Ivan Bekjarev

Ivan Bekjarev

Nacimiento : 1946-04-06, Belgrade, Serbia

Muerte : 2020-11-16


Ivan Bekjarev is a Serbian theatre and movie actor. The first role played on film in 1967. year, in "Boxers Go To Heaven" (Serb: "Bokseri Idu U Raj"), where the leading role was Mija Aleksic. Gained fame as Vujkovic role in the TV series "Banjica" (1984) and Stevice Kurcubić in the TV series "Better Life" (1987, 1990) ("Bolji Život"). For many years Bekjarev is  a professor of the BK Academy of Arts , where in 2001. elected to the position of Associate and 2006. full professor.


Ivan Bekjarev


Alexander of Yugoslavia
Lekar na dvoru kralja
A biographical story of Serbian King Aleksandar I Karadjordjevic.
The Years of the Sweet Sin
The biggest Balkan star Lepa Brena in the documentary speaks about the fame but also reveals and yet unknown details from her biography. From childhood in Brcko, growing up in the working family to the achievement of the most successful career in the former Yugoslavia. How she built the brand, what was the role of her manager Raka Djokic, in the success of Lepa Brena and "Slatki greh" and how it looked like a tour that lasted for 9 years. The film is featured by prominent artists and public workers of a time brought by artists like Lepa Brena today.
The Saga About 3 Virgin Men
This is a saga about three unusual friends madly in love with their girlfriends. But Zoran, Aleksandar and Damjan are still virgins. Their girls are just not redy yet. So they made up a challenge - get your girlfriend to bed by friday! They will try anything possible and impossible to make their dreams come true, even if terrible "niagra" needs to be consumed.
Marko Kraljevic: The Fantasy Adventure
Serbian legend Marko Kraljevic goes on a journey to stop evil Turkish pasha harrassing Serbian people, especially women. He fights his foes, such as Musa Kesedzija, in company of his talking horse Sarac, Ravijojla the Fairy and others.
Honeymoons (Lunas de miel)
Con la esperanza de hallar una vida mejor, dos jóvenes parejas deciden emigrar a Europa occidental. Los albaneses Melinda y Nik van a Italia para poder vivir libremente su relación prohibida. Los serbios Vera y Marko cruzan Hungría rumbo a Austria. Marko, un violonchelista de notable talento, ha conseguido que lo acepten en la Orquesta Filarmónica de Viena. Pero al llegar a la frontera, y pese a tener los visados en regla, empiezan a tener problemas. (FILMAFFINITY)
Los optimistas
Šef kazina
Película inspirada en el "Cándido" de Voltaire y dividida en cinco episodios. La acción transcurre en Serbia tras la caída de Milosevic. Primer episodio: a un pueblo arrasado por la guerra llega un hipnotizador itinerante que utiliza sus facultades para reforzar la confianza de sus habitantes. Segundo: el dueño de una próspera fundición viola a la hija de uno de sus trabajadores. Tercero: un joven que dilapida en el juego el dinero que su tío guardaba para el funeral de su padre. Cuarto: un cardiólogo visita al dueño de un matadero para tratar a su violento hijo. Quinto: un estafador conduce un autobús lleno de enfermos que buscan una curación física y espiritual. (FILMAFFINITY)
Policajac 2
Two girls swear their former boyfriends and sent two demons Strahinja and Lola to take them. Strahinja must deliver the main heroes of this world or, by the decision of the judge of the Dark Vilayet, be returned to the unpleasant state of death. The four stories that make this omnibus film, follow main characters which Lola and Strahinja should pick up. Each of them tries to avoid death. You will see how the sanguine, phlegmatic, melancholic and kolerik cope with the death officers.
Love Stars
"Love Stars" is a film about loneliness, growing up and search for love. Laza is a romantic 20 year-old, who after being isolated a long time, comes to the city. There he gets to know a group of young voyeurs, led by a 50 year-old, with classy attitude and manners (the Count). Laza joins them and during the course of film that simple group of voyeurs becomes a witness of the whole state of spirit dominating in our everyday life. By the irony of fate, on the end Laza's dreams still come through.
Poor Little Hampsters
Stari ministar
Two idle clerks who do senseless office job of punching cards, and who are not particularly fond of each other, decide to play the game "come up with the most stupid line possible" in order to break the boredom. Then they call random people over the phone and tell this line. Harmless game of theirs creates general confusion among people, which leads to anti-terrorist intervention, police interrogation, loss of state credit and the change of government. The two, of course, know nothing about the series of comic and incredible events that follow without stop.
El danés serbio
Miniserie de 3 episodios de 50 minutos basada en el best seller de Leif Davidsen. Fanáticos religiosos ponen precio a la cabeza de la polémica escritora anglo-iraní Sara Santanda. 4 millones de dólares. Sara decide salir de su escondite y dar la cara en Copenhague. La incómoda visita para el gobierno de Dinamarca desencadena un gran dispositivo de seguridad. Mientras tanto, en algún lugar de la convulsa antigua Yugoslavia, un joven llamado Vuk (francotirador serbio que no mata por dinero sino por ideología) acepta el encargo de asesinar a la famosa escritora durante su visita a Copenhague.
The Theft of St. Peter's Treasure
Rome is on the thresh-hold of the Holy year 1925, the city wishes to present itself as 'spotless' to the outside world. The appearance of a child's corpse puts an end to these aspirations. The police arrest a small time crook who has committed a robbery but has nothing to do with the murder of the child.
The Secret of Family Treasure
Velja Valjarević
Tihomir Stojkovic suspects that there's a hidden treasure in the property of his neighbors. Since this piece of land belongs to a man who has unmarried daughter, Tihomir persuades his friend Djosa to marry her so they could get in possession of that jar full of money. The characters are based on TV series "Family Treasure".
The Battles of Simeon the Student
Turčin na konju
Thematically diverse stories written by Petar Kocic are bond by the thread, creating the basis for a dramatic story of the events surrounding the student Simeun. In the foreground there's a summary of Simeun's features, some patriotic, but some arrogant as well. These Simeun's actions are manifesto of the complexity of his nature, acting like a tyrant and patriot who displays bravery for the sake of freedom of his people.
Cabaret Balkan
Muž u autobusu
20 people's paths crisscrossing one night in violent mid-'90s Belgrade.
Files No.128
Drug Riste
The plot of this television movie is located in Belgrade, the hometown of screenwriter Velimir Lukic, in the 1960s. It was the time of the party discipline, in which the free thinking and free behavior of individuals meant heresy. This is a drama about political showdown, about the metamorphosis of high-level intellectuals ready to do anything to defy the authorities and retain their privileges. At the same time - this is also a love story that, under the political circumstances that accompany it, is misused precisely because of those well-known higher goals.
Boris, trener
A boxer tries to recover from the memories he brought back from war.
See You in Chicago
Stojče 'Mafiment'
In this spoof of gangster and crime films, two veteran detectives get involved in mafia world. One of them is hired by a kingpin to follow his wife who seems suspicious.
People Will Reward All This
Gazda David, meandžija
A story about war-disabled combatants that fought in Serbo-Turkish wars in 1876-1878. Left on their own and without limbs, they became beggars – a burden for the state that doesn’t pay attention about them. Their destiny depends exclusively on people who feel sympathy.
Desire Named Streetcar
Lažni kontrolor
In a rough time, Serbian people in Belgrade travel by a streetcar and serious things happen in a comic way.
Attack Against the Assembly
Jelenko Bidžić
Milka is a state employee in the office for approval of the applications for registration of political parties. Her problem is how to make his escaped husband back, while her clients are only worried how to seize power.
Plum Noodles
Three families who live in a shared backyard wait their problems to be solved by others. Drama develops when owner of the house comes back from America with his rich pension. His family starts to fantasize what will they do with all this money once he passes away, but old man dies after a month without leaving a written testament behind.
The Little One
In the suburban environment of 1960s Belgrade, thieves and vagabonds were first who escaped from poverty, while simple individuals who believed in ideals, paid a costly price for their misconceptions. Life is very difficult to a family of a pilot who spent 14 years in prison on the basis of false testimony. Her husband's prosecution is his wife's fate, while his daughter doesn't even know that her father is alive. After many migrations and wanderings, the mother meets a soft-spoken yet unscrupulous man who'll promise her marriage, and rape her daughter. The mother eventually ends up at asylum, and the father returns from prison at the right time to help their daughter in life which crucial lessons she already mastered.
A Night at My Mother's House
Bata Dobrica
A love story of a couple coming from different social backgrounds set in the context of Yugoslavian reality, its social and state decline. Their quest for the meaning of life proves to be nothing but failure.
The Serbian Girl
The naive 18 year old Dobrila leaves her little Serbian village to travel to Hamburg, Germany, where her boyfriend lives. The trip is not easy. Finally in Hamburg she has to realize her boyfriend is not very interested in a relationship. She doesn't tell him she's pregnant and starts on her way home to Serbia, which turns out to be even more exhausting.
Battle of Kosovo
Batalla de Kosovo (serbio: Boj na Kosovu) es una película de drama / guerra histórica yugoslava de 1989 filmada en Serbia. La película se basó en el drama escrito por el poeta Ljubomir Simovic. Representa la histórica batalla de Kosovo entre la Serbia medieval y el Imperio Otomano que tuvo lugar el 15 de junio (según el calendario juliano, 28 de junio según el calendario gregoriano) en un campo a unos 5 kilómetros al noroeste de Pristina.
Mister Dollar
Gospodin predsednik kluba
Mr. Dollar is a 1989 Yugoslav television drama. It was directed by Slobodan Radović based on the work of the same name by Branislav Nušić.
A story of a young man from the suburb, who gets his experience on the street and in bars. His girlfriend belongs to the same environment. When he goes to army, she tries to get away, giving the only thing she has - her good looks. She poses nude for some magazine. Seeing that photo, the young man escapes from the army, demanding an explanation. His return to a place where he once belonged, causes questioning of himself, discussions with so-called friends, and finally with the girl...
In this amusing antiwar comedy, seven inept and reluctant soldiers land on a desert island to carry on with the fighting. Just after their parachutes have collapsed behind them on the beach, helicopters approach and land nearby. Out pops a bevy of beautiful women sent to entertain the troops, which they do, and then they leave. From that point onward, there are a series of misadventures
Happy New '49
Inspektor vo Subotica
The story of two brothers of different orientation and fate. The drama takes place in an atmosphere of tension and fear, during the conflict of Yugoslav Communist Party with the Stalinism, during the Cominform. Older brother Dragoslav, a returnee from Russia, was unjustly accused of being a Russian spy and subsequently arrested. Younger brother Kosta is not interested in politics, but he's attracted by a brother's wife Vera and underworld mafia. In the end, it turns out that a young woman belongs to the Soviet spy agency.
Bear 007
A satirical story about small town forester who finds himself in trouble when the local authorities announce the visit of a high state official, who is supposed to go on bear hunt as a sign of welcome. The trouble is, no bears were around for decades...
Frivolous Branislav Nusic
Branko Sekulić
The frivolous Branislav Nusic is a 1986 Yugoslav television drama. It was directed by Aleksandar Djordjevic, and the screenplay was written by Miodrag Djurdjevic based on the person of Branislav Nusic.
Clement of Ohrid
Knez Boris
Life and work of Saint Kliment of Ohrid, a medieval Slav saint, scholar, writer and patron saint of the Republic of Macedonia.
Bishop vs. Rook
Gazda kazina Šarlo
State security inspector Ivan reveals an inserted terrorists in Yugoslavia, sent there by Croatian emigrants, enemies of the above socialist state. Their mission is to select the appropriate places on Adriatic coast which they would later blow up. The terrorists are expected to set a series of explosions that would cause a public disturbance and uncertainty in the Yugoslavia's position in Europe. Ivan follows Pavle and Elsa who are staying in Croatia as tourists, stepping into action in a crucial moment.
Life Is Beautiful
After a train breaks down and the passengers are forced to spend a day at a remote country tavern, the mix of seasonal farm workers, transients, musicians, and would-be party kingpins heads toward some explosive moments. A truckload of chickens arrive to be killed and cooked for the unruly group of passengers, and when a few boorish men harass a female singer, their actions lead to unexpected violence.
The Red and the Black
Direktor Zanini
This film is the true story of the creation of Labin Republic in 1921. When Italy annexed Istria, Labin area that is very rich in coal became strategically important for the new government. Domestic Croatian and Slovene population were disappointed by the method of the Kingdom of Yugoslavia of selling foreigners. Accumulated social problems and the growing terror of Italians lead to great miners' strike, led by favorite union leader Ivan Pipan. The strikers will be join young miner Ive Blazina, who as commander of the Red Guard workers struggles for the mining republic and the love of beautiful Mary Brezac. The sudden intervention of the Italian army destroys their dreams, and resigned Pipan surrenders. But not everyone agrees with his behavior.
Women in Prison
After graduation, a young woman gets his first job in the women's prison in the province. The story follows her struggle to survive in a small town with her small child, alcohol addiction, and the battle with the prisoners and prison brutality and other schemers who wanted to remove her from working spot.
A Suspicious Character
The second TV adaptation of popular novel by Serbian comedian Branislav Nusic. A small town is disturbed by the arrival of a "suspicious person", an unknown man wanted by the local authorities. During the hunt, it turns out that the suspect is no one else than the mayor's son-in-law who checked under his false name in order to hide his whereabouts from his girlfriend's parents.
Mammoth Bone
Šef kuhinje
The vagrants of a 15-year-old school dropout who's torn between jobs that do not suit him, and dreams of having music career.
More Than a Game
Popular TV series has been reedited into a theatrical film with additional material that has not been seen on TV before. The film is a homage to the legends of the Yugoslav theater, some of whom are no longer alive. The story takes place in the town for ten years from 1931 to 1941 and shows the conflict of progressive and humane ideas with fascism. A film made from the TV series of the same name (nine episodes) realized in 1976 and shown in 1977.
Manifesto for Freedom
6 communists will try to escape Buchenwald concentration camp at any price.
And God Created a Tavern Singer
An electro-technician falls in love with a bar singer, but her job environment, full of alcohol, despair and tired truck drivers, causes nothing but troubles for him.
Romance with a Double Bass
Lyrical story about a young double bass musician who travels with fellow musicians out of town to play at a wedding in a summer house. A thief and a girl, a bride at a wedding, will unexpectedly determine his fate. In a film without dialogue, music has a special role.
Out of Step
Un hombre discapacitado se rebela contra el sistema cuando su pensión se pierde en una maraña de trámites burocráticos. Su historia se revela en un programa de televisión, y la estrella de éste es amonestada por tratar de incitar al público contra el sistema.
Boxers Go to Heaven
Toma Grković
Tragicomic story about a former boxing champion, unbeaten in the ring, but beaten by alcohol.