Jack Harris

Nacimiento : 1905-07-02, Farnborough, Hampshire, England, UK

Muerte : 1971-01-01


Take a Girl Like You
Young Jenny heads to the South of England to start a new career as a school teacher. Even before she has had a chance to settle in she meets Patrick, one of the local "lads". Within a short time she has her hands full when a number of the local boys take a liking to her. But who will be the lucky one who wins her affections?
Tres hermanas
En una pequeña ciudad rusa, los huérfanos Prozoroff (Olga, Irina, Masha y Andrei) sueñan con regresar a su hogar en Moscú. Mientras tanto viven entre matrimonios infelices, amantes militares furtivos y trabajos solitarios. Cuando Andrei se casa con una chica de provincias llamada Natasha y ésta toma el control familiar, el refugio privado de las hermanas llega a la destrucción.
Love Is a Funny Thing
In America, two French expats, composer Henri and actress Françoise meet and fall in love with each other.
He Who Rides a Tiger
Peter Rayston, has been in and out of prison most of his life. At 30, he is released for the eighth time, after serving a sentence for housebreaking. Immediately, he goes back to his old life, providing for his expensive tastes by executing a series of daring burglaries
Mujer sin pasado
Una anciana busca una institutriz para su nieta Laurel (Hayley Mills), una adolescente caprichosa y rebelde, cuyas anteriores tutoras apenas duran unos días en el cargo. Sin embargo, un día aparece en sus vidas una misteriosa mujer, Miss Madrigal (Deborah Kerr), que mantendrá a raya a la muchacha, aún a costa de que descubra su oscuro pasado.
Sammy, huida hacia el sur
Tras quedar huérfano por un ataque aéreo sobre Port Said, durante la Crisis de Suez, un muchacho tendrá que arreglárselas para trasladarse a Durban, en Sudáfrica, donde vive su tía Jane, su pariente más cercano. En su largo camino encontrará de todo, incluyendo un viejo buscador de diamantes.
La fragata infernal
En 1797, durante las guerras napoleónicas, un buque de guerra inglés recluta a la fuerza a un inocente joven que se irá ganando la simpatía del resto de la tripulación. Pero eso no podrá soportarlo el suboficial de armas.
After serving three years in prison for a bank robbery, Joe Dasco is released and reunited with his son. Together they both go looking for work in the Texas oil fields. Not being able to hold a steady honest job, Joe Dasco along with a few men that he befriends along the way attempt to kidnap an oil baron's son. The kidnapping fails and Joe Dasco is shot and killed. His son Joey is then left alone but inherits what his father fought and died for.
Tres vidas errantes
Australia, 1920. Un matrimonio (Robert Mitchum y Deborah Kerr) y su hijo viven felices viajando por Australia y realizando diversos trabajos para sobrevivir. Llega, sin embargo, un momento en que la madre, apoyada por su hijo y movida por el instinto de conservación, plantea la necesidad de abandonar la vida errante que siempre han llevado y comprar una granja para establecerse definitivamente en algún lugar. Ahora bien, alcanzar ese sueño implicará muchos sacrificios.
Volverás a mí
Yul Brynner interpreta a un genio musical cuyas excentricidades son controladas por su esposa, hasta que lo descubre "audicionando" a un pianista joven y sensual. Ella lo abandona y su carrera rápidamente comienza a patinar. El maestro temperamental debe volver a conquistar a su esposa despreciada.
Donde el círculo termina
Un acaudalado conde francés engaña a un hombre que tiene un parecido físico increíble con él y lo fuerza a asumir su personalidad. (filmaffinit)
Una famosa actriz conoce a un elegante y rico hombre de negocios y ambos se sienten inmediatamente atraídos. Él le confiesa que está casado y que su esposa se niega a concederle el divorcio. A pesar de todo, mantienen una feliz y romántica relación.
El príncipe y la corista
Durante una visita a Londres para la coronación del rey Jorge V, el gran duque de Carpathia conoce a Elsie, una bella corista a la que invita a cenar a su embajada. La velada no sale tal y como estaba prevista, debido a varias interrupciones inesperadas. Sin embargo, al día siguiente, ambos se darán cuenta de que ha surgido entre ellos un sentimiento muy especial. Basándose en una obra de teatro del dramaturgo inglés Terence Rattigan, Laurence Olivier dirigió esta película que podría entenderse como una variación de "La Cenicienta".
El quinteto de la muerte
En una casa aislada y próxima a las vías del tren vive la señora Wilberforce, una venerable anciana que alquila dos habitaciones al misterioso profesor Marcus y a los cuatro miembros de su siniestra banda de música.
The Rainbow Jacket
A champion jockey is banned from racing so spends his time helping a young lad to become the next champion.
El señor de Ballantry
Durante el siglo XVIII, dos hermanos enfrentados toman diferentes partidos en bandos opuestos que luchan por el trono de Inglaterra; el príncipe Carlos, heredero de los Estuardo, llama a las armas a sus compatriotas para derrocar al rey Jorge.
El temible burlón
Siglo XVIII. Todo un clásico del cine de piratas que narra las correrías de Burt Lancaster y su acrobático e inseparable compañero Cravat, unos temibles corsarios que aterrorizan a las tripulaciones de los barcos que navegan por el Mediterráneo.
Where No Vultures Fly
Supervising Editor
A true story about an Englishman working as a game warden in Kenya who is disgusted by the ongoing destruction of African wildlife, and decides to create a national park to protect them.
El hidalgo de los mares
En el siglo XIX, el capitán inglés Horatio Hornblower atraviesa el Atlántico con su barco para ayudar a un enloquecido dictador centroamericano.
La salamandra de oro
Un arquéologo se encuentra con una organización terrorista en un viaje a África.
Amigos apasionados
En el Londres de la posguerra, Mary Justin se encuentra con el universitario Steve Stratton, su verdadero amor desde la juventud. Pero ahora se encuentra casada con un rico financiero bastantes años mayor que ella, ya que optó por tener una vida segura y acomodada, sin embargo el encuentro reaviva viejas llamas. (FILMAFFINITY)
Oliver Twist
Inglaterra, siglo XIX. Famosa adaptación de la novela homónima de Charles Dickens. Oliver es un niño huérfano al que su madre, una joven soltera, abandonó a las puertas de un orfanato. Para librarse de él, el malvado director de la institución, decide venderlo a un empresario como aprendiz de su taller. Cansado de los malos tratos que recibe, huye y acaba uniéndose a un grupo de pequeños rateros que viven bajo la férula de un viejo tiránico.
La mansión de los Fury
Adaptación del libro 'Blanche Fury' de Joseph Shearing que relata una historia de estilo victoriano con pasiones olvidadas, secretos de familia y asesinatos. Un médico rural se dirige hacia Clare Hall, una gran mansión inglesa. Su dueña Blance Fury (Valerie Hobson) se encuentra gravemente enferma. El médico le administra un anestésico y, en el trance, Blanche recuerda su pasado, cuando utiliza su verdadero apellido, Fuller, y era una mujer joven. Todo cambió el día que recibió una carta de su tío Simón (Walter Fitzgerald), ofreciéndole empleo como gobernanta en la enorme mansión. Una vez allí conocerá a su primo Lawrence (Michael Gough) con quien acepta contraer matrimonio pese a estar profundamente enamorada de Philip Thorn (Stewart Granger), el hijo ilegítimo de los anteriores dueños de la mansión. Pero el día del enlace nupcial ocurre una gran tragedia...
Take My Life
When her husband is wrongly accused of murder, an opera singer sets out to find the real culprit.
Cadenas rotas
Adaptación de la novela "Grandes esperanzas" de Charles Dickens. El hijo de un humilde herrero es enviado a educarse a Londres gracias al dinero de un benefactor cuya identidad desconoce.
Breve encuentro
La casualidad hace que un hombre y una mujer ambos de edad madura y casados coincidan en una estación de tren. Su inicial amistad pronto se convertirá en un amor tan intenso como prohibido.
Un espíritu burlón
Adaptación cinematográfica de una exitosa comedia teatral de Noël Coward. El fantasma de la mujer de un novelista se ha propuesto hacerle la vida imposible a su nueva esposa.
La vida manda
Retrato de la clase media británica narrado a través del discurrir de la vida de los miembros de una familia londinense, Frank y Ethel Gibbons y sus tres hijos, cuyas historias ejemplifican los cambios sociales que tienen lugar a lo largo del periodo entreguerras.
The Dummy Talks
Supervising Editor
A ventriloquist is murdered during a theatre variety performance. A dwarf goes undercover as the dummy...
Theatre Royal
Supervising Editor
The Theatre Royal is a struggling London venue battling to keep its doors open. When the bank threatens to close it, the workers fear that they will soon be forced out of their jobs. The Royal's property master, Bob Parker (Bud Flanagan), recruits the rest of the staff to stage a benefit gala. They hope their show, featuring songs and dances, can raise enough cash to stave off the end. Meanwhile, they seek investors who can keep the Theatre Royal and its staff in business permanently.
Old Mother Riley Detective
Supervising Editor
A night watchman is being bludgeoned, as a safe is cracked open in the offices of the District Food Controller. A list of wartime foods to be rationed is stolen, and the police fear gangsters are planning to sell the foods on the black market. As the office charwoman, Old Mother Riley's fingerprints are all over the safe, and she becomes the police's number one suspect. To prove her innocence, Mother Riley turns detective, adopting various methods and disguises to track down the villains.
We’ll Smile Again
Supervising Editor
Nazi spies infiltrate a British film studio with the intention of sending coded messages in the films they produce.
Salute John Citizen
A typical working family have to cope with living through the Blitz, adapting to its privations, and eventually making the ultimate sacrifice for king & country.
Old Mother Riley's Circus
Supervising Editor
Mother Riley takes over a circus on the point of closing down, and makes it a success.
Old Mother Riley's Ghosts
Old Mother Riley gets involved in a plot to steal an invention
The Dawn Guard
The work of the Home Guard.
The Chinese Bungalow
All but a prisoner in the exotic Malayan retreat she shares with her Chinese financier husband, Yuan Sing (Paul Lukas), British singer Sadie Merivale (Kay Walsh) begins a dangerous affair with nearby plantation owner Harold Marquess (Wallace Douglas). But when Sing discovers his wife’s betrayal, he plots to regain his honor by slowly torturing her lover to death.
Crimes at the Dark House
In this lurid melodrama, Tod Slaughter plays a villain who murders the wealthy Sir Percival Glyde in the gold fields of Australia and assumes his identity in order to inherit Glyde's estate in England. On arriving in England, "Sir Percival" schemes to marry an heiress for her money, and, with the connivance of the cunning Dr. Isidor Fosco, embarks on a killing spree of all who suspect him to be an imposter and would get in the way of his plans to stay Lord of the Manor.
The Face at the Window
In 1880, the criminal called The Face is responsible for a murderous rampage in France. When the Brisson Bank is robbed in Paris and the employee Michelle is murdered, the wealthy Chevalier Lucio del Gardo is the only chance to save the bank. Chavalier proposes to the owner M. de Brisson to deposit a large amount of gold, but in return he would like to marry his daughter Cecile. However, Cecile is in love with the efficient clerk Lucien Cortier that belongs to the lower classes and refuses the engagement. In order to get rid off the rival, Chavalier uses evidences to incriminate Lucien, manipulating the incompetent Parisian chief of police.
Let's Make a Night of It
And His Band
Unbeknown to each other, a husband and wife acquire separate nightclubs in the same London street; however, both clubs are on the brink of bankruptcy.
The Man in the Mirror
Supervising Editor
A mild-mannered, somewhat mousy man is astounded when his reflection in a mirror comes to life and begins to do all the wild and crazy things that he always wanted to but never could.
Supervising Editor
Ebenezer Scrooge, the ultimate Victorian miser, hasn't a good word for Christmas, though his impoverished clerk Cratchit and nephew Fred are full of holiday spirit. In the night, Scrooge is visited by spirits of the past, present, and future.
The Last Journey
Supervising Editor
Bob Holt's last journey as a Railway engine driver before his retirement, a journey disturbed by his distress at leaving the Railway, and his suspicions of the relationship between his wife and his fireman. Aboard the train are a pair of pickpockets, a honeymoon couple, a drunk, a temperance pamphleteer and a host of familiar types, all more-or-less bizarre in characteristically English ways. Bob takes an unexpected course of action, and the characters start interacting in varied and unexpected ways. When, at last, the train stops, all has been resolved, but not as might have been expected at the beginning of the journey.
D’Ye Ken John Peel?
Supervising Editor
Major John Peel returns to England, following Napoleon's Waterloo defeat, and renews his acquaintance with Lucy Merrall, but she tells him she is engaged to be married. He later learns that, Cravens, the man she is to marry already has a wife. He also learns that Craven cleaned out Lucy's father in a crooked gambling game, and Lucy is paying the price to hold the family home together.
The Broken Melody
A composer goes to Devil's Island for killing his wife's lover, then writes an opera about it.
Kentucky Minstrels
'Old-time minstrel sinks to poverty and rises to fresh stardom.' (British Film Catalogue)
The Man Who Changed His Name
Supervising Editor
A young woman begins to suspect that her wealthy, respectable husband may be an escaped Canadian murderer.
The Wandering Jew
Old Jerusalem: Matathias, spiteful over his lover's illness, spits on Jesus along the road to Calvary, and is cursed to live endlessly until His return. The Crusades, 1150: Matathias, now an anonymous knight, competes for glory in combat and for the wife of a soldier. Palermo, 1290: Matteos Battadios witnesses the death of his young son, leading to conflict with his wife over whether to take comfort in Christianity. Seville, 1560: Dr Matteos Battadios dedicates himself to the treatment and comfort of the poor, but his life and work are endangered by the arrival of the Spanish Inquisition.
This Week of Grace
Grace Milroy loses her job working at a factory. However, through a strange set of circumstances, she is taken on as housekeeper at the nearby Swinford Castle the home of the eccentric Duchess of Swinford.
I Lived with You
In London a young lady meets a homeless and apparently penniless Russian prince. She introduces him to her middle-class Fulham family and he moves in. It turns out he still has a number of diamonds given him by the last czar, and he is persuaded to start selling them. The resulting money, and his princely notoriety, soon cause changes in everyone's lives.
The Man Outside
A murder at a country house centres around the whereabouts of a horde of stolen diamonds and the unmasking of people who are not as they at first seem.
The Shadow
A group of people in an old dark house are terrorized by a mysterious hooded figure dressed in black who proceeds to kill them off one by one.
The Lodger
An elderly couple's lodger, a British musician (Ivor Novello), becomes the suspect in a series of killings.
When London Sleeps
Slippery Rodney Haines runs a high-class gambling joint in Hampstead, while elsewhere in London Lamberti's Fair for the less-well-off is on its last legs. The only link between them seems to be Tommy Blyth, whose betting has put him in serious debt with Haines and who fancies Mary, the Lamberti's adopted daughter. In fact, there is a further unexpected link between the two worlds.
The Missing Rembrandt
Holmes goes on the trail of a Rembrandt painting, stolen by a drug-addicted artist.
Condemned to Death
A condemned man uses hypnotism on a judge. After the man's death, the judge finds himself acting like the condemned man.
Frail Women
An illegitimate war-baby adopted by a wealthy spinster.
Splinters in the Navy
To celebrate their Admiral's impending marriage, his men stage a variety performance. Meanwhile Joe Crabbs attempts to win back his girlfriend from the Navy's boxing champion.
Chin Chin Chinaman
A crime film directed by Guy Newall.
A Night in Montmartre
A young couple live under a café in Paris that, unknown to them, is owned by a brutal blackmailer. When he is murdered, they fall under suspicion. However, the husband's father, an amateur detective, believes in their innocence and sets out to find who really killed the blackmailer.
The Sleeping Cardinal
A card cheat is threatened with exposure into joining a criminal enterprise that Sherlock Holmes believes is controlled by Professor Moriarity.
Lord Richard in the Pantry
'Poor lord poses as butler to avoid framed arrest for theft.' (British Film Catalogue)