The Naggers' Day of Rest (1931)

The constantly bickering couple are at it on a pleasant Sunday at home.

Género : Comedia

Tiempo de ejecución : 8M

Director : Alfred J. Goulding


It's Sunday, and as usual a wife is nagging her husband, this time about the whereabouts of the Sunday newspaper which she's sure he's hiding from her. The husband is just as irritated by her nagging since this time it is interfering with him trying to take a shave and brush his teeth. Their argument extends to what belongs to whom and what each person contributes to the household. They end up doing things and making remarks just to irritate the other. Their argument reaches a whole different level when a pretty neighbor gets peripherally involved.


Jack Norworth
Jack Norworth
Dorothy Adelphi
Dorothy Adelphi


Alfred J. Goulding
Alfred J. Goulding
Edwin B. DuPar
Edwin B. DuPar

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