
ASH World Wide Suicide (2002)

Género : Documental

Tiempo de ejecución : 50M

Director : Walter Stokman


A boy posts a message on the Internet seeking a suicide partner. A girl reads it and flies to meet him one week later. Together they jump off a 600-meter cliff. They found each other on an Internet newsgroup called alt.suicide.holiday, or ASH. Internet newsgroups are virtual discussion forums amongst people with common interests. The subject of this one is suicide. You come across thousands of letters. The unknown leave behind their open hearted life stories for us to read. Who are these people and why are they seeking each other on the Internet? What lives lay hidden behind the blue light of the computers. In ASH worlwide suicide we meet four writers of this newsgroup.



Walter Stokman
Walter Stokman
Ilse van Huisstede
Ilse van Huisstede
Jan Langeveld
Jan Langeveld
Jacko van 't Hof
Jacko van 't Hof

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