Лобанов (2021)
Género : Documental
Tiempo de ejecución : 0M
Director : Андрей Кисилев, Максим Пахомов
Narra la tragedia del submarino nuclear ruso 2000 K-141 Kursk ocurrida en agosto del año 2000, y la negligencia gubernamental que le siguió. Mientras los marineros luchan por sobrevivir, sus familias luchan desesperadamente contra los obstáculos políticos y las ínfimas probabilidades de salvarles.
Un corresponsal de guerra norteamericano, el cámara que le acompaña y un nativo georgiano se ven envueltos en el fuego cruzado durante el conflicto bélico entre Rusia y Georgia.
Don Lope ha acogido a Tristana en su hogar para cumplir una promesa hecha a sus padres. Pero la joven es muy hermosa y se convierte en la obsesión del anciano, que a fuerza de tiempo y de paciencia consigue sus favores. Sin embargo, cuando ella conoce a un joven pintor que la enamora, decide cambiar radicalmente el rumbo de su vida
Vivimos en un mundo donde los poderosos nos engañan. Sabemos que mienten. Ellos saben que sabemos que mienten. No les importa. Decimos que nos importa; pero no hacemos nada, y nada cambia. Es normal. Bienvenidos al mundo de la postverdad. De cómo llegamos adonde estamos ahora…
La acción se desarrolla a finales del siglo XIX en una fábrica textil de Turín. Los obreros reivindican la reducción de la jornada laboral de 14 a 13 horas, para evitar los accidentes que provoca el cansancio. La aparición del extraño y entrañable profesor Sinigaglia (Marcello Mastroianni) hace que la protesta desemboque en huelga. La película, que oscila entre el sainete y la tragedia, presenta una galería de personajes antagónicos: ilusionados unos, reticentes otros, intrépidos y cobardes.
Roberto Orbea, militante clandestino de un partido de izquierdas durante el franquismo, es elegido diputado en las elecciones de 1977. En el momento más importante de su carrera política, y cuando está a punto de ser nombrado Secretario General de su partido, un grupo de extrema derecha le prepara un chantaje aprovechándose de su homosexualidad, preparándole incluso un joven amante como gancho.
Khodorkovsky, the richest Russian, challenges President Putin. A fight of the titans begins. Putin warns him. But Khodorkovsky comes back to Russia knowing that he will be imprisoned, once he returns. When I heard about it, I asked myself: why didn't he stay in exile with a couple of billions? Why did he do that? A personal journey to Khodorkovsky.
An MI5 officer's attempts to foil a possible terrorist plot are undermined by bureaucracy and moral dilemmas. Will he make the world a safer place or be complicit in making a tense situation even worse?
Jamie Johnson takes the exploration of wealth that he began in Born Rich one step further. The One Percent, refers to the tiny percentage of Americans who control nearly half the wealth of the U.S. Johnson's thesis is that this wealth in the hands of so few people is a danger to our very way of life.
Dr. Zhivago is one of the best-known love stories of the 20th century, but the setting of the book also made it famous. It is a tale of passion and fear, set against a backdrop of revolution and violence. The film is what most people remember, but the story of the writing of the book has more twists, intrigue and bravery than many a Hollywood blockbuster. In this documentary, Stephen Smith traces the revolutionary beginnings of this bestseller, to it becoming a pawn of the CIA at the height of the Cold War.
Rokas e Inga, una pareja de jóvenes lituanos, se ofrecen voluntarios para conducir un vehículo con ayuda humanitaria a Ucrania. Cuando los planes cambian y se quedan abandonados a su suerte, tienen que cruzar una zona nevada para encontrar refugio y aliados, implicándose a la vez en la vida de los afectados por la guerra.
Swedish account of Raoul Wallenberg, the man responsible for the largest rescue of Jews during World War II.
In 1957 the Soviet Union decides to give Hungary the chance to choose the world's first cosmonaut, who can be the very first person in space. It seems like the best candidate is Lajkó, the gypsy spraying pilot.
A documentary about Boris Nemtsov, a prominent figure of Russian political opposition and an outspoken critic of Vladimir Putin. Nemtsov was murdered in Moscow in February of 2015.
The rebellious socialist Knut is subjected to a mental evaluation after he assaults a stranger on the street. Psychologist looking track Knuts aggression in childhood experiences while Knut himself sees them as a natural reaction to the class society's oppression.
"Myth" was the callsign of Vasyl Slipak, the world-famous Ukrainian opera singer, a soloist of the Parisian National Opera, who left the big stage to become a volunteer, a warrior fighting in the East of Ukraine. The Hero of Ukraine, the Knight of the Order "Golden Star" and the Order "For Courage", Vasyl Slipak gave his life, defending Ukraine. This documentary is a real story of heroism and self-sacrifice, which makes us think over our own lives.
Russian President Vladimir Putin was one of the first politicians to congratulate Donald Trump on his election as president of the United States in 2016, but over time the relationship between the two heads of state has had its ups and downs. Are they friends or enemies? Has their mutual admiration turned into mutual distrust?
Last winter Russians got tired with Putin's autocratic actions and went out into the streets to demand change. A hope for more righteous Russia has awakened, but the journey is a long one, and the weight of history exceptionally heavy. However, an idea for new Russia has been born, and continues to grow even at this very moment. One of the people fighting for change is a Russian author and dissident Victor Erofeyev. He loves his country and wants it to be more tolerant and open-minded. For decades now, he has been criticising the people in charge of Russia. He has also been in trouble with the state since the Soviet times, but does not let the fear hold him back. With his work he wants to encourage the Russians to take a critical look around and try to actively improve their own situation. Now this is finally happening.