
My Son (1925)


Género : Drama

Tiempo de ejecución : 1H 10M

Director : Edwin Carewe


A mother and her son's lives are upended by the arrival of a wealthy flapper to their small New England fishing village.


Alla Nazimova
Alla Nazimova
Ana Silva
Jack Pickford
Jack Pickford
Hobart Bosworth
Hobart Bosworth
Sheriff Ellery Parker
Constance Bennett
Constance Bennett
Betty Smith
Ian Keith
Ian Keith
Felipe Vargas
Mary Akin
Mary Akin
Rosa Pina
Charles Murray
Charles Murray
Captain Joe Barnby
Dot Farley
Dot Farley
Hattie Smith
Billy Butts
Billy Butts
Freckled Face Boy (uncredited)


Edwin Carewe
Edwin Carewe
Martha M. Stanley
Martha M. Stanley
Theatre Play
Finis Fox
Finis Fox

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