Takamaru Sasaki

Nacimiento : 1898-01-30, Shibecha, Hokkaidō Prefecture, Japan

Muerte : 1986-12-28


Hangyaku no Tabi
Japanese action film.
The War of the 16 Year Olds
A young drifter and a precocious sixteen years old girl slowly form a bond in a small town haunted by its wartime past.
La batalla de Okinawa
Recreación desde el punto de vista japonés de la batalla de Okinawa, una de las más sangrientas de la campaña del Pacífico.
Zatoichi conoce al espadachín manco
Vigésimo segunda de las veintiséis películas basadas en el personaje de Zatoichi interpretado por Shintarô Katsu. Un luchador manco chino llamado Wang Kong se encuentra con otra familia también china. Debido a que el hijo de la familia entorpece sin querer una procesión de ofrenda al shogunato, se inicia una reyerta en la que mueren el padre y la madre del niño. Zatoichi más tarde se encuentra al niño, y se queda con él momentáneamente hasta que después, se va con Wang Kong. Zatoichi decide ayudarlos a escapar, pero las cosas no salen como habían previsto.
Wolves of the City, Money Hunters
The hoodlum group tries to help a little printing factory against gangsters.
The Performers
Seijuro Fujihana, head master of the Fujihana dance school, is a proud and lonely artist. And because of his character, his group lacks the prosperity of others. He wishes his daughter Kasumi, gifted like himself, to take over and develop the Fujihana, but she wishes to marry Hiroshi, head of a jazz band which her father opposes. Kisaburo, Seijuro's No.1 disciple, wants to marry Kasumi and take over the Fujihana with the backing of the chairman of the supporters' association.
The Woman Gambler's Trump Card
15th in the 17 film Daiei "Woman Gambler" series
Kanto Woman Fortitude
New Prison Walls of Abashiri 2
Suehiro Katsuji, a prisoner of Abashiri, is sent to Shikoku to work at a dock where a fierce turf battle takes place between a local gang and the dock operator.
Bloody Territories
Godô Yamanouchi, the mediator
A once-powerful yakuza clan disbands as a result of a police crackdown, but one small group refuses to bow to police pressure, and launches a campaign to take over Tokyo's drug, prostitution, and gambling rackets. Someone wants to stop them. Is it the police? Rival gang members? Or is it an entirely new group of hired killers who will stop at nothing to gain complete control of Tokyo's "bloody territories"?
Japan Organized Crime Boss
Nada más salir de la cárcel y esperando por una vida tranquila, un yakuza de Yokohama llamado Tetsuo Tsukamoto debe coger las riendas de su familia tras la muerte de su jefe. Su pequeña banda está en medio de una contienda entre un gran grupo yakuza de Osaka y la alianza de Tokyo por el control de la ciudad. Él trata de mantenerse fiel al viejo código yakuza, pero eso no le prepara para enfrentarse con los nuevos matones, que viven y luchan sin honor. (
The Rough One
A tale of wannabe yakuza youths. When not cooking up scams with his buddies, Zenkichi develops a crush on Taro's disgusted sister, Miki. But soon the young hoods run afoul of their underworld idols when they rob the wrong gang, led by brutal boss Konno. When Zenkichi's pals start to bite the dust, he hooks up with a more traditional yakuza, Tetsugoro, to retaliate.
Industrial Spy
A spy learns the top secrets of a company.
A History of the Japanese Underworld
The hero tries to unite various gangs.
Big Time Gambling Boss
Tokyo, 1934. The boss of the clan that controls gambling agonizes and some of his followers propose to Nakai to take his place, but he refuses the offer and suggests they choose Matsuda, who is in prison. Other clan members oppose and Ishido is elected. When Matsuda is freed, he doesn't accept this decision.
Portrait of Chieko
Koun Takamura
Takamura, a poet and sculptor, marries a budding artist named Chieko who dreams of becoming an oil painter. When a series of hardships befall her family, she finds herself unable to confide in her husband, and the pain she carries within begins to weigh heavily on her sanity...
Samurai Rebellion
Kenmotsu Sasahara
Toshiro Mifune interpreta a Isaburo Sasahara, un espadachín envejecido que vive una vida tranquila hasta que el señor de su clan ordena que su hijo se case con la amante del señor, quien recientemente ha disgustado al gobernante. A regañadientes, padre e hijo acogen a la mujer y, para sorpresa de la familia, la joven pareja se enamora. Pero el señor pronto revierte su decisión y exige el regreso de la amante. Contra todas las expectativas, Isaburo y su hijo se niegan, arriesgando la destrucción de toda su familia. Samurai Rebellion, del director Masaki Kobayashi, es la apasionante historia de un hombre pacífico que finalmente decide oponerse a la injusticia.
La Colt es mi pasaporte
Un asesino a sueldo y su leal compañero son perseguidos por los miembros del grupo yakuza cuyo jefe mataron. Tras un intento frustrado de huir en avión, intentarán escapar en barco, pero para ello deberán esperar varias horas y resistir el acecho de sus enemigos ávidos de venganza.
Rise Against the Sword
Goro Shiro
Farmer Abare Goemon is confronted by brigand-like samurai. He raises an army of farmers to fight them and does so brilliantly. When Lord Asakura sees the success Goemon has achieved, he attempts to recruit him to fight in a conflict between Asakura and another clan. Goemon refuses, and Lord Asakura sets out to destroy him.
Opium Plateau: Hell Squad, Charge!
Following “A Man's Face Shows His Personal History”, this movie is the second of the “Trilogy of the Wartime Generation”. It is a war drama set in China and depicts battles over opium.
Story of Japanese Chivalry: Flower of a Chivalrous Man
In the early years of the twentieth-century a young gambler returns to his home town where he finds the gang of which he was once a member engaged in a feud with a rival gang. Though he successfully settles their differences he is turned out of the organization for the way in which accomplishes it. Upon his return he finds that the fortunes of the group have declined - there has been treachery and desertion. This time with the approval of the seniors he settles the differences with a duel. After winning, however, he declines the position of gang-boss, preferring his freedom, and once more leaves town.
Greatest Boss of the Showa Era
Somewhat unique as it appears to be one of the very rare appearances of master thespian Itô in a yakuza role.
La espada del mal
Ishinsai Nakamura
El samurái Ryonosuke siente una insana fascinación por el poder mortal de su katana y va por la vida acumulando cadáveres, con o sin motivo. Eventualmente lo contratan como mercenario, pero incluso cuando está sin trabajo, no tiene inconveniente alguno en matar por puro placer.
Shinobi no mono 7: Mist Saizo Strikes Back
[Period covered: 1616] Kirigakure Saizo (Mist Saizo) returns for the final time as he sets out to assassinate Tokugawa Ieyasu in order to avenge the death of Lord Sanada Yukimura. But first he must contend with Ieyasu’s own ninja group led by the powerful Fuma Daijuro, who has a score to settle with the men of Iga that dates back 280 years to the war between the Genji and the Heike at the Battle of Dan-no-Ura. Tremendous fighting and great plot twists highlight this exceptional look into the lives of the mysterious ninja of Japan.
The Dragon and the Tiger
A young gambler returns from prison to find his gang scattered, and many gone over to his old rival. But their rivalry is not only a matter of gambling. For when he is about to marry the daughter of a police official, the rival again interferes and this time it is a fight to the finish -- the end of his enemy.
Los monstruos invaden la Tierra
Chairman of Earth Committee
Dos astronautas, uno norteamericano y otro japonés, viajan hasta el Planeta X, un nuevo astro que ha surgido más allá de Júpiter. Allí descubren una civilización extraterrestre, los X-iens, que vive en un complejo mundo subterráneo protegiéndose de las desastrosas condiciones de la superficie, dominada por una destructiva criatura monstruosa que han bautizado como Monster Zero.
New Tengu from Mount Kurama
The film is set in Kyoto at the end of the Tokugawa period, when there is a fierce clash between the supporters of the Emperor, who are fighting for the overthrow of the Shogunate, and the Shinsengumi squad, who are chasing them. Suddenly, a mysterious masked warrior appears, on a white horse he is called Tengu from Mount Kurama and he opposes the Shinsengumi.
Beast Alley
Dietman Okamura
"When human beings venture too far along a trail made by wild beasts, it is said, they quite often discover themselves on a road of no return." Based on the novel of the same name by Seichô Matsumoto.
Sugata Sanshiro
Remake de los dos filmes sobre "la leyenda del gran Judo" de Akira Kurosawa, filmados en 1942 y 1945.
The Black Kitten
Helping her mother manage a nightclub, young Emiko quickly realizes how difficult life is.
The Boss
Sleepy Eyes of Death 3: Full Circle Killing
The Honorable Elder Mizuno Tadakuni
A decapitation at the hands of the shogun's monstrous misbegotten son kicks off the action and draws nomadic Nemuri Kyoshiro (Raizô Ichikawa) into more sword-fighting adventures when he's blamed for the beheading. Meanwhile, the head-chopper's mother is busy knocking off the shogun's lawful heirs to secure the shogunate for her son.
Ukyunosuke's Reverse Ichimonji Cut
In this exciting sequel to the popular samurai-ninja movie Ukyunosuke On Patrol, his mission to avenge his father's death continues. His discovery of a mysterious note written by his father, Inspector Sena, held a clue to the inspector's murder 18 years ago. As Ukyunosuke continues further with his investigation into the conspiracy to uncover the truth behind his father's death, he must confront those eager to take his life. The great Okawa Hashizo shines in one of his signature roles bringing the ultimate conclusion of this epic tale of murder and revenge!
Tange Sazen
In 1730, the Tokugawa Shogunate orders the Yagyu Clan to repair a huge shrine. Since it cannot refuse the Shogunate's request, the impoverished Yagyu Clan tries to raise funds by obtaining a sword which holds the key to a wondrous, hidden treasure. After learning the sword's secret, Tange Sazen sides with the Yagyu Clan, but his motive seems to be more than just pure interest in the treasure...
The Young Ace in Hawaii
Fourth entry in Toho's Wakadaishō series directed by Jun Fukuda and released on a simultaneous screening with Matango. Filmed on location in Hawaii.
The Yagyu Military Art: The Buried Conspiracy
Yagyu Jubei must protect the Yagyu scroll that holds the secret of the infamous assassination plotted by the Tokugawa government 30 years ago.
Tragedy of the Coolie Samurai
Gonza was a handsome young laborer, a footman and spear-carrier, working hard for his meager wage. All Gonza wanted was to marry his young sweetheart, but despite their mutual poverty, her status as the daughter of a samurai blocked their path to happiness. A chance opportunity to achieve samurai status would come one day, but Gonza will regret trusting the so-called honorable samurai who extended this fateful offer, and the terrible price he'd pay, fighting for his life in one of the most blood-spattered samurai battles ever filmed.
Five Ronins
The story of five easygoing Yakuza who come together to save the live of a young innocent girl, Oichi, from an evil vassal.
Shichinin no keiji
Miyoko Sekiguchi, who works at a second-rate trading company, and car mechanic Koji Fukumoto are in love. The morning after Koji and Miyoko went out for a drive, the strangled corpse of a call girl is discovered in Toyamagahara. Chief Akagi, Detective Sergeant Sawada, and the other detectives begin to suspect Koji during their investigation. Koji insists he's innocent, but has no evidence to prove it. Even when detectives come to Miyoko's home and workplace and her coworkers begin to look down on her, Miyoko continues to trust and love Koji...
Order of Yakuza
Nobuaki Kawashima
Order of Yakuza
Miyamoto Musashi: Showdown at Hannyazaka Heights
Terumasa Ikeda
The remake of Yoshikawa's novel continues with the second installment in which Takezo, soon to be Miyamoto Musashi, emerges from the Himeji Castle after three years of intense contemplation and philosophical study and starting on his epic quest to complete his skill in the Way.
Rainbow Over Kinmon
Three years had passed since Ichiro Takeo left Japan. He was a young physician with a promising future, until his medical error caused the death of a big-shot politician. He was discharged from the hospital and had since sailed around the world as an on-board doctor. As he was about to reach the Taiwanese piers of Kinmon Island, thoughts of his days in Japan crossed his mind - he reminisced about the Taiwanese girl, Yan, who had scooped him out of his misery during the time of the medical accident. At times of war, the two rekindle an old flame.
Lágrimas en la melena del león
El joven Sabu trabaja en una empresa portuaria como lacayo del patrón de personal, a quien profesa lealtad absoluta después de que éste le salvara la vida en la guerra cuando él tenía cuatro años. Cuando los trabajadores se declaran en huelga y empiezan a promover la creación de un sindicato, Sabu será el encargado de silenciar las protestas por medio de la violencia, sin ser consciente de las terribles consecuencias que ello acarreará.
Tokyo's  Business District
G-Men in the Pacific
Kanji Matsuno
G-men challenge a jewelry smuggling ring. The chase starts in Kyushu and continues to Kobe to Yokohama.
El rebelde
En el año 1637, en Shimabara durante la era Tokugawa, los campesinos cristianos oprimidos se rebelan contra el Shogunato bajo el amparo del carismático líder Shiro Amakusa.
Prime Minister Seki
Gorath es un meteoro errante (6000 veces más grande que nuestro planeta) que viaja inexorablemente en curso de colisión contra la Tierra, absorbiendo todo lo que se le envía. Los cientificos tendrán que evitarlo, pero la cosa es difícil ya que la solución propuesta para escapar niega todas las posibilidades de la física al apartar nuestro planeta del camino de Gorath. Tras una cumbre de científicos internacional se propone el lanzamiento de unos proyectiles desde el Polo Sur. Pero el calor provoca el derretimiento de un casquete y la liberación de Maguma, una monstruosa morsa gigante.
Drunkard's Paradise
A father and son are both heavy drinkers. However, the son dies in an accident at a bar, leaving behind a fiance…. A unique social satire that focuses on why people drink alcohol.
Love in the Air
Satake Shoji had been a trapeze artist in the Ezaki Circus, but when Shingo, his team mate, slipped and fell to his death, he had felt responsible and, sick at heart, left the circus for a life at sea. On land again Shoji goes to a cabaret where he is soon involved in a brawl. Kasamatsu, the owner of the cabaret, impressed by Shoji's strength, offers him a job as his bodyguard. The next morning Shoji visits Shingo's grave and meets Miyako, Shingo's former sweetheart, who is still a trapeze performer and now the star of the Kuroko Circus which Shoji realizes Kasamatsu intends to control.
The Rambler Goes North
In the nine part Wataridori series (1959-1962), Kobayashi played a wanderer on Japan’s back roads with most of the accoutrements of a Western hero, from a horse to fringes, guitar and even a trusty bullwhip.
Correo negro
No hay sinopsis sobre este título.
Seven Knights Pt. 3
Seven Knights Pt. 1
Seven Knights Pt. 2
Flower, Storm and Gangster
A gang of bank robbers plan a big robbery, but they all plot to betray each other after the heist for different reasons.
The Spear of Heroism
Lord Gennosuke and Princess Yoshi are to be betrothed to one another, however Gennosuke is already in love with Suzue who is from a lower caste. The order has been sent from up on high that if Gennosuke won't change his mind then Suzue must be dealt with one way or another. When spearmaster, Fuwa Mondo, a Ronin and all around happy guy stumbles into the plot, things get a little hokey-pokey.
A Fishwife's Tale
Hibari Misora plays Yoshiko, the popular daughter of a fish market owner. After discovering that she was adopted, she sets out to help her biological father who has fallen victim to an evil plot orchestrated by those who would take over his successful business.
Tange Sazen and the Princess
Tange Sazen interferes with an evil plot against the Iga Yagyu family.
Zero Focus
One week into newlywed Teiko Uhara's marriage, her husband, Kenichi, leaves on a short business trip and never returns. Teiko travels across Japan to search for him, and along the way discovers some surprising facts about her husband's past. With only a pair of old photographs among his belongings to go off of, Teiko tries to figure out what has happened to him.
Bitter End of a Sweet Night
An opportunistic department store clerk gets involved with three women and attempts to manipulate them so he can move up the social ladder.
The Human Vapor
Police Chief
Un bibliotecario es objeto de un experimento que sale mal y lo convierte en el "Vapor Humano". Utiliza su nuevo don para el robo de bancos y para ayudar a su novia bailarina. Buscado por la policía, y con varios crímenes a cuestas, el Vapor Humano es el enemigo público número 1 de Tokyo
Blood Is Dry
An employee in an assurance company threatens to commit suicide when management announces a massive layoff, the company uses this threat to its own advantage by turning the incident into an advertising campaign. With the success of the campaign, however, he is no longer a desperate man pointing a gun to his head, but a potential leader who wishes to take advantage of his failed suicide.
Lord Keeper of the Privy Seal of Japan Kido
Japanese war film.
Won't Stand for Dying
Kensuke Senba
The son of the murdered Yakuza, Kenji, at the request of his mother, worked in a stable company. However, soon the girl Kenji Amy, who was in favor of the director of the company, is sexually harassed by him. Kenji beats the director and resigns. He asks his brother Ryota, the manager of the cabaret, to find a job, but his brother refuses him, and he is taken in by Senba, a yakuza boss specializing in smuggling and drugs...
The Secret of the Telegian
Dr. Niki
Men are being murdered by a psycho called "The Telegian," who uses a matter-transmitting device to locate his victims.
The Lost Alibi
Suspense drama about a married salaryman whose affair with one of his co-workers is compromised when, returning from a clandestine meeting with his lover, he runs into a neighbor who is later accused of murder. Questioned by police about the neighbor, and blackmailed by his lover's neighbor, the salaryman's lies lead him on a path to destruction.
The Prickly Mouthed Geisha
Koharu, a young geisha, is in love with Kenichi, an apprentice carpenter to her father Masagoro. Their love life comes to a sudden halt after an argument between their two fathers. Can their love survive in spite of the bitterness between their two families?
Elegy of a Geisha
Sakai Shunzo
1959 Shintoho adaptation of Kyoka Izumi's novel "A Woman's Pedigree".
Tokyo Detective Girl
Woman private eye Emiko goes undercover to reveal the truth of a murder case.
Moonlight Mask: The Challenging Ghost
Fifth Moonlight Mask theatrical film.
Lord Nobunaga's Early Days
Men in a Rough Town
Manager Hayashi
An action-packed, dramatic gangster film.
La condición Humana I: No hay amor más grande
Durante la Segunda Guerra Mundial (1939-1945), Kaji, un japonés pacifista, trata de librarse del servicio militar aceptando un trabajo como supervisor laboral en las minas de la Manchuria ocupada. Kaji se dedica a mejorar las pésimas condiciones de vida de los prisioneros, pero sus esfuerzos son despreciados por el jefe del campo de concentración. Un día, el odio acumulado estalla y tiene terribles consecuencias.
The Pacific War and the International Military Tribunal
Counsel Kiyose
In 1941, overpopulated Japan faces an economic boycott and its armed forces push further to the south. And despite negotiations between Japan and the U. S. A. war is declared with the attack on Pearl Harbour. Victories follow for Japan on land and sea and her forces push forward to the borders of India. But gradually the tide turns in favour of the Allies and after the atom bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, Japan is compelled to accept the Potsdam Declaration and by the order of the Emperor agrees to unconditional surrender. Under the supervision of the occupation forces the International Military Tribunal opens in Tokyo to try the Japanese war leaders. Established in the cause of justice, and to prevent future aggressive wars the trials drag on for two and a half years. And on December 23, 1948, General Tojo and six other war leaders mount the thirteen steps to the gallows at Tokyo's Sugamo prison.
Queen Bee's Anger
Part of the Queen Bee series.
The Outsiders
A drama about relations between Japanese immigrants and the indigenous Ainu on Hokkaido, the most northerly island of Japan. From a novel by Taijun Takeda.
Moonlight Mask: Duel to the Death in Dangerous Waters
Second Moonlight Mask theatrical film.
S.O.S. Llega Máscara de Calavera
Primera película basada en la serie del primer superhéroe de la televisión japonesa, Moonlight Mask (1958-1959). Conocido en España somo Capitán Centella, o simplemente: Centella.
Feline Spirit
Go master Matashichiro Ryuzoji, during the game, was killed in anger by the Lord of the Nabeshima clan, Hizen-no-kami. The mother of the murdered Matashichiro, Akishino, cursing the Nabeshima family, commits suicide. Akishino's spirit passes to Matashichiro's beloved cat, and the monster cat appears in front of Hizen-no-kami along with Matashichiro's ghost...
Showdown in Blood
Hayata and his best friend Ushijima came to Tokyo to become champions. Hayata repeatedly sought to join Tamura's boxing club, but Tamura fell in love with Ushijima's punch. Then Hayata decides to become Ushijima's manager and make good money on his friend's talent. Ushijima himself is a peaceful, kind guy who doesn't really like boxing, but under the wise guidance of Hayata, he starts to defeat one opponent after another...
Jigoku bana
Period drama based on the novel by Saisei Murō.
In the mist of the warring age (Sengoku Era), the Kyushu based Hayato Clan is faced with a monumental battle to determine their survival.
Tales of Young Genji Kuro
Genji Kurô is a master swordsman and entrusted with protecting the ancient sword Kaen by the Otsubo family.
Sedge Hat
Trono de sangre
Kuniharu Tsuzuki
Japón feudal, siglo XVI. Adaptación del "Macbeth" de William Shakespeare. Cuando los generales Taketori Washizu y Yoshaki Miki regresan de una victoriosa batalla, se encuentran en el camino con una extraña anciana, que profetiza que Washizu llegará a ser el señor del Castillo del Norte. A partir de ese momento, su esposa lo instigará hasta convencerlo de que debe cumplir su destino.
I Will Buy You
A talent scout moves sharply, dead-set on signing a promising athlete to the baseball team the Toyko Flowers.
Three-Headed Tower
Newly graduated Miyamoto Otone is to inherit a fortune from a distant relative on the condition that she marries Takato Shunsaku, a man she has never heard of. The lawyers haven't located Shunsaku yet, allowing Otone to think about whether she accepts the conditions of the will. One month later after, Takato Shunsaku is found. Murdered. At the birthday party of Otone's uncle. With Shunsaku dead and thus making it impossible for Otone to marry him, the inheritence is to split amongst all (living) family members. And yes, as always, that means that the potential successors get killed off one by one. But Kosuke Kindaichi is on the trail...
Five Paths to Revenge
Toshiaki Soma
The orphaned son of a count who was assassinated by his subordinates in a conspiracy during the Pacific War becomes obsessed with taking revenge on his late father's enemies.
Samurái 3: Duelo en la isla Ganryu
Omitsu's father
Takezo abandona su condición de samurai errante para vivir tranquila y humildemente con su amada Otsu, rechazando trabajar como maestro samurai para el líder del clan más poderoso del Japón. No obstante, Takezo accede a luchar con el joven y habilidoso guerrero Sasaki Kojiro. El combate final tendrá lugar en la isla Ganryu.
The Roar of The Lion
Foul Play
Inspector Osawa
Private eye Bannai Tarao (Chiezo Kataoka) and his assistant Masako (Chizuru Kitagawa) investigate the mysterious murder of a baseball player who was killed in the middle of a game.
The Black Fury
Wang Taishing
A narcotics investigator for the harbor police, Eiichi Tsuda, is driven by thoughts of vengeance for the overdose death of his brother and the subsequent decline and death of their mother. Tsuda acts viciously and with disdain for legal niceties in his exploration of the criminal facts behind the explosion of a freighter in the harbor. He goes undercover with a band of drug smugglers, but his methods threaten to destroy him as well as his case.
Hana to ryû - Dai-ni-bu: Aijô ruten
Kizô Tomoda
Dai-ni-bu: Aijô ruten: Kiyoshi Saeki directed movie
Eagle of the Pacific
Chief of Staff, Combined Fleet
Admiral Isoroku Yamamoto, a brilliant tactician, is a loyal subject of the emperor, despite his grave misgivings about leading Japan's navy into war with the United States. He opposes the attack on Pearl Harbor, but, overruled, he leads his forces to the best of his ability.
The Battleship Yamato
Captain Aruga
The film is about the Yamato's suicide mission to Okinawa in March 1945 to defend the homeland threatened by U.S. bombers. Adapted from Mitsuru Yoshida's 1952 book "Requiem for the Battleship Yamato".
An Edoite Judge
Sanjuro Mizuno
Period film about a feudal era judge living in Edo
Yasuzo, Haruo's father
Parent apathy to sexual education leads to various troubles for the young cast.
Shanghai Rose
Kurushima, Colonel
Forty-Eight Man
Chisaka Hyobu
Jidai-geki by Kiyoshi Saeki
The Stormy Era of Twenty Years
The Stormy Era of Twenty Years
新遊侠伝 遊侠往来
Street of Violence
An attempt is made to suppress a journalist's investigation of collusion between a rural police chief and the local gangster bosses.
Yakuza Princess of Edo
Sakai Uenosuke
Tsukitaro, a young man who comes to Edo, meets a blind girl named Ochiyo. Ochiyo 's father, the grinder Yasujiro, was asked to sharpen a sword called Kongomaru, which was planned to be presented to the shogun Iemitsu, but he died due to a yakuza attack. In addition, the sword was stolen, and Ochiyo 's sister was also kidnapped... A humorous historical drama directed by Eiichi Kudo, starring Hibari Misora and Kotaro Satomi. Hibari Misora plays a male princess and shows off her charming appearance with stylish songs and dances.