
Wiggle Room (2021)

Género : Drama

Tiempo de ejecución : 13M

Director : Julia Baylis, Sam Guest


Determined to save her wheelchair ramp from repossession, Daisy confronts the shady insurance agent who owes her money.


Deanna Gibson
Deanna Gibson
Sam Stillman
Sam Stillman
Vilma Ortiz Donovan
Vilma Ortiz Donovan
Julian Klepper
Julian Klepper


Julia Baylis
Julia Baylis
Sam Guest
Sam Guest
Julia Baylis
Julia Baylis
Sam Guest
Sam Guest
Julia Baylis
Julia Baylis
Sam Guest
Sam Guest
Robert Tutiven
Robert Tutiven
Amanda Glover
Amanda Glover
Original Music Composer
Guillaume le Grontec
Guillaume le Grontec
Director of Photography
Matthew C. Levy
Matthew C. Levy
Michele Mansoor
Michele Mansoor
Natasha Simchowitz
Natasha Simchowitz
Production Design
Emma de Kooning Villeneuve
Emma de Kooning Villeneuve
Set Decoration

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