
Mike Mignola: Drawing Monsters (2022)

The Secret Origin of Hellboy

Género : Documental

Tiempo de ejecución : 1H 38M

Director : Jim Demonakos, Kevin Konrad Hanna


As one of the most successful independent comic book creators, Mignola has inspired generations of writers and artists. Mike Mignola: Drawing Monsters provides an in-depth look at his legacy, from the beginning of his career working as an inker for Marvel Comics to his success with Hellboy. The film features never-before-told revelations from Neil Gaiman about the Mignolaverse and the production of Guillermo Del Toro’s Hellboy II, and an interview with Steven Universe creator Rebecca Sugar discussing Mignola’s influence on her creation.


Mike Mignola
Mike Mignola
Neil Gaiman
Neil Gaiman
Guillermo del Toro
Guillermo del Toro
Doug Jones
Doug Jones
Patton Oswalt
Patton Oswalt
Adam Savage
Adam Savage
Rebecca Sugar
Rebecca Sugar
Jorge R. Gutierrez
Jorge R. Gutierrez
Mike Richardson
Mike Richardson
Vanessa Eichholz
Vanessa Eichholz
Joe Quesada
Joe Quesada
Victor LaVelle
Victor LaVelle
Chris Roberson
Chris Roberson
Tom Sniegoski
Tom Sniegoski
Duncan Fegredo
Duncan Fegredo


Jim Demonakos
Jim Demonakos
Kevin Konrad Hanna
Kevin Konrad Hanna
Francesco Capussela
Francesco Capussela
Executive Producer
Kevin Konrad Hanna
Kevin Konrad Hanna
Jim Demonakos
Jim Demonakos

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