
Who We Were (2021)

Género : Documental

Tiempo de ejecución : 1H 55M

Director : Marc Bauder


A look at the current state of the world, from the hand of six intellectuals and scientists who reflect on the present and postulate about the future.


Manfred Zapatka
Manfred Zapatka
Self - Narrator (voice)
Alexander Gerst
Alexander Gerst
Self - Astronaut
Sylvia Earle
Sylvia Earle
Self - Oceanographer
Dennis J. Snower
Dennis J. Snower
Self - Economist
Felwine Sarr
Felwine Sarr
Self - Philosopher
Janina Loh
Janina Loh
Self - Philosopher
Matthieu Ricard
Matthieu Ricard
Self - Buddhist Monk


Marc Bauder
Marc Bauder
Marc Bauder
Marc Bauder
Börres Weiffenbach
Börres Weiffenbach
Director of Photography
Stefan Stabenow
Stefan Stabenow
Thomas Kürstner
Thomas Kürstner
Original Music Composer
Sebastian Vogel
Sebastian Vogel
Original Music Composer
Bettina Morlock
Bettina Morlock
Production Manager
Marc Bauder
Marc Bauder
Esther Schapira
Esther Schapira
Commissioning Editor
Sabine Mieder
Sabine Mieder
Commissioning Editor
Sabine Elke
Sabine Elke
Commissioning Editor
Rolf Bergmann
Rolf Bergmann
Commissioning Editor
Simone Reuter
Simone Reuter
Commissioning Editor
Catherine Le Goff
Catherine Le Goff
Commissioning Editor
Oliver Achatz
Oliver Achatz
Sound Designer
Matthias Lempert
Matthias Lempert
Sound Mixer
Till Beckmann
Till Beckmann
Post Production Supervisor
Gunter Hanfgarn
Gunter Hanfgarn
Andrea Ufer
Andrea Ufer
Roger Willemsen
Roger Willemsen

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