D’Ye Ken John Peel? (1935)
Género : Aventura, Drama, Romance
Tiempo de ejecución : 1H 21M
Director : Henry Edwards
Escritor : H. Fowler Mear
Major John Peel returns to England, following Napoleon's Waterloo defeat, and renews his acquaintance with Lucy Merrall, but she tells him she is engaged to be married. He later learns that, Cravens, the man she is to marry already has a wife. He also learns that Craven cleaned out Lucy's father in a crooked gambling game, and Lucy is paying the price to hold the family home together.
Guerras napoleónicas (principios del XIX). El teniente de húsares del ejército napoleónico Armand Dhubert recibe la orden de arrestar al teniente Ferand por haber participado en un duelo. Ferand, encolerizado, se enfrenta con Dhubert, lo que provocará un nuevo duelo, esta vez entre ellos dos.
El 18 de junio de 1815 tuvo lugar la batalla de Waterloo, en la que el ejército de Napoleón Bonaparte fue derrotado por fuerzas británicas, holandesas y alemanas, comandadas por el duque de Wellington. Esta película recrea aquellos hechos que se produjeron con la presencia en la sombra de Luis XVIII.
Basado en la novela de Bernard Cornwell, "Sharpe's Waterloo" trae al rebelde oficial británico teniente coronel Richard Sharpe a su última batalla contra los franceses, en junio de 1815.
In David Grubin's NAPOLEON watch Napoleon's rise from obscurity to victories that made him a hero to the French people and convinced him he was destined for greatness. Learn of his love for Josephine Beauharnais, and his rise to Emperor. Witness his extraordinary achievements and ultimately his fall, his final battles, his exile to Elba, and his defeat at Waterloo. For nearly two decades he strode the world stage like a colossus -- loved and despised, venerated and feared. From his birth on the rugged island of Corsica to his final exile on the godforsaken island of St. Helena, NAPOLEON brings this extraordinary figure to life.
This film gives an overview of Napoleons return to France in 1815 before covering in detail the Battles of Ligny and Quatre Bras. Filmed on the Battlefields in Belgium using re-enaction footage expert Presenters follow the Emperors brilliant initial plan which however soon begins to fall apart due to flaws in the French staff, Napoleons arrogance and the courage and fighting ability of the Allied Troops. Both these battles deserve to be better known but they have been overshadowed by Waterloo the culmination of the Campaign
Following on from Hougoumont and D'Erlon's Attack, Part III starts just as the great battle reaches its crisis point. Marshal Ney launched thousands of France's finest heavy cavalry against Wellington's thinning lines who had already taken a terrible battering on the Mont St Jean Ridge. Wave after wave of armoured horsemen broke against the steady squares of British, Dutch/Belgian and German troops. The crisis, however, took a further turn for the worse as the key bastion in Wellington's centre, the fortified farm of La Haie Sainte, fell to the French onslaught. The way to Brussels was now open and Wellington muttered, 'Give me Blucher or give me night'. With the situation looking bleaker by the second for Wellington and his troops, Napoleon fatefully hesitated to complete the coup de grace as the Prussians had closed in on his right flank at the Village of Plancenoit. Would the Young Guard be able to hold Blucher's men? There was all still to play for.
This final part takes us through the dramatic events when Wellington’s Anglo-Dutch Army aided by Blucher’s Prussians defeat Napoleon. The French army was outfought and Napoleon was out-generaled by Wellington. At Wavre Grouchy beat the Prussian rearguard before retreating to France. Meanwhile, the Anglo-Dutch army counted the bloody cost of the previous days fighting while Wellington wrote his controversial Waterloo Dispatch and the vengeful Prussians pursued the French towards Paris, leading to Napoleon's abdication and the occupation of the city by the Allies.
This film shows the kit and equipment that the 42nd of Foot, The Black Watch wore and used at Waterloo. The Battalion was in 9 Bde of Picton's 5th Division and fought at Quatre Bras and Waterloo. The 8 British Battalions in Picton's Division were all Peninsula Battalions and most probably the most relaible in Wellington's Army. Hence their use at Quatre Bras and their position at Waterloo. The Division lost 43% of its men as casualties at Waterloo including Picton himself, Wellington's greatest fighting general.
Following on from Ligny and Quatre Bras, Part II starts by focusing on the concentration of the Allies on the ridge of Mont St Jean and the plans of the opposing armies. While the guns of the Grand Battery thundered in the centre, French columns bore down on the Hougoumont chateau and farm complex, which protected Wellington's flank held by the Guards and their German allies. Thus began an epic 'battle within a battle' that sucked away valuable troops from Napoleon's main attack, causing Wellington to declare that 'the battle turned on the closing of the gates at Hougoumont'.Meanwhile D'Erlons Corps attempted to bludgeon its way through Wellington's centre, not knowing that the British and Dutch line was in waiting on the reverse slope. Upon seeing the French advance, the British released a disciplined volley of musket fire that checked the French. A further brilliantly timed charge by the Household and Union Cavalry Brigades finally saw the French off.
Major John Peel returns to England, following Napoleon's Waterloo defeat, and renews his acquaintance with Lucy Merrall, but she tells him she is engaged to be married. He later learns that, Cravens, the man she is to marry already has a wife. He also learns that Craven cleaned out Lucy's father in a crooked gambling game, and Lucy is paying the price to hold the family home together.
An insider’s look into the gritty reality of building the local live music scene, Rock This Town brings to life the exciting history of rock music concerts in KW from the 1960s & ‘70s. Rock stars come and go but live music is here to stay!
Stan es un corrupto agente de la DEA cuya codicia le lleva a cometer asesinatos en las calles de Nueva York. El mortal juego del gato y el ratón empieza cuando se cruza en su camino un solitario hombre, llamado León. León es asesino a sueldo, un personaje indestructible e indocumentado, que sólo bebe leche y se ocupa de sus plantas. En medio se encuentra una huerfanita de 12 años, que no puede olvidar al hombre que asesinó a su familia.
Para sobrellevar el insomnio crónico que sufre después de su regreso de Vietnam, Travis decide trabajar como taxista nocturno. Como individuo tiene poco contacto con la gente, pero observa la violencia y desolación en la que se hunde la ciudad de Nueva York. Travis anota en su diario todas sus impresiones, hasta que un día decide pasar a la acción.
Manni es un ladrón de poca monta que acepta participar en un gran golpe: vender unos diamantes robados por cien mil marcos que debe entregar a mediodía a un traficante. Pero pierde la bolsa que contiene el dinero en el metro de Berlín. Como último recurso, llama a su novia, Lola (de veinte años, cabellos rojos, frágil pero decidida), y le explica la situación. Son las once y cuarenta minutos; si en veinte minutos Manni no ha recuperado el dinero, es hombre muerto. Desesperada, la joven se precipita hacia la capital. Tiene veinte minutos para encontrar cien mil marcos, reunirse con Manni y salvar al hombre de su vida.
Marty McFly, un estudiante de secundaria de 17 años, es enviado accidentalmente treinta años al pasado en un DeLorean que viaja en el tiempo, inventado por su gran amigo, el excéntrico científico Doc Brown.
Valentina, joven modelo que comienza a ser conocida, ha atropellado con su coche a Rita, una perra que esperaba cachorros. Después de curarla, intenta devolverla a su dueño. Asi conocerá a un hombre mayor, juez jubilado, que rechaza al animal. Valentina descubre que está obsesionado por una enfermiza afición: espiar a todo el mundo.
Un emigrante cubano frío y sanguinario, Tony Montana, llega de Cuba para instalarse en Miami, donde se propone hacerse con un nombre dentro del crimen organizado de Florida. Junto a su amigo, Manny Rivera, inicia una ascendente carrera delictiva.
Dos monjes viven en un monasterio aislado. Bajo la atenta mirada del más viejo, el más joven ve pasar las estaciones de la vida. Primavera: un niño monje se ríe de una rana que intenta librarse de una piedra que tiene en la espalda. Verano: un monje adolescente conoce el amor. Otoño: un monje de treinta años intenta hacer algo que va contra su naturaleza. Invierno: el monje está próximo a la vejez y alguien llega al monaterio. Primavera: el viejo monje conversa con la naturaleza; cerca de él juega un niño monje
Un acaudalado y frío hombre de negocios conoce en Hollywood Boulevard a una joven y atractiva prostituta a la que alquila durante una semana para que sea su acompañante en sus cenas con los clientes. Para ello la chica se verá sometida a todo un cambio de look tras el que nadie podrá ver, a simple vista, que es una chica de la calle.
Chris Wilton es un ambicioso y joven profesor de tenis con escasos recursos económicos. Gracias a su amistad con Tom Hewett, consigue entrar en la alta sociedad londinense y enamorar a su hermana Chloe. Tom, por su parte, sale con Nola Rice, una atractiva americana, de la que Chris se encapricha nada más verla. El azar, la pasión y, sobre todo, la ambición llevarán a Chris a cometer acciones que determinarán su vida y la de los demás para siempre.