Película inspirada en el "Cándido" de Voltaire y dividida en cinco episodios. La acción transcurre en Serbia tras la caída de Milosevic. Primer episodio: a un pueblo arrasado por la guerra llega un hipnotizador itinerante que utiliza sus facultades para reforzar la confianza de sus habitantes. Segundo: el dueño de una próspera fundición viola a la hija de uno de sus trabajadores. Tercero: un joven que dilapida en el juego el dinero que su tío guardaba para el funeral de su padre. Cuarto: un cardiólogo visita al dueño de un matadero para tratar a su violento hijo. Quinto: un estafador conduce un autobús lleno de enfermos que buscan una curación física y espiritual. (FILMAFFINITY)
Drug Franc
The plot of this television movie is located in Belgrade, the hometown of screenwriter Velimir Lukic, in the 1960s. It was the time of the party discipline, in which the free thinking and free behavior of individuals meant heresy. This is a drama about political showdown, about the metamorphosis of high-level intellectuals ready to do anything to defy the authorities and retain their privileges. At the same time - this is also a love story that, under the political circumstances that accompany it, is misused precisely because of those well-known higher goals.
Otmičar voza
Movie about secret relations between Yugoslavian, Serbian and Croatian secret police during last 50 years. Here in Balkans truth and lies are so much mixed and it lasts so long that no one knows the difference. That is why this fictitious story looks so true.
The plot lasts from 1945 until today's day. Pavle, Stojan and Dragisa, the three war friends are taking different positions within the society immediately after the war. Pavle, a former war commissar, is now a school teacher. Thanks to him, Stojan, who was a bakery assistant before the war, does the job of a district committee's secretary, while Dragisa works in the state's secret police. The reason of conflict between Pavle and Stojan in 1947 was Stojan's fiancée Lena, who loves Pavle, marries him and gets pregnant, right when Pavle is taken to the state prison. Stojan accepts his wife and kid again, but the avalanche of political events will make all them unable to stop the inevitable catastrophe.
A group of musicians, whose band is called "Balkan express", in fact a quintet of small-time crooks , trying to make some money in Nazi-occupied Serbia.
Žaneto Šumberac
This film is the true story of the creation of Labin Republic in 1921. When Italy annexed Istria, Labin area that is very rich in coal became strategically important for the new government. Domestic Croatian and Slovene population were disappointed by the method of the Kingdom of Yugoslavia of selling foreigners. Accumulated social problems and the growing terror of Italians lead to great miners' strike, led by favorite union leader Ivan Pipan. The strikers will be join young miner Ive Blazina, who as commander of the Red Guard workers struggles for the mining republic and the love of beautiful Mary Brezac. The sudden intervention of the Italian army destroys their dreams, and resigned Pipan surrenders. But not everyone agrees with his behavior.
A group of partisans in Syrmian front gets task to break in the German back up platoon and find out what happened to the previous group of partisan agents who have disappeared without a trace. As it usually happens, the betrayal, personal tragedy and mutual distrust are being unfolded.
The murder of a famous gynecologist occurred under unusual circumstances. Inspectors found the doctor's apartment door open.
Radetov drug 2
A TV drama.
A poor village in Herzegovina suffers from constant flooding and different armies that periodically plunder the countryside. One woman is convinced that the solution to the problems lies in making a tunnel that should take the water to the sea.
Ruski agent 2
The life and death of an educated communist activist who brought Bolshevik ideas to his native Serbia upon his arrival from Russia at the beginning of the 20th century.
En la primera parte de su trilogía bélica, Zafranovic cuenta la historia de la distinta evolución ideológica y moral de tres jóvenes amigos y la hermana de uno de ellos durante el auge del fascismo, ya a las puertas de la Segunda Guerra Mundial. Película extremadamente cruda en algunos de sus pasajes (que recrean el terrorismo y crímenes de la Ustacha), lírica en otros, de narrativa enérgica, que plantea un profundo dilema moral y constituye un gran fresco de la sociedad croata en aquellos convulsos años. (FILMAFFINITY)
Nemački vojnik
"Maiden Bridge" is a place of exchange of German prisoners and partisans captured by the Germans. Unit with nine captured Germans is marching towards the bridge. there is double trouble for partisans, since they are surrounded by the hostiles and also going directly into the hands of ruthless enemy leaders.