
Eric Hobsbawm: The Consolations of History (2021)

Género : Documental

Tiempo de ejecución : 1H 23M

Director : Anthony Wilks


In this feature-length documentary, Anthony Wilks traces the connections between the events of Hobsbawm’s life and the history he told, from his teenage years in Germany as Hitler came to power and his communist membership, to the jazz clubs of 1950s Soho and the makings of New Labour, taking in Italian bandits, Peruvian peasant movements and the development of nationalism in the modern world, with help from the assiduous observations of MI5.


Eric Hobsbawm
Eric Hobsbawm
Frances Stonor Saunders
Frances Stonor Saunders
Richard J. Evans
Richard J. Evans
John Foot
John Foot
Stefan Collini
Stefan Collini
Donald Sassoon
Donald Sassoon
Marlene Hobsbawm
Marlene Hobsbawm
Anthony Wilks
Anthony Wilks


Duncan Stingemore
Duncan Stingemore
Les Mommsen
Les Mommsen
Mixing Engineer
Thomas Jones
Thomas Jones
Script Editor
Sam Kinchin-Smith
Sam Kinchin-Smith
Script Editor
Anthony Wilks
Anthony Wilks
Anthony Wilks
Anthony Wilks
Anthony Wilks
Anthony Wilks
Anthony Wilks
Anthony Wilks

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