Man in the Cafeteria
Lisa y Sven son una pareja de hermanos gemelos que viven separados entre Suiza y Alemania, muy lejos el uno del otro. Siguen caminos separados (ella, una dramaturga que no escribe, y él, un actor exitoso), hasta que Sven es diagnosticado con una agresiva leucemia. Esto empuja a Lisa a volver a su lado y tratar de mantenerlo vivo a través del teatro, a sabiendas de que intentarlo puede costarle su propio matrimonio.
In the spring of 1970 a small village in Valais experienced unusual turbulence. Is it because of the federal vote on women's suffrage? Or in the upcoming foreign infiltration initiative? No, it's worse: the brass band is falling apart! Half of the village blames Aloys, the other half blames Pierre. What begins as a musical conflict soon leads to a political conflict and even extends to love.
Frank, el antihéroe de esta historia, en muchos sentidos trágico pero ante todo extremadamente real, se camufla a la perfección en esta decoración de belleza impersonal. Su vida está consagrada únicamente al trabajo. Cada uno de sus gestos está escrupulosamente programado, marcado por una rutina que se convierte en una obsesión. En su vida no hay lugar para la improvisación ni la imaginación; a sus ojos solo el materialismo y una adicción al trabajo masoquista merecen su respeto.
Seventeen-year-old Mathieu Reymond lies brutally battered and raped in a field of reeds. It is only after his release from hospital that the memories come back, unannounced and fragmentary, but still so precise that regular meetings with two police officers not only allow the perpetrator’s identikit image to take shape, but also the chronology of the crime itself.
Frank burns himself to death at his job in protest against the inhumane working conditions. Two stories emerge from this tragic incident. Léa, Frank’s wife, who is searching for the truth. Igor, an employee who finds the dead body and steals the letter of protest for fear of losing his job.
Bob Lathion
Paul vive en las montañas de Suiza, cerca de un bosque. Su esposa Rosine tiene que trabajar duro para él, siempre en peligro de ser violada por su marido como si fuera un animal de su propiedad. Cuando contratan a un nuevo trabajador español, las cosas empiezan a cambiar, puesto que mejora la calidad de vida de los habitantes. Sin embargo, Paul empieza a sentir celos por primera vez y golpea a su esposa hasta casi matarla. Un helicóptero de emergencia la traslada hasta el hospital. Durante su ausencia, Paul se da cuenta de que echa de menos a su esposa y de que no podría vivir sin ella, por lo que decide renunciar a su "corazón de animal". Pero, ¿es posible que su esposa le perdone por los últimos quince años de humillación? ¿Qué puede ofrecerle para salvar su matrimonio? Paul tiene que replantearse todos sus principios y dejar que el animal que ha sido muera en su interior.
Armand (voice)
Armand (voice)
Armand works on the assembly-line of a tinned pasta factory. One evening he opens up a tin of ravioli for dinner. Much to his surprise, a Genie jumps forth, promising to fulfill any two wishes.
Othilie spends her vacations with her uncle Antoine, an old lonesome bear. In charge of a regional park, Antoine lives a long way from Paris, in company of the shepherd Tambourin, whose frightening face hides the innocence of a new-born child. Since the arrival of Othilie, odd things happen. A slaughtered sheep is found and weird howls are sounding through the night. The wolves are not far away.
Le futur papa
Perhaps you have to love dogs in order to sell tins of slimy mystery meat to their owners. At any rate Martin, who is indifferent to pets in general, isn't doing all too well in his marketing job at Floppy Dog Foods. But right now this is the least of his problems: he has made a British au-pair pregnant in a one night stand; and while he is trying to figure out how to deal with this, his ex-wife (who divorced him over his not wanting children) and his mother (a militant anti-overpopulation, pro-birth control, pro-abortion activist) have a few comments to offer on the situation. Before his own child is born, Martin clearly has some growing up of his own to do.