
Those Who Call (2021)

Every trespasser will be punished.

Género : Terror

Tiempo de ejecución : 1H 30M

Director : Anubys Lopez


When their car breaks down at a small Texan town, two sisters must do everything in their power to survive a sadistic pagan cult.


Yetlanezi Rodriguez
Yetlanezi Rodriguez
Sandra Pedregales
Angie Sandoval
Angie Sandoval
Ana Pedregales
Reese Fast
Reese Fast
Kevin Kincade
Kevin Kincade
Gas Station Owner
Addison  Cousins
Addison Cousins
Creepy Young Girl
Dave McClain
Dave McClain
Cult Leader


Anubys Lopez
Anubys Lopez
Anubys Lopez
Anubys Lopez
Alex Mirabal
Alex Mirabal
Michael Gaffney
Michael Gaffney

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