
Shadowed (1946)

Género : Misterio

Tiempo de ejecución : 1H 10M

Director : John Sturges


Fred J. Johnson (Lloyd Corrigan) scores a hole-in-one but his next drive, using the lucky, initialed golf ball, soars out of bounds and lands near a spot where some counterfeiters are burying a murder victim. Then begins a series of events in which he is hounded and threatened by the killers. The consequences of his not reporting what he saw to the police lead to a climax in which is daughter is held hostage by the crooks.


Anita Louise
Anita Louise
Carol Johnson
Lloyd Corrigan
Lloyd Corrigan
Fred J. Johnson
Michael Duane
Michael Duane
Det. Lt. Braden
Mark Roberts
Mark Roberts
Mark Bellaman (as Robert Scott)
Doris Houck
Doris Houck
Edna Montague
Terry Moore
Terry Moore
Virginia 'Ginny' Johnson (as Helen Koford)
Wilton Graff
Wilton Graff
Tony Montague
Eric Roberts
Eric Roberts
Lester Binkey
Paul E. Burns
Paul E. Burns
Wanda Perry
Wanda Perry
Waitress (uncredited)


John Sturges
John Sturges
Julian Harmon
Julian Harmon
Brenda Weisberg
Brenda Weisberg
John Haggott
John Haggott
Mario Castelnuovo-Tedesco
Mario Castelnuovo-Tedesco
Original Music Composer
Henry Freulich
Henry Freulich
Director of Photography
James Sweeney
James Sweeney

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