
Circleen - City Mouse (1998)

Género : Animación, Familia, Comedia

Tiempo de ejecución : 1H 2M

Director : Jannik Hastrup


She's back - the lovable little elf who sleeps in a matchbox on the artist's desk: and of course her playmates, too, the comical mouse couple Fredrik and Ingolf. The trio are moving into the city. It's a mjor step for Circleen and the mice, and one which has its pros and cons. The city is a dangerous place, but it also has cute, amusing, cheeky playmates such as Sidse, whose family boasts a pirate, and Hassan's family, who introduce food-loving Ingolf to feta cheese and belly-dancing.


Ida Marie Christensen
Ida Marie Christensen
Anne Clausen
Anne Clausen
Janne Britt Hansen
Janne Britt Hansen
Niklas Ingemann
Niklas Ingemann
Jesper Klein
Jesper Klein
Sidse's Grandfather
Otto Brandenburg
Otto Brandenburg
Earth-rat (Voice)
Claus Ryskjær
Claus Ryskjær
Rat (Voice)
Ditte Gråbøl
Ditte Gråbøl
The Chicken (Voice)


Jannik Hastrup
Jannik Hastrup

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