Manfred Zapatka
Nacimiento : 1942-10-02, Bremen, Germany
Self - Narrator (voice)
A look at the current state of the world, from the hand of six intellectuals and scientists who reflect on the present and postulate about the future.
Meteor: Sohrab Shahid Saless by Mahmoud Behraznia is a documentary with a different perspective on Sohrab Shahid Saless, a leading Iranian filmmaker. Someone whose viewpoint at cinema and the special type of aesthetics he used in his films has been a path-breaker for many Iranian filmmakers. The film provides the viewer with new information about the life and work of Sohrab Shahid Saless in Germany.
Ulrich Adebach
In “Death Angel”, Jakob Ziemnicki's film adaptation of the novel “Walküre” by Craig Russel, Peter Lohmeyer alias Jan Fabel does everything possible to eradicate his most bitter flesh as an investigator: the Hamburg chief commissioner once again chases one of the press as the “angel of St. Pauli "described the serial killer who" punished "sex offenders ten years ago, remained undetected and is now apparently active again. However, the chief investigator, along with his crime logs played by Ina Paule Klink and Proschat Madani, comes across puzzling deviations from the previous victim scheme.
Polizeihauptmeister Horn
Film by Jan Bonny, also known as "Endlich Leben".
Pit Hoffmann
Three siblings have all reached a point of their life, at which they realize the need to quickly change some things before they step into the second half of their lifetime. In the midst of chaos, insufficiency and loss they are searching for the path that just might lead them to happiness.
Hans Meyer
Un abogado (M’Barek) decide llevar la defensa de un hombre al que se acusa de haber asesinado a un respetable hombre de negocios de avanzada edad. A medida que profundiza en la investigación del caso, el abogado destapa uno de los mayores escándalos judiciales de la historia de Alemania.
Stephan Mendt
El policía derechista Robert Anger se convierte de repente en el criminal más buscado en Alemania. Durante una asignación rutinaria, un compañero y amigos suyo es asesinado a tiros.
Herbert Winter
Anja y Frank están disfrutando de sus vacaciones en familia navegando en el Mar Báltico. Anja deja a sus dos hijos pequeños solos en el bote por un momento y cuando regresa, no están por ningún lado.
Eberhard Lehmann
One house, three apartments and three friendly couples, who have to put their relationships and life concepts to the test. After 20 years of marriage, Anne and Martin are close to separation. Eva and Thomas are freshly in love and want to do everything right. The relationship between Saskia and Kai gets into a crisis when she returns to work and takes care of the daughter.
Wilfried von Bensen
The senior investment banker Jochen Walther is at the peak of his career at the Deutche Bank. He just finished the deal of his life along with his personal assistant Tom Slezak, when during the celebrations he suddendly jumps from the roof of the bank's headquarters in Frankfurt. Was it suicide or even a murder?
Josef Richter
Siegbert Kaltensee
Un crimen de la era nazi es el fondo de la adaptación del éxito de ventas de Cornelia "Nele" Neuhaus.
Dr. Theo Zeisig
Klaus Barner
Joseph Komalschek was sentenced to 30 years in prison for cruelly murdering a young mother and her newborn baby. He never confessed his crimes and the bodies could not be found. After being released from prison, he returns to his hometown. People there treat him with distrust and disdain.
Karl Kress
Matthias Brühl
40 years after her husband is shot and killed by a terrorist while on duty as a police officer during a routine traffic check, Erika Welves (Senta Berger), aided by a journalist (Felix Eitner) finds evidence leading to the murderer. For the killer has vanished. Is living in freedom. Because the state is protecting him, keeping him safe. He in turn has supplied information concerning other terrorists. Erika Welves considers this blatant injustice. But now, finally, there is a chance at revenge...
Prof. Dieter Angerer
Swastikas were scratched into the windows of the University of Stuttgart and have caused considerable property damage. Far-right vandalism? The case is quickly closed, but the young Commissioner Bernau wants to enlighten the mysterious attack. He returns at night back to the crime scene and has an appearance that make his blood freeze! When he turns to the medium Morgana, he lifts the veil on a cruel mystery.
Kommissar Jürgen Monhaupt
In the loneliness of the Lower Havel lowlands, one of the last bird paradise in Germany, twelve-year-old Lea lives alone with her father Lutz, a passionate environmentalist. She is on the cusp of adulthood, confronted with the challenges of the present and the pains of the past. She often feels lonely in the childhood-remote world in which she lives, in which schools are closed and people leave. Even the father, who has withdrawn from the world, is increasingly becoming a problem for Lea, who longs for fellowship.
Norbert Bruckmann
Philipp Hardenberg
Walter Faber
Prof. Dr. Stadler
Vater Xaver
Fat German star restaurant chef Gregor shows romantic interest in waitress Eden Drebb. She's happily married to hunky Xaver Drebb, but feels romantically neglected. Gregor's deserts seduce her, first trough her brat daughter Leonie, to spend time with him and his fabulous dishes. That soon becomes a rather platonic affair, and domestic troubles. Xaver decides to exact revenge on Gregor, with tragic results.
Nettie's father
Theo (Jürgen Vogel), un violador, acaba de quedar libre después de pasar nueve años en un hospital psiquiátrico, pero su enfermedad hace que su monitorizado regreso a la sociedad se convierta en una prueba casi insoportable. Nattie (Sabine Timoteo), mientras tanto, ha logrado alejarse de su padre, quien la maltrataba psicológicamente. Theo y Nattie se conocen y se enamoran. Juntos emprenden un viaje hacia la libertad.
Herr Fischer
The plot focuses on the lives of the soon to be married Stefan, a German working in Romania for a wealthy and eccentric printing company owner, Nicu Iorga and his soon-to-be bride Brîndușa, who is Nicu's secretary.
Tom Wagner
Katharina Giano tries to start a new life after a personal tragedy, but moves into a mysterious apartment building with her daughter Laura.
Film by Karmakar.
Short film.
Martin Steeb
Armin (Constantin von Jascheroff) tiene dieciocho años, acaba de terminar el instituto y, agobiado por las buenas intenciones de su madre, las expectativas de su padre y el mortal aburrimiento de la vida en una zona residencial, empieza a enviar mensajes anónimos en los que se declara culpable de accidentes que presencia y delitos sobre los que lee. Al principio, es como un juego, pero pronto se convierte en una obsesión. Luego, ya no le basta con fingir que es culpable...
Veith Seewald
Der Bundeskanzler
Una pareja joven en una gran ciudad. Ella está llena de vida y lo único que quiere es ser feliz. Él es escritor, pero está pasando una mala racha, nadie quiere publicar sus obras, y se pasa todo el día tumbado en el sofá, leyendo. A ella la casa se le cae encima e intenta continuamente engatusarlo para salir y divertirse un poco, pero todo es en vano. Finalmente, decide marcharse durante algún tiempo para escapar de una rutina intolerable. En principio es una forma de protestar, pero todo lo que hace confirma su necesidad de conseguir algo distinto y auténtico. Sin embargo, acaba volviendo a casa y, aunque nada ha cambiado, todo es un poco diferente.
Bruno Kleu
In a small German town roams Ben, a boy with mental disorders. When several youths are murdered Ben becomes suspect.
George Spencer
Gerd Hermsbach
Marko Stemper, 19 years old, comes from a disadvantaged background and works as a window cleaner. His father, an alcoholic, tyrannizes the whole family, so Marko's only joy in life is boxing. As he is the most promising talent in his club, Gerd Hermsbach, a local demimonde boss, offers him the opportunity to become a professional. Marko accepts, but has to pay a high price...
Un hombre de temperamento impulsivo, pasó a la historia por ser el apóstol más escéptico. Atormentado por sus dudas, y desconfiado de todo mundo, camino a Betania se ofrece a morir al lado de Jesús. Más tarde se encuentra con María Magdalena y los apóstoles que aseguran haber visto a Jesús. Tomas difundió la palabra de Cristo después de reencontrarlo en la resurrección.
La película muestra el impacto de Jesucristo a través de otra mirada en la que comprobamos el miedo de los apóstoles, sus conflictos y luchas bajo el yugo de la ocupación romana y sus vidas después de la ida del Mesías. La revelación del nacimiento de Cristo, y el milagro de su resurrección marcó el principio de una nueva era, pero son los discípulos de Jesucristo, los que extienden su mensaje a todos los confines del mundo. (FILMAFFINITY)
Habiendo renunciado a los bienes materiales de su familia para seguir a Jesús, Judas se entusiasma con la idea de volver a Jerusalén, donde espera que Cristo sea glorificado como Rey de los Judíos. Pero, cuando ve que Jesús no tiene ningún interés por el poder, Judas empieza a tener dudas. (FILMAFFINITY)
Due to a delayed flight a group of German flight passengers have to wait in the hall of the airport of Manila. The crowd is quite mixed, ranging from an cultivated east German teacher couple up to sleazy sex tourists. As the waiting prolongs, more and more aggressions and long repressed behaviors shed their way to the surface.
Herr Eckernförde, Ninas Vater
Editor Eckernförde has come into the possession of an audiocassette that contains a recording of the last minutes of deceased politician Uwe Barschel. The circumstances of his untimely death have never been completely resolved - until now. Unfortunately, the editor's daughter Nina accidentally takes the tape with her to Munich, where she is about to visit her paralyzed Mom in a sanatorium. When this information reaches the CIA and the BND, both organizations compete to get hold of the tape. Meanwhile Erkan & Stefan, two loveable wannabe supercheckers from Munich, are assigned as bodyguards for Nina - of course, they are expected to mess up their job, so that the tape can be retrieved. But the two friends prove to be a bit more streetwise than CIA or BND ever expected.
Heinrich Himmler
Romuald Karmakar directs the actor Manfred Zapatka in performing the three-and-a-half hour speech originally declaimed before ninety-two SS generals by Heinrich Himmler on the 4th of October, 1943 in the Golden Hall of the Posen Palace.
Bruno Hennig
Beck - Geschwaderrichter
El 15 de Abril de 1945 partió desde el puerto noruego de Kristiansand submarino alemán de transporte U-234, de la clase XB, rumbo a Japón, bajo ordenes expresas del Jefe de la Gestapo, Heinrich Müller, y del propio Adolf Hitler. El 13 de mayo del mismo año el submarino alemán decidió rendirse. Por la zona del Atlántico en que se encontraba debía entregarse a los canadienses. Inexplicablemente, sin embargo, el capitán del navío decidió engañar a los canadienses dando sucesivas falsas posiciones, mientras se acercaba al puerto de Portsmouth (USA). El 16 de mayo de 1945 el destructor americano "USS Sutton" tomó el control del U-234 que sería entregado a las autoridades de Portsmouth el 19 de mayo de 1945.
Richard Martens
Dr. Kulicke
A wealthy businesswoman who tried to disinherit her unfaithful husband is murdered. The man's lover is convicted on the basis of circumstantial evidence in a negligent business case. But the now in love lawyer sets out to convict the real culprits ...
Harry Eberth
A psychodrama about how injustice is turned into oblivion about an opportunity worker and a woman from the civil house of a marriage for 30 years . Soon the relationship fails due to the aggressive, also destructive tendencies of the man who enters a deep personal crisis. When the marriage coined/shaped of force and Psychoterror goes finally into the breaks, the man looks for comfort in the alcohol and becomes criminal.
Herzog von Albany
Kaspar Pröckl
For fans of history, this glimpse of Munich society in the 1920s will be a much-treasured event. The story revolves around an art-gallery manager who puts on a show featuring the scandalous works of a woman artist who committed suicide. He is unjustly accused of having committed adultery with her, and for some reason the authorities decide to make an example of him. He is imprisoned at about the same time that Hitler and the nascent Nazi party attempt the infamous Beer Hall Putsch, and the gallery manager's girlfriend and a Swiss writer valiantly (and unsuccessfully) attempt to get better justice for him. Nobody in authority, it seems, has the courage to take up the challenge of righting this particular injustice.
Markus Keller
The brewery manager Heinrich Hartholz does not shy away from driving independent beer publishers into ruin in order to take over their property. Markus Keller, head of a push column , supports Hartholz in his criminal machinations.
Andreas Bongart
A comedy directed by Franz Josef Gottlieb.
Torquato Tasso
Andreas Greves
A treatise on love and desire tainted by harsh reality of capitalism, in which submission to the laws of lust-as-commerce is played out by five prostitutes and their pimp, who pits them against one another so that they are incapable of standing up to him collectively.
A woman leaves his husband and starts living with a turkish man.
The third episodical film, after Deutschland im Herbst and Der Kandidat, in which notable German film makers reflect on the state of their country.
Prinz August Wilhelm
Germany in Autumn does not have a plot per se; it mixes documentary footage, along with standard movie scenes, to give the audience the mood of Germany during the late 1970s. The movie covers the two month time period during 1977 when a businessman was kidnapped, and later murdered, by the left-wing terrorists known as the RAF-Rote Armee Fraktion (Red Army Fraction). The businessman had been kidnapped in an effort to secure the release of the orginal leaders of the RAF, also known as the Baader-Meinhof gang. When the kidnapping effort and a plane hijacking effort failed, the three most prominent leaders of the RAF, Andreas Baader, Gudrun Ensslin, and Jan-Carl Raspe, all committed suicide in prison. It has become an article of faith within the left-wing community that these three were actually murdered by the state.
Clemens Kompatzki