known than many of his fellow actors with far more impressive filmographies? Although the film "Groundhog Day" was published a quarter of a century ago, the cult surrounding the American improvisational talent has never died down and is now becoming almost irrational. The documentary, peppered with interviews from companions and confidants, follows in Murray's footsteps and tries to fathom where the unique fascination for this man comes from. Starting with the theater in his hometown of Chicago, to the TV shows of the satirical magazine "National Lampoon" and the legendary comedy show "Saturday Night Live" to his checkered film career.
Giacomino, tired of living at home with his parents, goes to his own place, but his neighbour, mr. Giuseppe, convinces himself to teach Giacomino about sex...
June 27, 1980, an Italian DC 9 flying from Bologna to Palermo falls in the sea close to the Ustica island. 81 people die. The official version is "structure failure" of the airplane, but a number of clues lead the journalist Rocco Ferrante toward a different truth. Thanks to his perseverance against the invisible wall erected by air force officers, politicians, judges, secret agents, we come to know that, with all probability, the DC 9 has been mistakenly shot by a missile during a sort of air fight among U.S., French and Libyan top guns.
Claudio Scanna is a private in the Italian army: during his first night in a new military base he gets in a fight with senior recruits. Lieutenant Fili, Claudio's commanding officer, is denied a promotion because his superiors discover he was absent without justification during the night of the fight. Fili blames Claudio and vows to make his remaining months in the service a living hell...