Roy Blount Jr.


The True Don Quixote
Tim Blake Nelson is a man who's safe and comfortable and bored to death with his life. In his state of despair, he looks to classic stories for inspiration. Awakened by the tales of yore, he anoints himself as Don Quixote to find adventure, fame and glory that will make his life worthwhile - all while never leaving his one-mile square neighborhood.
Bill Murray: The Kennedy Center Mark Twain Prize
Celebrate the work of actor and comedian Bill Murray at the Kennedy Center, as the recipient of the 19th annual Mark Twain Prize for American Humor.
James Thurber: The Life and Hard Times
The first major documentary film on James Thurber's life and work includes a look at the humorist's accomplishments as a journalist, playwright, cartoonist and social critic.
El mensajero del miedo
Political Pundit
En sus conferencias, el comandante norteamericano Bennett Marco habla constantemente de la emboscada que sufrió su pelotón en el desierto kuwaití y del heroísmo del sargento Raymond Shaw, que recibió la Medalla de Honor por salvar a sus compañeros. Sin embargo, una serie de pesadillas recurrentes le hacen dudar del heroísmo del sargento. Cuando Shaw, empujado por su madre, la polémica senadora Eleanor Prentiss, se presenta como candidato a la vicepresidencia de los EE.UU., las sospechas de Marco se acrecientan y, a pesar de todos los obstáculos que se le presentan, se lanza a investigar los hechos para encontrar la verdad antes de que Shaw y su equipo lleguen a la Casa Blanca.
The Main Stream
Humorist Roy Blount Jr. takes viewers on a journey down the Mississippi River, showcasing everything from areas with spectacularly beautiful scenery to ugly and dangerously polluted stretches bordered by industrial development.
The Main Stream
Humorist Roy Blount Jr. takes viewers on a journey down the Mississippi River, showcasing everything from areas with spectacularly beautiful scenery to ugly and dangerously polluted stretches bordered by industrial development.
Un elefante llamado Vera
Jack acaba de recibir una herencia muy especial: una elefanta de casi cuatro toneladas llamada Vera y, además, importantes deudas. Impaciente por deshacerse del animal, sopesa dos ofertas: entregarla al zoo o vendérsela a una domadora para utilizarla en el cine.
Partygoer (uncredited)
Andrew Beckett, un joven y prometedor abogado de Philadelphia, es despedido del prestigioso bufete en el que trabaja cuando sus jefes se enteran de que ha contraído el sida. Decide entonces demandar a la empresa por despido improcedente, pero en un principio ningún abogado acepta defender su caso.
The Rock Bottom Remainders
It all happened on May 25, 1992 at a place called Cowboy Boogie in Anaheim, California. Stephen King, writer of "Misery" and "Cujo", syndicated columnist Dave Barry, cartoonist and creator of "The Simpsons" Matt Groening, and ten more best-selling authors took to the stage for a charity concert and performed ten rock 'n roll classics for an audience from the literary community. Filmed live, The Rock Bottom Remainders video brings this chapter of literary and music history home.
What'll Ya Have: A History of the Varsity
Home to "What'll ya have?" and world-famous chili dogs, The Varsity sets the standard for fast-food dining in the South. Take a behind-the-scenes look at the world's largest drive-in and see how The Varsity and Atlanta grew up together.