Bekim Fehmiu

Bekim Fehmiu

Nacimiento : 1936-06-02, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina

Muerte : 2010-06-15


Bekim Fehmiu (Albanian: [bɛˈkim fɛhˈmiu]; Cyrillic: Беким Фехмију; 1 June 1936 – 15 June 2010) was a Yugoslavian theater and film actor of Albanian ethnicity. He was the first Eastern European actor to star in Hollywood during the Cold War. In 1960, Fehmiu became a member of the Yugoslav Drama Theatre in Belgrade, which he left in 1967, citing bad treatment, to become a free artist. Fehmiu's big break was the 1967 film I Even Met Happy Gypsies, a subtle portrayal of Roma life which won two awards in Cannes and was nominated for an Oscar. Known for his macho appearance and mild manner, Fehmiu was then wooed by Western filmmakers and signed a contract with the Academy Award-winning producer Dino De Laurentiis. It was De Laurentiis who, in 1968, cast him as Odysseus in the acclaimed mini-series of The Odyssey. It was the first blockbuster of Italian television and made Fehmiu an icon in parts of Europe. Fehmiu seemed poised for stardom in Hollywood as well, but his first American film, The Adventurers, was a critical and financial disaster which "ruined any chances for Fehmiu to achieve similar stardom in Hollywood". In 1971, Fehmiu starred in the western action drama The Deserter, directed by Burt Kennedy. In 1973 he played the role of the busy father in Raimondo Del Balzo's heartbreaking film The Last Snows of Spring, and then in 1975 played the role of ex-politician Alexander Diakim in the movie Permission to Kill, with Ava Gardner and Dirk Bogarde. In 1976, Fehmiu starred as fictional murdered Luftwaffe pilot, Hans Reiter in Tinto Brass's film, Salon Kitty alongside Helmut Berger, Ingrid Thulin and Teresa Ann Savoy. He portrayed a Palestinian terrorist in John Frankenheimer's 1977 political thriller, Black Sunday. Despite his Hollywood films achieving little success, he did well in European art house cinema as well as in the theatre, the latter being his preferred medium. He portrayed the father of Mother Teresa, Nikola Boyaxhiu, in the 1982 film La Voce (The Voice). He acted as Joseph in the Italian production A Child Called Jesus (1987). He was to have acted in the movie Genghis Khan (1992), but it was ultimately never made. In 1987, in protest at the Yugoslavian government's treatment of Kosovar Albanians, he walked off the stage at the Yugoslav Drama Theatre in Belgrade during the play Madame Kollontai by Agneta Pleijel. He left the stage, and soon after, film. Fehmiu was found dead on 15 June 2010 in his apartment in Belgrade. Initial reports stated he committed suicide. Interior Minister Ivica Dačić said Fehmiu was found shot in his apartment and the gun was registered in Fehmiu's name. He was 74 years old. His body was cremated and the ashes were scattered in Prizren Bistrica in Prizren, his childhood home. Description above from the Wikipedia article Bekim Fehmiu, licensed under CC-BY-SA, full list of contributors on Wikipedia.


Bekim Fehmiu


El corazón y la espada
Tristán, sobrino de la antigua reina celta y heredero del trono, deberá luchar contra los irlandeses por la libertad de su pueblo y el amor de Isolda. (FILMAFFINITY)
The Balad of Mamelouk
Mamluk is an unassuming, handsome young peasant who happens to have come along just in time to save the king from a fatal trap, and as a reward, the king offers him the amount of land he can mark off by walking around in one day but he must return to the starting point before sunset.
Un niño llamado Jesús
The film attempts to fill in the "missing years" of Jesus, from ages 3 through 12. When King Herod fearing that the Messiah has indeed been born, orders that all Hebrew male children under the age of three be slain, Joseph moves his family near Egypt. Here, Jesus, sensing His divinity, expresses a desire to return to Nazareth. Travelling homeward with His mother Mary, Jesus flashes forward to events that will unfold in his adult life.
The Last Story
The story of a young writer who tries to save his personal identity while facing the corrupted environment and temptations of a love affair.
The Red and the Black
Ivan Pipan
This film is the true story of the creation of Labin Republic in 1921. When Italy annexed Istria, Labin area that is very rich in coal became strategically important for the new government. Domestic Croatian and Slovene population were disappointed by the method of the Kingdom of Yugoslavia of selling foreigners. Accumulated social problems and the growing terror of Italians lead to great miners' strike, led by favorite union leader Ivan Pipan. The strikers will be join young miner Ive Blazina, who as commander of the Red Guard workers struggles for the mining republic and the love of beautiful Mary Brezac. The sudden intervention of the Italian army destroys their dreams, and resigned Pipan surrenders. But not everyone agrees with his behavior.
The Voice
The film tells episodes in the life of seventeen-old Gongia in 1920s Albany that lead her to the decision of becoming a nun under the name of sister Teresa.
Pavilón šeliem
Broad Are the Leaves
The action takes place in 1943 and today, and a Partisan school in Srem is in the center of action. A young journalist gets appointed to shoot a film report about the participants in the Liberation War from this area. In Srem village she meets common, simple people. She discovers that a free territory and a Partisan school was there. She also finds out that everybody acted as one. Deply going through all of those events, young reporter grows mature, identifying herself with the revolution participants.
The Battle of the Eagles
Major Dragan
The first Yugoslav Partisan air force unit. Loosely based on historical facts.
Arrive Before Daybreak
Esad Ljumi
The story of political prisoners, detained in a jail before the start of the WWII, and their torture and attempts to escape, and join a partisan unit.
Special Education
Žarko Munižaba
Educator and those educated in a home for juvenile delinquents in the same test: approach, take a peek into his soul to become a man. The story of a minor, neglected boys-offenders and their teachers who try to reject the old methods of rehabilitation.
Domingo negro
Lander es un desquiciado excombatiente del Vietnam que se une a un grupo terrorista palestino cuya misión es preparar un gran atentado en Miami para protestar por el apoyo que recibe Israel. El oficial israelí Kabakov, con la ayuda del FBI, siguen la pista de una mujer palestina que parece ser la clave del asunto, para frustrar los planes del grupo de fanáticos. Basada en la novela de Thomas Harris, escritor de "El silencio de los corderos".
Dispuesta a todo
Una muchacha enamorada se muestra precisamente dispuesta a todo para manifestar su pasión amorosa por un millonario aburrido, empeñado en humillarla casi a pesar de sí mismo. (FILMAFFINITY)
Salon Kitty
Hans Reiter
En plena Segunda Guerra Mundial, los nazis deciden sustituir a las prostitutas polacas de un famoso burdel, Salón Kitty, por bellas e inteligentes alemanas que, además, deberán simpatizar con el partido nazi. Pero Kitty, la dueña del burdel, no está dispuesta a aceptar las nuevas reglas y decide plantarle cara a los alemanes. La Gestapo, ignorando las quejas de Kitty, seguirá adelante con su proyecto de entrenar a las alemanas para hacerlas prostitutas profesionales.
El hombre que decidía la muerte
Alexander Diakim
Adaptación de una novela de Robin Estridge. Alan Curtis (Dirk Bogarde) es un misterioso espía que trabaja al servicio de un país dominado por una dictadura militar. Su misión consiste en evitar el regreso de Alexander Diakim, un líder político exiliado que ha luchado siempre en defensa de la libertad y la justicia. Para conseguir su objetivo usará como cebo a Katina (Ava Gardner).
Pavle Pavlovic
Pavle Pavlović
Pavle Pavlovic, a steel worker, openly talks about the issues in the steel factory in a television show. He receives an apartment from the board, takes his statement back, but looses the trust of his colleagues. He starts all over again: in another company he gains new friends, however while facing the criminals who illegally transport workers abroad, he loses his life.
Libertad, amor mío
Sandro Poggi
En plena era fascista, Libertad, la hija de un anarquista exiliado, no es capaqz de quedarse impasible ante los atropellos del Duce y su régimen. A su marido, un sastre del ejército, le reprocha continuamente su pasividad, y la familia, con dos hijos, se ve obligada a mudarse de ciudad en ciudad. Así hasta que se establecen en Módena, donde siguen vivas las ansias de libertad. (FILMAFFINITY)
Rito infernal (Cagliostro)
Count Alexander Cagliostro / Giuseppe Balsamo
El Conde Alejandro Cagliostro es uno de los personajes más discutidos y a la vez admirados del S. XVIII. Alquimista, curandero, físico, masón, Cagliostro consigue que sus milagrosas curaciones y crímenes terribles le sean atribuidos y pueda recorrer todas las cortes europeas, desde la de París a los zares de Rusia. El cuerpo de Cagliostro, hoy en día, aún no ha sido encontrado y la leyenda todavía vive entre nosotros.
The Wind
Adam Milovanović
The story of two workers who returned from abroad. One of them wants to find a good job, Adam, and the other one wants to earn money by smuggling, Beli. Between them two there's young woman, Mila, who has had experience with the second one. Running away from the man who is the incarnation of evil for her, she is trying to find happiness and peace with another one in vain.
El testigo debe callar
Il dottor Giorgio Sironi
Una noche Giorgio Sironi, un joven doctor, conduciendo hacia su casa es testigo de un terrible accidente de coche. El conductor de uno de los coches está gravemente herido y Sironi trata de ayudarle. Llama a una ambulancia e informa a la policía, pero sin saberlo, es alcanzado por un círculo maligno. En esta película llena de acción todo se convierte en una pesadilla y la desesperada lucha por la vida y la libertad.
A film about a small-time gangster, a loser who seems is finally on the road of going straight.
La última nieve de primavera
Después de la muerte de su mamá, Luca tiene problemas con su padre por su nueva relación, que no acepta. A la vez el padre dedica demasiado tiempo a su trabajo, lo que produce un distanciamiento. Para recuperar el afecto de su hijo, el hombre decide llevarlo a esquiar. Pasan momentos felices hasta que, como consecuencia de una caída, se le diagnostica a Luca una leucemia. De vuelta en casa, el chico va empeorando hasta morir en brazos del padre.
A Trap for the General
Doktor, obaveštajac OZNE
Immediately after the war, OZNA insert an outstanding intelligence agent to catch the General Draza Mihajlovic.
La quebrada del diablo
Captain Victor Kaleb
A un capitán, que ha desertado del ejército tras herir a un superior, se le concede el indulto a cambio de conducir un pequeño cargamento a través de territorío apache.
Los libertinos
Dax Xenos
Adaptación de un best seller de Harold Robbins ambientado en un imaginario país sudamericano en el que tiene lugar una revolución. Considerables dosis de sexo y violencia para un filme que obtuvo críticas bastante negativas.
Do Not Mention the Cause of Death
In an atmosphere of WWII, a village dyer wants to help his folks in their sorrow and distress by supplying them with the black paint, but there is not enough black paint for all of them, because death works faster than the dyer. His wife was raped, but the naive dyer believes in "straight" intentions of his godfather - black marketeer, and he gives away free canvas to the people. But in all their pain, people are unable to distinguish good intentions from the evil ones.
Odysseus' journey told in Homer's Iliad and Odyssey. After fighting in the Trojan War, Odysseus spends years trying to return home to Itaka.
Ivo Bajšić
A man cannot bear the superficiality of human relationships, and when his best friend lets him down, he commits suicide by jumping off a skyscraper.
I Even Met Happy Gypsies
The protagonist, Bora, is a charming but mean-spirited gypsy, while his older wife, Lence, is submissive. Bora is in love with the younger Tisa, who is being offered in marriage by her father. The two get themselves in trouble and eventually have to flee. Tisa rejects her husband and she and Bora get married in the church, and their adventures continue.
The Feverish Years
A story about two people who didn't find their way in big city. He came from the countryside and works in steel factory, she's working in factory restaurant. Their lives change when they meet and fall in love.
The Time of Love
Milija, trubač (segment "Put")
"The Time of Love" is omnibus of two parts. Part I: Experiences and growing up of a 16 years old girl without much of parents' attention. Part II: A brother looks for a husband for his sickly sister, but during that search she finds her true love.
The Swarm
Halil Beg
During turbulent times of the First Serbian uprising in 1804, on a freshly liberated land, a woman who betrayed her husband to the Turks has been taken to the court. A complicated truth and the real motives of the case get overlooked by the judge, a neutral Turk.
A group of people go on a picnic in the mountains. Longing for some love and understanding, they try to get close to one another, but the barriers are insurmountable. Failing to pull through their nutshells of solitude, they get back to the city, the eternal desert.
The Girl
A lyrical fourfold perspective on WWII through the eyes of a young partisan couple, a town photographer and a German officer.
Shoot and It Shall Open
Three young delinquents, two boys and a girl - go through their personal drama alongside wrongdoings they do. The local chief inspector gives his best to help them, besides the fact that he's beholden to arrest them.
The Enemy
An ex-soldier named Slobodan Antic, referred to by a friend as one of the last idealists, finds himself losing control over his own life when a man identical to him starts following him around, claiming to be a friend but behaving suspiciously. Before long his dealings with this doppelganger begin to cost him and his professional and romantic life grow more and more confused.
Under the Same Sky
Three partisans come to a fascist held town at the end of the war to create diversions. Their protector is tortured to reveal their whereabouts, but the partisans arrive in time.
Marić, poručnik Kraljevske vojske
A mysterious person is killing pro-Nazi officials in a small Serbian town. A group of children accidentally reveal his identity.