Boosaba Daorueng

Boosaba Daorueng

Nacimiento : 1952-01-01, Bangkok, Thailand


Presently, Boosaba Daorueng is Vice Chairman & Group Chief Executive Officer at GMM Grammy Public Co. Ltd. She is also on the board of 38 other companies. Ms. Daorueng received an undergraduate degree from Thammasat University.


Boosaba Daorueng


Not Friends
Executive Producer
A group of high school students, fueled by their shared passion for filmmaking, sets out to create a short film based on the life of their beloved classmate. Little do they know, their endeavor will lead them to uncover their friend’s hidden secrets that could change their perspective on their passion forever.
Remembering Fan Chan
Executive Producer
Documentary 5 chapter celebrating the 20th anniversary of "My Girl"
You & Me & Me
Executive Producer
A nostalgic, coming-of-age story of identical twin sisters who share every aspect of their lives with one another, until one day a boy walks into their lives and puts their strong bond to the test.
OMG! Oh My Girl
Executive Producer
Pasan los años y Guy sigue enamorándose de June, una chica muy desenvuelta, en los momentos y lugares menos oportunos.
Love Destiny: The Movie
Executive Producer
La pareja destinada, Bhop y Gaysorn, ven desafiados su amor y sus creencias en medio de amenazas salvajes durante la expansión del dominio colonial.
Amor contrarreloj
Executive Producer
Un campeón de apilamiento deportivo lucha por mantener a flote su vida amorosa mientras defiende su título como el más rápido del mundo.
El experimento fantasma
Executive Producer
Después de que un experimento de laboratorio sobre el más allá sale mal, dos médicos se obsesionan peligrosamente con obtener pruebas científicas de la existencia de los fantasmas.
The Con-Heartist
Executive Producer
Ina, whose ex-boyfriend runs off, leaving her in debt, manages to catch on a cunning con artist who tries to con her. But instead of turning him to the police, she hires this con artist to swindle her ex-boyfriend to get revenge.
Feliz año pasado
Executive Producer
Mientras ordena su casa como parte de un proceso monumental de renovación, una mujer se choca con su pasado tras encontrar las pertenencias de su exnovio.
Tootsies & The Fake
Executive Producer
After knocking a celebrity unconscious before a huge job, a bumbling pack of pals tries to avoid a lawsuit by replacing her with a look-alike.
Executive Producer
When a spirit inhabits the body of a teen named Min, he begins to settle into his life until he's forced to find out who caused Min's mysterious death.
2215 km
Executive Producer
Este íntimo documental sigue a la estrella de rock Artiwara Kongmalai a lo largo de un recorrido de 2215 km que llevó a cabo en Tailandia para recaudar fondos benéficos.
Brother of the Year
Executive Producer
Jane lives with her brother Chut with her being the only one doing everything around the house. But Chut will need to learn to take care of himself when Jane becomes involved romantically with a Japanese coworker.
The Promise
Executive Producer
Ib y Boum se hicieron una promesa de sangre en Bangkok allá por al año 1997, la mayor demostración de amistad, suicidarse juntas. Cuando Boum renuncia a esta promesa y decide vivir, el fantasma de Ib regresa a por ella pero 20 años después para atormentarla, no solo a ella, tambien a su hija de 15 años. ¿Por que rompiste esa promesa Boum? Ahora te vas a arrepentir, pero no por esa promesa, porque nadie puede arrepentirse de querer seguir viviendo, sino por tu hija!
Bad Genius
Executive Producer
Bienvenido al negocio de chuletas para exámenes dirigido por Lynn, una estudiante brillante que encuentra la idea de negocio después de ayudar a Grace y Pat. Grace es una destacada activista escolar que no puede obtener las calificaciones que necesita. Pat es un chico rico y sucio que cree que el dinero puede comprar cualquier cosa. El negocio de Lynn se dispara y se inunda de dinero cuando decenas de estudiantes ofrecen su dinero a cambio de respuestas al examen.
One Day
Executive Producer
A woman suffers from a rare form of temporary amnesia, lasting for a day. Her shy colleague, who is secretly in love with her, tells her that they are a couple in order to experience being with her for just one day.
May Who?
Executive Producer
As May's heart rate rises, she emits electricity. When she falls for the school heartthrob, she enlists the help of Pong, who has a crush of his own.
Pee Mak Phrakanong
Executive Producer
Ambientada siglos atrás, Mak se ve obligado a abandonar a su esposa embarazada para unirse al ejército e ir a la guerra. Cuando acaba la guerra vuelve a casa con cuatro soldados más, que se convirtieron en tiempos difíciles en sus mejores amigos, y les presenta a su esposa y su hijo. Más tarde ellos descubren los rumores que circulan en el pueblo sobre la mujer de Mak, que dicen que murió durante el embarazo!
Executive Producer
Sua and Jib are like any other couple in this world except for one exception: for the past 5 years they have kept their relationship a secret since the bank where they are employed has a strict No Fraternization policy. It's not a big deal until they decide to get married. The only problem? Which one of these two Type-A overachievers will put marriage before a career and resign? With neither willing to take the leap of faith they both turn incident into opportunity when an ATM glitch in Chonburi province cashes out over $130,000 baht.
The Billionaire
Executive Producer
Inspired by a true story, this uplifting drama focuses on a young Thai entrepreneur's incredible business success, despite obstacles and self-doubt.
Executive Producer
Los sucesos narrados en el film, están basados en una famosa historia real sobre una urbanización cerrada y abandonada en Chiang Mai, que se convirtió en un páramo desierto debido a una serie de muertes y terribles sucesos paranormales. Allí llegara engañada la familia del Sr. Thee, un tipo corriente que lleva tiempo viviendo con un sueldo de oficinista, que no le ha permitido nunca lograr la casa de ensueño para vivir con su familia. Un día, tiene la oportunidad de ascender como jefe adjunto de Marketing en Chiang Mai, un lugar donde los salarios son mas altos y las viviendas mas asequibles. Thee, no dudara en aceptar el trabajo y comprarse una casa en una urbanización del lugar, para poder cumplir finalmente su sueno junto a su familia. Lo que no esperaba es que su sueno se convertiría en una pesadilla
Suck Seed
Executive Producer
When his boyhood crush Ern returns, Ped forms a band with his friend to impress her. Romantic rivalries bloom after the talented Ern joins the group.
Hello Stranger
Executive Producer
Dos jóvenes tailandeses, un hombre y una mujer, se encuentran en Corea del Sur mientras disfrutan de sus respectivas vacaciones. Deciden hacer juntos un tour por Corea mientras mantienen sus nombres en secreto el uno al otro.
The Little Comedian
Executive Producer
Tock, heir to a long line of comedians has a problem. He is not funny. Constantly upstage by his younger sister, he falls in love with a dermatologist who incidentally is the only one who finds him funny.
Bangkok Traffic Love Story
Executive Producer
After an encounter with an engineer working the night shift for the city train, a 30-year-old woman struggles against all odds to pursue true love.
Phobia 2
Executive Producer
Película de terror que recupera el estilo de "Phobia", narrando diferentes historias independientes entre ellas de 25 minutos de duración cada una:
Dear Galileo
Executive Producer
College friends whose lives are at a crossroads decide to spend a year in Europe, working in Thai restaurants, and trying not to get deported.
Best of Times
Executive Producer
When friendship deepens into what veterinarian Keng hopes could become love, he learns that beautiful Fai still harbors feelings for her ex-husband who also happens to be Keng's best friend.
Coming soon
Executive Producer
¿Cuáles son las escenas de terror que más te asustan? ¿Cuándo los fantasmas se aparecen de repente? ¿Cuándo el personaje principal no ve que el fantasma está detrás de él? ¿Cuándo al final, te enteras que el personaje principal siempre fué un fantasma? Pero nada se compara con lo que sientes al llegar a casa solo y de repente sientes que eso ya lo habías vivido y estás recontruyendo la misma escena que acabas de ver en esa película de terror. (FILMAFFINITY)
Handle Me with Care
Executive Producer
A young man born with an extra arm longs to find love, so he journeys to a metropolitan hospital where he hopes to have his extra appendage amputated.
Executive Producer
BIA es una película de horror compuesta de 4 historias dirigidas por los 4 directores mas talentosos de Tailandia. >> “Loneliness” (Dir. Yongyoot Thongkongtoon) acerca de una chica solitaria que comienza a intercambiar mensajes de texto con un desconocido y pronto descubrirá algo extraño de el, por quien se siente atraída. >> “The Deadly Charm” (Dir. Phavee Purijidpanya) es una historia de magia negra y de venganza de un chico de la escuela que había sido amenazado y maltratado, por un grupo de compañeros. >> “The Middle Man” (Dir. Banjong Pisanthanakun) un grupo de amigos se encuentra con su peor camping después de sufrir un accidente en el bote donde viajaban. >> “The Last Fright” (Dir. Parkpoom Wongpoom) lleva el horror a las alturas con un thriller que involucra a una azafata a volar sola en una cabina, con un cadáver.
Executive Producer
Chon, un estudiante de cuarto de medicina, empieza a visitar a un psicoterapeuta cuando tiene pesadillas con una mujer que vio solo una vez en un restaurante. En sus sueños, la mujer es asesinada por un hombre que descuartiza su cuerpo y se deshace de los pedazos echándolos por el inodoro.
The Bedside Detective
Executive Producer
An apprentice private detective is hired to gather evidence of a wealthy man's infidelity but falls in love with his target's adorable girlfriend.
Kung Fu Tootsie
Executive Producer
When his son and heir is injured by rivals, a mob kingpin finds his son's long-lost twin, whose personality defies gangster clichés and expectations.
Nunca estamos solos
Executive Producer
Pim regresa a la vieja casa en la que nació, donde experimenta unos dolorosos recuerdos y siente que algo le ocurre a su mano derecha. Pronto, descubrirá que tuvo una hermana gemela siamesa... Segunda película de los creadores de Shutter, una de las películas de terror asiático más aclamadas de los últimos años y cuyo remake americano se estrenó en España a principios de abril de 2008. (FILMAFFINITY)
Final Score
Executive Producer
Final Score follows Thai students at the age of 17 handling the entrance examination, the biggest exams to access to universities. See how the students get through many obstacles - intensive and extra courses, country's unstable circumstance, the changes in society, and the brand new admission system to screen qualified students. No one knows how the result would be. Success or failure? They're the person who destine their own result.
The Possible
Executive Producer
In 1970, a string band called "The Possible" was really popular and made a fever among young people. One day, the band received a microphone as the present from a mysterious fan. Miraculously, the microphone was a time-machine that accidentally took them to the future, in 2007, where the modern music rules and they're just an out-of-date item. The only way to bring them back to their glorious time is performing a concert to energize the microphone, the time-machine. But, before the concert could be set, there're still some problems in the new world that they have to deal with.
Seasons Change
Executive Producer
The story takes place at the College of Music, Mahidol University over one year and covers the three seasons that Bangkok typically experiences - summer, winter and monsoon.
See How They Run
Executive Producer
A mischievous ghost boy is wandering around the town, trying to find his father. Living alone with loneliness, the ghost boy wants to make friends with people. He enjoys making trouble, and causes chaos throughout the villagers.
Executive Producer
Four girlfriends plot to determine whether the cute metrosexual man their friend plans to marry is really straight.
Dorm (My School)
Executive Producer
Ton es un niño que no necesita mucho esfuerzo para destacar en el colegio, por lo que vive pendiente de la televisión. Su padre decide mandarlo a un internado donde pueda profundizar en sus estudios. El niño no se encuentra muy contento con esto porque sabe que la decisión de su padre se debe a otras razones. En el internado, escuchará de otros niños una historia típica de fantasmas sin saber que ello iniciará una aventura extrasensorial que no sólo le perturbará sino que le beneficiará, ya que aprenderá a mejorar su relación con sus padres y ayudará a una profesora a seguir con su vida adelante.
Dear Dakanda
Executive Producer
Recovering from an accident, an artist is torn between the nurse who is helping him recover and a college friend for whom he secretly longs.
The Tin Mine
Executive Producer
A failed engineering student in the late 1940s gets the unexpected education of a lifetime by working for four years in a rainforest tin mine.
Executive Producer
A group of house maids are transferred to be secret agents to investigate a suspicious event with modest technology equipment. The new blood agents struggle in the rough and tough mission without the knowledge of how to use the equipment and that leads to the failure of their mission. Are they gonna make it while they have to do housework and the mission in the same time?
Pattaya Maniac
Executive Producer
A peddler of Buddhist amulets runs afoul of a powerful gangster by trying to buy the freedom of a woman he loves, with comically complicated results.
Shutter: El fotógrafo
Executive Producer
Avanzada la noche, en una carretera rural, Tun y Jane atropellan accidentalmente a un misterioso peatón. Huyen de la escena y regresan a su quehacer cotidiano en Bangkok. Sin embargo, algunos fenómenos sin explicación empiezan a convertir su vida en una pesadilla constante. Jane se ve asediada por terribles sueños. Tun, fotógrafo de profesión, percibe extrañas figuras espectrales que empiezan a aparecer en sus fotografías. Cuando deciden regresar al lugar del accidente para investigar, no queda ningún rastro de la víctima ni noticia alguna sobre su desaparición o sobre el descubrimiento del cadáver. Sin embargo, uno a uno, van muriendo los amigos más próximos de Tun. Tanto él como Jane saben muy bien que deben resolver este misterio antes de que sea éste el que destruya sus propias vidas.
My Girl
Executive Producer
Jeab hears that his childhood sweetheart Noi-Naa is to be married, so he makes the trip back home to his provincial village. As he does so, the memories come flooding back to his childhood in 1980s Thailand. He remembers always being late to school, so his father would have to give him a ride on the back of the motorcycle. After school, he would always play with Noi-Naa and her girlfriends while the neighborhood boys rode their bicycles and played football and Chinese fantasy characters.
One Night Husband
Executive Producer
On her wedding night, Sipang's husband leaves his bride hurriedly after receiving a call. That, unfortunately, would be the last time Sipang sees her husband. As the young bride teams up with her husband's brother and his wife, she slowly uncovers facets of her husband's life she never knew existed. With her husband still missing, Sipang launches a desperate search for him.
Executive Producer
Kaewta knows her final day is fast approaching. She decides to fly to New York City to forget her painful past and spend her last four months there. Fate plays games with her again when she has an accident upon her arrival, and she can't even remember who she is. Alienated amid the confusion of this unfamiliar urban world, she meets a mysterious man who, although warm and comforting, seems to harbor many secrets. Kaewta embraces the chance for a new, beautiful life. But she doesn't know her happiness can last only for four months.
Body Jumper
Amidst the chaos of the and lights in the night, A group of nature conservative students led by Dom, Fah and Ger held a volunteer camp in Roi Ed province without any clues about the village myth.
Executive Producer
In a College for the Arts of some sort, 5 freshmen students Prim, Foon, Chompoo, Art, and Puen met randomly during the ceremony on the first day of class. One day, the freshmen were required to donate blood. They learned then that the 5 of them have the same blood type, O-negative. Prim was into Interior Design. Art was into Photography. Prim was poor while Foon was rich. Art was not so poor while Puen was rich. Chompoo, in the middle.
Red Bike Story
Executive Producer
A heartwarming movie about freshman university students coming of age and discovering the meaning of love.
Sunset at Chaopraya
Executive Producer
Angsumalin, the beautiful daughter of a military leader, says good-bye to her friend Vanus, who is going to England to study. She won't promise to marry him, but will give him an answer when he returns. The Japanese invade, and circumstances bring Angsumalin together with Kobori, an idealistic Japanese captain, who is also related to a powerful Japanese general.