
Wasp: The Port Arthur Massacre

Género : Crimen, Drama

Tiempo de ejecución : 0M

Director : Paul Moder


On the 28th of April, 1996, the picturesque, historical tourist site of Port Arthur, Tasmania, became the scene of one of the worst mass shooting sprees in world history, when a gunman opened fire with high powered assault rifles, killing thirty five men, women and children and injuring twenty seven more. Twenty two years later, Forty eight, year old Martin Bryant, the man convicted of the crime, rots away in prison, never to be released. But many unanswered questions remain surrounding the massacre. Did he act alone? Was justice really served and was he guilty beyond reasonable doubt? WASP will rip away the silence that surrounds that black day in Australia's history, delving into the people, the places and the crime that changed a nation forever.



Paul Moder
Paul Moder
Paul Moder
Paul Moder
Nathan Hill
Nathan Hill
Associate Producer
Brian Walker
Brian Walker
Executive Producer
Brian Walker
Brian Walker
Camera Operator

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