
The Red and the Black (1985)

Género : Historia, Drama, Romance

Tiempo de ejecución : 2H 9M

Director : Miroslav Mikuljan


This film is the true story of the creation of Labin Republic in 1921. When Italy annexed Istria, Labin area that is very rich in coal became strategically important for the new government. Domestic Croatian and Slovene population were disappointed by the method of the Kingdom of Yugoslavia of selling foreigners. Accumulated social problems and the growing terror of Italians lead to great miners' strike, led by favorite union leader Ivan Pipan. The strikers will be join young miner Ive Blazina, who as commander of the Red Guard workers struggles for the mining republic and the love of beautiful Mary Brezac. The sudden intervention of the Italian army destroys their dreams, and resigned Pipan surrenders. But not everyone agrees with his behavior.


Bekim Fehmiu
Bekim Fehmiu
Ivan Pipan
Milan Štrljić
Milan Štrljić
Ive Blažina
Olivera Ježina
Olivera Ježina
Marija Perbako
Miodrag Krstović
Miodrag Krstović
Frančesko Da Giozo
Radko Polič
Radko Polič
Fabijan Šovagović
Fabijan Šovagović
Petar Perbako
Boris Kralj
Boris Kralj
Tone Blažina
Bogoljub Petrović
Bogoljub Petrović
Igor Galo
Igor Galo
Ivan Bekjarev
Ivan Bekjarev
Direktor Zanini
Krunoslav Šarić
Krunoslav Šarić
Poručnik Markonćini
Miroljub Lešo
Miroljub Lešo
Zvonimir Črnko
Zvonimir Črnko
Poručnik Garijo
Dragomir Felba
Dragomir Felba
Milan Srdoč
Milan Srdoč
Semka Sokolović-Bertok
Semka Sokolović-Bertok
Milka Blažina
Sven Lasta
Sven Lasta
Nada Subotić
Nada Subotić
Domina Perbako
Zvonko Lepetić
Zvonko Lepetić
Inženjer Romero
Asim Bukva
Asim Bukva
Stevo Žigon
Stevo Žigon
Upravitelj iz Trsta
Ilija Ivezić
Ilija Ivezić
Inženjer Markig
Charles Millot
Charles Millot
Ivan Klemenc
Ivan Klemenc
Žaneto Šumberac
Vicko Ruić
Vicko Ruić
Klaudio Reni
Ivo Gregurević
Ivo Gregurević
Alberto Sikora
Dunja Ilakovac
Dunja Ilakovac
Vinko Kraljević
Vinko Kraljević
Antun Nalis
Antun Nalis
Dževad Alibegović
Dževad Alibegović
Slavko Šestak
Slavko Šestak
Alenka Rančić
Alenka Rančić
Đakomova majka
Raniero Brumini
Raniero Brumini
Ivan Bibalo
Ivan Bibalo
Danilo Maričić
Danilo Maričić
Jovan Rančić
Jovan Rančić
Nenad Šegvić
Nenad Šegvić
Davor Jureško
Davor Jureško
Slavko Juraga
Slavko Juraga
Antun Kujavec
Antun Kujavec
Etore Mikuljan
Etore Mikuljan
Igor Vlašić
Igor Vlašić
Olivera Baljak
Olivera Baljak
Ranko Gučevac
Ranko Gučevac
Šime Jagarinac
Šime Jagarinac
Pavle Balenović
Pavle Balenović
Stjepan Špoljarić
Stjepan Špoljarić


Miroslav Mikuljan
Miroslav Mikuljan
Marija Peakić-Mikuljan
Marija Peakić-Mikuljan

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