
Envejecer Viviendo (2008)

Género : Documental

Tiempo de ejecución : 26M

Director : Gabriela Guillermo
Escritor : Gabriela Guillermo


To grow old in Rivera is to grow old on the border. The protagonists of this documentary tell us in Portuguese as well as in Spanish about their lives far from the bustle of the capital city. Their days are long, their work is hard, they have few opportunities to improve their situation, but they still haven't lost the ability to smile or their love of life. The aim of this documentary is to show what the process of growing old in Uruguay is like, and to raise people's awareness about the situation of the elderly. It shows, without prejudice, just what old age is.



Gabriela Guillermo
Gabriela Guillermo
Gabriela Guillermo
Gabriela Guillermo
Adriana Rovira
Adriana Rovira
Executive Producer
Jeannette Sauksteliskis
Jeannette Sauksteliskis
Gabriel Bendahan
Gabriel Bendahan
Director of Photography
Gabriel Bendahan
Gabriel Bendahan
Camera Operator
Rafael Alvarez
Rafael Alvarez
Sound Director
Alejandro Pi
Alejandro Pi
Federico Deutsch
Federico Deutsch

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