The Hour of the Pig (1993)
The case is a dog. The defendant is a pig. And the law is an ass.
Género : Drama, Historia, Suspense, Crimen, Romance, Comedia, Misterio
Tiempo de ejecución : 1H 52M
Director : Leslie Megahey
En la Francia medieval un joven abogado, Richard Courtois, deja París en busca de una vida más normal en el campo. Pero pronto se ve inmerso en intrigas políticas, aparte de ser requerido para defender a un cerdo, propiedad de la misteriosa gitana Samira. El cerdo ha sido arrestado por el asesinato de un joven.
En base a los más recientes descubrimientos esta investigación histórica propone un radical cambio de vista sobre Hiroshima y Nagasaki. Emplaza a los científicos del Proyecto Manhattan de vuelta al inicio de la historia y muestra como sus decisiones y su deseo de experimentar con civiles preparó el camino hacia la bomba atómica.
When a disturbed teen named Todd runs out of bullets in an attempt to commit suicide his call to a former bullet shop turned pizza place changes his life, hopefully for the better.
An ancient church is being dismantled and moved to a new location, stone by stone. One of the gargoyles from the stones falls into the possession of a mother who takes the stone man back to her family. Soon after, four strangers show up in the village and the Sogood & Firkettle children seem to be the only ones who question the mysterious things that begin to happen. This film was originally broadcast across six 25 minute episodes with a total runtime of 150 minutes. A few years later, the US cable network Nickelodeon edited the miniseries into a 2 hour (including commercials) movie block. This 2 hour edited version was shown throughout the 1980s on US television.
Benjamin and Awad run Sudan's national film archive. The two men, who have worked together for more than 40 years, are devoted to protecting their country's visual memories. Home to some 13,000 films, the archive preserves pivotal moments of Sudan's turbulent history and is one of the largest in Africa. But the archive is in a fragile state. Following years of neglect and poor storage, many film reels are turning to dust in Sudan's unforgiving tropical climate. The two friends are determined to turn it around and embark on a mission to save the old films. Will they succeed in preserving Sudan's visual history for future generations before it's too late?
The accumulated history of Tibet and other issues contributing to the current situation in the region as it relates to China.
1945. Un avión de carga militar estadounidense pierde el control y se estrella violentamente tras las líneas enemigas en medio de la selva negra alemana. El comandante Johnson envía un escuadrón de sus soldados más valientes en una misión de rescate para recuperar el material de alto secreto que transportaba el avión, dirigido por los sargentos Brewer y Walsh. Pronto descubren soldados nazis ahorcados y otros cadáveres con símbolos mágicos antiguos. De repente, sus brújulas fallan, sus percepciones se tuercen y alejarse del grupo conduce a profundos horrores cuando son atacados por una poderosa fuerza sobrenatural.
An author writes a book about witch persecution and is accused of blasphemy.
Maunu Kurkvaara's film has been inspired by the blasphemy trial against the author Hannu Salamaa and Markku Lahtela's novel. The author (Pekka Haukinen) has written a historical novel about witch hunts and has been charged with blasphemy.
The war between the Heike clan and the Genji clan continues. This time, Nozomi has to fight a powerful supernatural enemy and make a choice: protect her friends and stay by Kurou's side, or choose her first love, Masaomi, which is the leader of the Heike, and her enemy.
A woman's secret relationship is discovered putting her and those around her in danger.
La historia de cómo una chica inmigrante se convirtió en una esposa maltratada envuelta una sensación mediática.
Germany, 1945. The War is over, and it has left a slew of devastated families in its wake. Among them are Maria and her mother, two refugees who find themselves working on a farm in the German countryside after they are forced out of their home by violence and political upheaval. It is there that little Maria makes an unlikely friend: an American soldier — an enemy soldier — who, through one act of unnecessary kindness, teaches Maria and her family a powerful lesson in compassion and humanity during the most inhumane of times.
La doctora Emma Collins y su equipo están pasando su tercer verano en la isla Little Happy estudiando el efecto del cambio climático en el gran tiburón blanco. Junto a los dos últimos habitantes del antiguo pueblo pesquero, su vida se ve alterada cuando un equipo "científico" liderado por su exnovio y marino biológico Richard aparece buscando tres tiburones toro que son algo más de lo que aparentan en un principio.
Made for Italian national television, Ellis Donda’s Il Corpo Rubato (The Stolen Body) is an experimental documentary on psychoanalisis in 70s/80s Italy, its analytical practices and forms of suggestion.
An epic exploration of the Czechoslovak New Wave cinema of the 1960s and 70s, structured around a series of conversations with one of its most acclaimed exponents - Closely Observed Trains director Jiří Menzel.
Two stories separated by 1400 years. After losing his mother in the midst of a war-torn country, an Iraqi child learns the importance and power of patience by discovering the historical story of Lady Fatima and her suffering.
Slasher : “Mitica peli donde salen unos adolescentes hiperhormonados, que van muriendo a manos de un asesino psicópata” Freddy.
Emilio Cancela ha decidido suicidarse y, como todo buen condenado, tiene derecho a una última voluntad: un cigarrillo y un café con hielo. Por su condición de suicida sabe que terminará en el infierno. Lo que no sospecha es que él conocerá el infierno antes de morir, y que en su infierno… no hay fuego.
Examines the 1879 court case of Standing Bear vs. Crook and the struggle for basic Native American rights.