Bangkok Traffic Love Story (2009)
Next station i will say "i love you."
Género : Comedia, Romance
Tiempo de ejecución : 2H 6M
Director : Adisorn Trisirikasem
Escritor : Benjamaporn Srabua, Nawapol Thamrongrattanarit, Adisorn Trisirikasem
After an encounter with an engineer working the night shift for the city train, a 30-year-old woman struggles against all odds to pursue true love.
Tras un encuentro casual con una mujer, un profesor suizo de lenguas clásicas abandona su trabajo y va a Lisboa con la esperanza de localizar a cierto personaje: un doctor y poeta que luchó contra el dictador portugués Antonio de Oliveira Salazar.
El último día de verano, Louise, una anciana, se da cuenta de que el último tren se ha marchado sin ella. Se encuentra sola en un pequeño balneario, abandonado por todos. El clima empeora rápidamente seguido de las mareas estacionales. Frágil y coqueta, no tan bien preparada como un aspirante a Robinson Crusoe, es poco probable que Louise supere el invierno. Sin embargo, Louise considera su abandono como un desafío. Ella va a sobrevivir, enfrentando los elementos y sus recuerdos, que han encontrado la ocasión perfecta para unirse a la aventura ...
A young agoraphobic and megalomaniac scientist expresses a strong contempt for his fellows. Obsessed with a physical paradox he can't seem to solve, he decides to clone himself, since, according to him, only a brain similar to his can accomplish his work. After some time, the clone's presence becomes problematic...
Psychological drama examining a mental breakdown of an English housewife.
Cristi has just moved to an unknown country, far away from family and friends. At first, she is happy for the challenge. But soon she begins to question her place in this new world that seems to be a lost town, made of absences, distances, silence and indifference. '4242' is the story of a young female immigrant, a story of a teenager's anguish who is trying to redefine her identity after being forced to leave home.
Many years ago, in a nearly deserted town at the foot of a mountain, lives Agostino with his wife Nina and his son Giovanni. The mountain rises up like a wall blocking out the sun that never reaches their fields below, now reduced to just stones and underbrush. Agostino, even though everything suggests him to leave, decides that the destiny of his family is there, among the peaks. He is not only driven by stubbornness, but by the certainty that our roots cannot betray us and that with the help of our spirit we can bring the sun on every destiny.
Life on an offshore oil drilling rig is becoming a burden for one of the riggers, who feels lonely and is frequently visited by a lone black dog that appears from nowhere.
a Sad Man sits alone in his house longing for company.
A middle-aged woman battles loneliness and boredom by robbing banks on her lunch break. But after the adrenaline rush wears off, she still has to deal with her deeply unhappy life. Inspired by a true story.
A woman is alone and depressed.
Bluebird (Laia Costa) es una joven española casada que ha decidido hacer senderismo sola por los montes Apalaches. Durante el viaje, la chica decide juntarse con el joven Lago (Thomas Mann), a quien acaba de conocer en el camino. Pero a medida que se conocen, su química y su atracción mutua va en aumento hasta desembocar en un beso. Y ahí es cuando todo cambia. Lo que comenzó como un vínculo inocente se convierte en un romance inesperado que obliga a Bluebird y Lake a cruzar la delgada línea entre su indisponibilidad emocional y un deseo innegable.
Feeling lost and lonely after a tragic loss years prior, Ben lives out his day in total seclusion.
A short film recounting the travels of a lonely astronaut confronted by the unknown. Unfolding as a mystery, it becomes a carefully subtle, autobiographical examination of the feeling of loneliness and the existential issue of not understanding life on earth and ones place among it.
Abel doesn't leave his room for 20 years. After the accident, he confined himself to the cloister and his instincts, creating a routine. However, it is when the person who ensures his survival ceases to appear, finishing the food and the drink, that he ends up leaving the alienated state in which he is. Abel goes out to the unknown in order to satisfy his addiction. Without knowing it, he is approaching the abyss.
A monk of a Greek monastery, tries to cope with the unbearable sadness and loneliness , when he loses his little dog, the only companion he has got.
Documentary about loneliness in the elderly.
Una mujer sin techo que vive en los túneles de Nueva York sobrevive por su propia cuenta en los días que previos a una tormenta de nieve.
Maud, una joven y devota enfermera llega a la casa de Amanda, una famosa bailarina postrada en su aislada casona a causa de una enfermedad. Al principio, Amanda se muestra intrigada por esta joven religiosa que consigue distraerle de su mala salud. Maud, a su vez, está hechizada por su nueva paciente. Pero Maud no es todo lo que parece. Vive atormentada por un violento secreto de su pasado y por momentos de éxtasis que cree recibir directamente de Dios. Maud se convence de que ha sido enviada a Amanda no simplemente como enfermera, sino para cumplir un propósito divino. A medida que pierde el control sobre su conexión con la realidad, los cuidados de Maud se convierten en una misión letal para salvar el alma de Amanda, por todos los medios.