
Miyamoto Musashi: Showdown at Hannyazaka Heights (1962)

Género : Acción, Drama, Historia

Tiempo de ejecución : 1H 50M

Director : Tomu Uchida


The remake of Yoshikawa's novel continues with the second installment in which Takezo, soon to be Miyamoto Musashi, emerges from the Himeji Castle after three years of intense contemplation and philosophical study and starting on his epic quest to complete his skill in the Way.


Kinnosuke Nakamura
Kinnosuke Nakamura
Miyamoto Musashi / Takezo
Wakaba Irie
Wakaba Irie
Isao Kimura
Isao Kimura
Hon'iden Matahachi
Chieko Naniwa
Chieko Naniwa
Rentaro Mikuni
Rentaro Mikuni
Muneaki Takuan
Kusuo Abe
Kusuo Abe
Michiyo Kogure
Michiyo Kogure
Satomi Oka
Satomi Oka
Shinjirô Ehara
Shinjirô Ehara
Seijuro Yoshioka
Takamaru Sasaki
Takamaru Sasaki
Terumasa Ikeda
Chōichirō Kawarasaki
Chōichirō Kawarasaki
Hiroshi Minami
Hiroshi Minami
Fujitsugu Gion
Ryōsuke Kagawa
Ryōsuke Kagawa
Naota Ryohei
Ichitarō Kuni
Ichitarō Kuni
Mitsuru Takeuchi
Mitsuru Takeuchi
Masao Hori
Masao Hori
Shoda Kizaemon
Ryūnosuke Tsukigata
Ryūnosuke Tsukigata
Kinji Nakamura
Kinji Nakamura
Temple officer
Chieko Murata
Chieko Murata
Tokinosuke Nakamura
Tokinosuke Nakamura
Masao Oda
Masao Oda
Cheap hotel's owner
Seiji Miyaguchi
Seiji Miyaguchi
Bamboo craftsman Kisuke
Harue Akagi
Harue Akagi
Kisuke's wife
Shinnosuke Ogata
Shinnosuke Ogata
Bearded coolie
Hajime Nagoya
Hajime Nagoya
Yoshioka's disciple
Masaharu Arikawa
Masaharu Arikawa
Kinjirô Tooyama
Kinjirô Tooyama
Hiroshi Tonegawa
Hiroshi Tonegawa
Hanzô Kataoka
Hanzô Kataoka
Red dog's owner
Kin'ya Suzuki
Kin'ya Suzuki
Kenji Egi
Kenji Egi
Ronin #2
Shirô Osaki
Shirô Osaki
Daisuke Awaji
Daisuke Awaji
Master of Martial Arts
Heitaro Gori
Heitaro Gori
Palanquin Runner
Shunsuke Haruga
Shunsuke Haruga
A Martial Artist
Kensaku Haruji
Kensaku Haruji
The Owner Of The Manjyui-ya Mercantile
Emiko Hisaoka
Emiko Hisaoka
The Little Girl
Kozo Kaneda
Kozo Kaneda
Minken Karasawa
Minken Karasawa
A Yoshioka Cronie
Hiroshi Kasuga
Hiroshi Kasuga
A Ronin
Hiroshi Katō
Hiroshi Katō
Yamazoe Danpachi
Sakurao Kazu
Sakurao Kazu
Palanquin Runner
Michimaro Otabe
Michimaro Otabe
Yataro Kurokawa
Yataro Kurokawa
Hozu in Inshun
Eiji Minakata
Eiji Minakata
Kazu Nagoya
Kazu Nagoya
Katsuyoshi Noma
Katsuyoshi Noma
Kisho Nomura
Kisho Nomura
The Cow Herder
Yasuhiro Suzuki
Yasuhiro Suzuki
Kinnosuke Takamatsu
Kinnosuke Takamatsu
A Heckler
Utako Tamaki
Utako Tamaki
The Young Wife
Rinichi Yamamoto
Rinichi Yamamoto
Priest Agon
Yoshio Yoshida
Yoshio Yoshida
The Ceramics Potter
Yasushi Ôki
Yasushi Ôki
Palanquin Runner
Hitoshi Ômae
Hitoshi Ômae
Yukio Miyagi
Yukio Miyagi
Ronin Cronie


Tomu Uchida
Tomu Uchida
Naoyuki Suzuki
Naoyuki Suzuki
Tomu Uchida
Tomu Uchida
Eiji Yoshikawa
Eiji Yoshikawa
Taichirô Kosugi
Taichirô Kosugi
Original Music Composer
Makoto Tsudoi
Makoto Tsudoi
Director of Photography
Shintarô Miyamoto
Shintarô Miyamoto
Takaya Ogawa
Takaya Ogawa
Production Design
Takao Onaga
Takao Onaga
Production Design
Kimiharu Tsujino
Kimiharu Tsujino
Production Design
Takatoshi Suzuki
Takatoshi Suzuki
Art Direction
Akira Satô
Akira Satô
Set Decoration
Gô Mikami
Gô Mikami
Costume Design
Tetsuya Yamanouchi
Tetsuya Yamanouchi
Assistant Director
Kiyoshi Kan
Kiyoshi Kan
Set Designer

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Por qué no jugamos en el infierno
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The Song Lantern
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Devil's Temple
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Tale of Japanese Burglars
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The Lost Alibi
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Miyamoto Musashi VI: Swords of Death
In the sixth and final episode Rentaro Mikuni steals the show as Baiken Shishido, Musashi's nemesis. Mikuni is the nominal villain of the film, but he is a devoted husband and father as well. He tries to kill Musashi only to avenge the death of his brother-in-law. While Baiken (who wields a chain and sickle against Musashi's sword) is a very human character and the emotions that Mikuni displays in his performance are quite believable and engaging
Farewell to Spring
Five longtime friends get back together, but are disappointed to find that their bonds are not as strong as they once were.
Kiku and Isamu: Two Siblings Born in Japan
Kiku and her brother Isamu are social outcasts, children of a prostitute mother and black GI father, in postwar Japan.
Husband and Wife
A married couple looking for an apartment move in with the husband's co-worker, a widower. The husband becomes jealous of the widower and his wife.
Ginza Cosmetics
A luckless geisha struggles to make a living for herself and her young son.
Sword for Hire
Soldiers Hayate and Yaheiji secretly escape from their besieged castle. Hayate has left behind his lover, Kano. On his way, Hayate is wounded and cared for by O’Ryo, who falls in love with him. But when Hayate accidentally kills her caretaker, he flees, with O’Ryo in pursuit. Subsequently, Hayate's comrade Yaheiji falls in love with Oryo. Kano, the lover left behind by Hayate, believes him dead, and becomes involved with another soldier, Jurota. When Jurota defects to the opposing army, he takes Kano with him. A double set of love triangles has developed, wherein each man and each woman loves one and is loved by another. Finally only combat and self-sacrifice can untangle the weave.
Snow Country
It's a man's world. Shimamura, an artist, comes to this snowbound town to rejuvenate himself. He connects with Komako, a geisha he met on a previous trip, and it seems like love. She's the foster daughter of a local family, almost engaged to the family's son Yukio, now dying of consumption. He's tended by his sister Yuko who's angry at Komako for abandoning her brother. Shimamura returns to Tokyo but promises he will be back soon. In anticipation of his return, Komako breaks with her patron and her family loses their home. Complications arise when Shimamura doesn't come back as promised. Then Komako discovers that he and Yuko knew each other in Tokyo. Can Komako escape destiny?
The study of a one-year marriage that begins to crumble. A married man is torn between the love of his wife, and the attraction to a cousin of his wife.
Moment of Terror
When an only child is struck by a car and dies, the child's mother seeks vengeance against the driver in this thrilling drama. The car was driven by the wife of a company president who is having an affair. The woman's husband manages to buy silence about the incident, but the victim's mother discovers the identity of the driver. After she secures a job in the home of the company president and his philandering spouse, the woman plans to murder the couple's son when he reaches the age of her late son.
Hijas, esposas y una madre
En una familia de clase media de Tokio, una de las hijas (Setsuko Hara) ha enviudado joven, y todos los miembros desean que vuelva a casarse. La madre es una anciana viuda que vive en una casa grande del centro de Tokio. Los hijos están deseando vender la casa, pero no saben qué hacer con su madre.
Duel at Fort Ezo
1864. Samurai Shinbei is sent in a secret mission to Ezo, in the North of Japan, to stop riots of villagers commanded by Jirozaemon. A Russian count's daughter, the village leader's daughter and a secret treasure add up to the adventure.