
Sweet Jam (2001)

Género : Drama, Comedia, Familia, Música

Tiempo de ejecución : 1H 32M

Director : Marzieh Boroomand


The doors of the jam produced by a company do not open. In order for them to be able to sell their jam, they reward the one who can open the jam. All the people try to open the door of the jam.


Mani nouri
Mani nouri
Leila Hatami
Leila Hatami
Mohammadreza Sharifinia
Mohammadreza Sharifinia
Zhaleh Sameti
Zhaleh Sameti
Amir Hossein Seddigh
Amir Hossein Seddigh
Ramin Nasernasir
Ramin Nasernasir
Arjang Amirfazli
Arjang Amirfazli
Siamak Ansari
Siamak Ansari
Leili Rashidi
Leili Rashidi


Marzieh Boroomand
Marzieh Boroomand

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