
Another Way: With Vegetables (2015)

Can we become agents of change?

Género : Documental

Tiempo de ejecución : 1H 7M

Director : Anne Closset


This documentary film asks whether a citizens' experiment, the CSA (Community-supported Agriculture), developing new partnership models between consumers and farmers, has the power to change society.



Anne Closset
Anne Closset
Anne Closset
Anne Closset
Max Vandervorst
Max Vandervorst
Guido Welkenhuysen
Guido Welkenhuysen

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It's On 2
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Pathway to Health
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The documentary follows a crew of snowboarders for six weeks in the Chugach mountains, and showcases what it takes to ride these unique Alaskan mountains: the waiting, the stress, the dangers, everything that goes into it and is usually never shown. It also retraces some of the history of this unknown discipline and pays tribute to the pioneers. But the film really focuses on the human aspect and why these people do what they do.
The Other End of the Rope
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Shangku Shelter
Zanskar is a remote kingdom in the northwest Indian Himalaya, where local people are snow-bound for six months of the year. About 10,000 Zanskaris live in the isolated valley. In winter, mountain passes are blocked, the summer Jeep road closes and buses stop. Two decades ago, three friends founded a ski school - to enable winter travel in the valley, improve quality of life, and to encourage young people to stay in Zanskar by helping establish a culture of mountain sports. The film tells the story of this friendship, the ski school and the development of skiing in the area. Along the way a bigger question is raised. Most recently, the federal government announced a major road building project that will provide year round access to Zanskar. How can Zanskar's wilderness be preserved? It is only a matter of time before the winter road is completed, and the "Big India" rushes in.
Desde los Alpes hasta el Himalaya, la leyenda viva de los deportes de montaña, Dawa Sherpa, ha dejado su huella en el mundo del trail running y los Juegos Olímpicos. Deportista de alto nivel, cuidador de yaks, albañil y monje budista, Dawa ahora organiza carreras con fines humanitarios en el corazón de sus montañas nativas. Uno de ellos es el sendero Solukhumbu. ¡Una carrera de trail running de aproximadamente 300 km, una aventura que se desarrolla a 5000 m sobre el nivel del mar y una cantidad total de kilómetros de desnivel equivalente al doble de ascenso al Everest! Descubre un Nepal salvaje y auténtico, al pie de las montañas más altas del mundo, mientras 60 entusiastas del running se embarcan en una aventura humanitaria. A veces tienen que dormir en casa de los lugareños, en un refugio o en carpas congeladas. Superarse a sí mismo mientras apoya una causa humana que es la magia del Solukhumbu Trail.
Inhabit: A Permaculture Perspective
Inhabit is a feature length documentary introducing permaculture: a design method that offers an ecological lens for solving issues related to agriculture, economics, governance, and on. The film presents a vast array of projects, concepts, and people, and it translates the diversity of permaculture into something that can be understood by an equally diverse audience. For those familiar, it will be a call to action and a glimpse into what's possible - what kind of projects and solutions are already underway. For those unfamiliar, it will be an introduction to a new way of being and a new way of relating to the Earth. For everyone, it will be a reminder that humans are capable of being planetary healing forces.
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A new Rookie team has been assigned to complete their training with Stormer and his crew - but someone from Stormer's past is trying to take down the Hero Factory and Stormer himself.
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