
Bill Murray: The Kennedy Center Mark Twain Prize (2016)

Género : Comedia, Película de TV

Tiempo de ejecución : 1H 24M

Director : Linda Mendoza


Celebrate the work of actor and comedian Bill Murray at the Kennedy Center, as the recipient of the 19th annual Mark Twain Prize for American Humor.


Bill Murray
Bill Murray
Brian Doyle-Murray
Brian Doyle-Murray
Bill Hader
Bill Hader
Dan Aykroyd
Dan Aykroyd
David Letterman
David Letterman
Sigourney Weaver
Sigourney Weaver
Aziz Ansari
Aziz Ansari
Jimmy Kimmel
Jimmy Kimmel
Roy Blount Jr.
Roy Blount Jr.
Paul Shaffer
Paul Shaffer
Steve Martin
Steve Martin
Jane Curtin
Jane Curtin
Miley Cyrus
Miley Cyrus
Rhiannon Giddens
Rhiannon Giddens
Emma Stone
Emma Stone


Deborah F. Rutter
Deborah F. Rutter
Executive Producer
Peter Kaminsky
Peter Kaminsky
Executive Producer
Bob Kaminsky
Bob Kaminsky
Executive Producer
Mark Krantz
Mark Krantz
Executive Producer
Cappy McGarr
Cappy McGarr
Executive Producer
Allen Kelman
Allen Kelman
Linda Mendoza
Linda Mendoza
Beth Armogida
Beth Armogida
Bob Kaminsky
Bob Kaminsky
Peter Kaminsky
Peter Kaminsky
Tom Leopold
Tom Leopold
Jon Macks
Jon Macks
Michael B. Matuza
Michael B. Matuza
Tina Magnuson
Tina Magnuson
Line Producer
Bruce Vilanch
Bruce Vilanch
Creative Consultant
Tom McPhillips
Tom McPhillips
Production Designer
Alan Adelman
Alan Adelman
Lighting Design
Crispin Cioe
Crispin Cioe
Music Director
Alexis Ortiz
Alexis Ortiz
Coordinating Producer

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